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In June 2021, batch defense of the job of the master of the work of the work of the job of the pre -evaluation results of the pre -evaluation results
Release time: January 25, 2021 16:33    Author:    点击:[]

June 2021 Batch Defense to defense the work of the Master of Workshop Master's Thesis School's pre -evaluation work has been completed,There are 22 students who pass the college pre -review,For details2021-06I plan to graduate at the preliminary list of the employee college"(Annex1)Students who have not been in the list are not qualified for review,The college will no longer notify me。

Pre -reviewThose who qualify need m88 live casino gamesmonth23DayPre -Submit anonymous review paper,Participate in an anonymous review of the dissertation of the defense degree thesis organized by the college。Specific arrangements are as follows:

1. You need to submit an anonymous evaluation of the papers in the job engineering master's degree:

1. 2021Years1Month passesPreparatory review of the Master of Working in the Ladies of Working Works;

2. Participate in2020Years6month and2020Years12Monthly batch thesis anonymous review,The results of the review are more modified;

2. Material submission requirements:

1. Electronic version degree thesis needsAccording to the "Specification of the Dissertation of Shandong University" (attachment2) Writing, and according to anonymous review requirementsName of the author and mentor, thesisCover, Publishing Listing ListandThanks, etc.Materials should also be hidden accordingly. File Name Rules"Learning Number-Name-Thesis title "

2. "Anonymous Review Book"(Annexal3Press the red letter prompt, fill in"Applicants Fill in". File name name "Learning Number-Name-Anonymous Review Book "

3. 2021Years2month23A few days ago, send an anonymous review thesis electronic version and the "Anonymous Review Book" that fills in personal information to the mailbox of the School of Electrical

  Three, Tuition Tuition:

On -the -job graduate studentsinSubmit the formal defense degree thesis to participate in pre -school pre -review,It should be ensured that the tuition fee has been paidSelf2017Years5from the month,On -the -job graduate students officially enabled the online payment platform for payment,The specific process of online payment is detailed (attachment4). The payment platform website is:。Check whether my information is accurate before paying the fee,Read the relevant instructions on the bank payment page carefully; entrust others to pay for time,Please keep your own username and password。Students' bills are printed uniformly by the Finance Department after paying the fee,The graduate secretary of each college is responsible for receiving and distributed to students。After the student's payment is successful,When querying the payment situation,can be logged inhttp://, or through Homepage of Shandong UniversityFast Channel→ "Financial System"→"User Number/Password/Add code(User name: Xue Number,The initial password is: ID number,Alphabet in the ID number in ID card)→ "Financial query"→"My charge query"→"Student charging detailed query"→Query function selectionUndergraduate/Graduate personal arrears queryQuery payment situation. You can also beUndergraduate/Graduate personal arrears queryClick the school number to query the fine payment situation under the interface.For tuition fees, please consult the Toll Management and Student Affairs Department of the Ministry of Finance,Contact number:0531-88364534

Special reminder: All students who are defense must strictly adhere to academic ethics and academic norms。Fake a dissertation on the dissertation,The academic misconduct,It will be dealt with seriously in accordance with relevant national and school regulations,The processing results will be included in the personal integrity system and notified the unit where the unit is located。

Annex:12021-06I plan to graduate at the preliminary list of the employee college

     2Specifications for Degree thesis of Shandong University

     3, anonymous review book

     4, on -the -job graduate payment process

                                     School of Electrical Engineering


  • Annex [Annex .zip] Downloadedtimes

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