Undergraduate education
Notice on organizing a special lecture on the transformation of genetic artificial intelligence and teaching methods
Release time: October 25, 2023 17:10    Author:    点击:[]

Teaching units, teachers:

To further enhance the information of our school's teachers,HelpTeachers Optimize the teaching process by generating artificial intelligence assistance during the teaching process,Improve teaching efficiency,Empowering teachers' professional development,Promoting curriculum teaching reform and innovation, Teaching Promotion and Teacher Development Center decides to holdGenesis artificial intelligence and teaching methods changeSpecial lecture. The specific notice is as follows:

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Genesis artificial intelligence and teaching methods change action

2. Lecture content

Chatgpt appears,It has caused great attention to the education community in the field of generated artificial intelligence (AIGC),Some universities began to actively take action to respond to their challenges for higher education。How to make good use of genetic artificial intelligence to promote teaching methods,Adaptation to the development trend of China's education reform? Professor Li Gong will use generative format learning、Dialogue learning、Action -style learning、How to learn minimalist learning,Lead the teachers to reconnect education and teaching with the generated artificial intelligence。

3, Lord Lector

 Li Ronghuo,Professor of the Department of Education and Technology, School of Education, Shanghai Normal University,Professional direction is teacher education informationization。Member of the National Teacher Education Informatization Expert Committee of the Ministry of Education,Experts from the Basic Education Project Team of the Ministry of Education for the construction of basic education project team。

4. Lecture time and place

 Location: South Building of the Central Campus231

 Time:October 31, 2023 (Tuesday)

 morning9: 00-11: 30;

 Afternoon14: 30-17: 00

Five,Participants and methods

Please actively organize the intended to participate in the teacher teaching innovation contest and other teaching competitions、Teachers who intend to apply for first -class courses and curriculum ideological and political demonstration courses participate in this training activity。

 Please click on the link or scan the following QR code registration,Classroom capacity is limited,Report first,Full!


6. Event requirements

 Please sign up for the teacher with your ownLaptural ComputerWin10/11 system,Can translate English page with Microsoft EGDE browser) andInsert

Seven, contact and telephone

 Teacher Sun 0531-88364240

Undergraduate Stadium Teaching Promotion and Teacher Development Center

October 25, 2023



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