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Electric Vehicle Power Grid Access Technology National Local Joint Engineering Lab
Release time: 16:06 on April 13, 2020    Author:    点击:[]

Electric Vehicle Power Grid Access Technology National Local Joint Engineering Lab

National Joint Engineering Laboratory of

Power Grid with Electric Vehicles

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The State Joint Engineering Laboratory of the State Joint Engineering Laboratory (Shandong) is relied on Shandong University,Joint accumulated accumulation of electronics Co., Ltd. in October 2016 with the National Scientific Research Innovation Platform approved by the National Development and Reform Commission。The laboratory facing the cross -integration of two hundred billion -level industrial chains for new energy vehicles and smart grid equipment for the development of major strategic needs,旨在推进国家创新体系建设和国家、The reasonable layout of the two levels of innovative basic capabilities at the local level,为促进区域产业发展、解决行业发展关键技术发挥巨大作用。

实验室根据国家和地方产业发展的需求,Close to the National Energy Revolution and Electrical Energy Alternative Strategy,Tightly focusing on the key problems generated by large -scale electric vehicles and large -scale renewable energy sources,Solving the major key to solving the field of modern power grid、Basic、Common technical problems,Improve the overall level of the industry。The theoretical highland and new technology distribution center for large -scale acceptance of electric vehicles for renewable energy and electricity,Promote scientific research results into complete technologies with independent intellectual property rights,加速技术转化和技术成果工程化、Industrialization,缩短技术转移和推广应用的周期。通过研究开发造就一支富有创新精神、High academic level、Research and Development Team with strong management ability,Cultivate a group of promotion and application talents that master the automation technology of power systems; the policy of using mechanism innovation and technological innovation,通过建设高水平的创新与产业化基地,Implementation technology、benefits、Talent three aspects of virtuous cycle。

实验室将电动汽车与储能检测技术、可再生能源电网物理模拟试验技术、Electric vehicle and energy storage cluster control technology、Advanced power transformation and transmission technology、Advanced Electric Drive Technology、Integration of energy network and transportation network as the main direction of future development; for three years, a total of more than 100 million yuan in scientific research funds,Get the country、More than 60 items of provincial and ministerial projects,Publishing monograph 3,Published more than 120 papers at the famous academic journals at home and abroad and international academic conferences,More than 50 authorized invention patents (including 3 US patents)。The laboratory will promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry and enhance the competitiveness of the industry,加快我国生态文明建设,实现绿色发展提供强有力的保障。

2. The latest dynamics

实验室积极参与国家地方经济建设,It is a member unit of the Chinese Automobile Engineering Society、China Electrician Technology Society Electric Vehicle Charging and Replacement System and Pilot Professional Committee member unit、山东省汽车行业协会理事单位、Vice Chairman Unit of the Shandong Provincial Energy Society。

Laboratory based on Jinan,Radiation Shandong,Has cooperated with the Texas People's Government to co -build a laboratory,Signed agreement,齐河县政府将在黄河北岸、Qilu High -tech Zone in Qihe provides 6000 square meters of single -house scientific research building,每年拨付200万元用于实验室运行。实验大楼目前已具备交付使用的条件。计划通过3-5年建设和发展,The technical research and development center of the development of the laboratory into a key technology industry chain of electric vehicles、New Technology and New Product Incubation Center、Regional electric vehicle enterprise gathering center、High -level Talent Training Center,Drive the upgrade and comprehensive development of the area of ​​the electric vehicle industry,Promoting the industrial transformation and upgrading of Shandong Province。

    实验室与国网山东省电力公司、State Grid Shandong Provincial Institute of Electricity Sciences、国网(山东)电动汽车服务有限公司、Shandong Luneng Smart Technology Co., Ltd. has reached an initial agreement,Build a domestic advanced level of charging equipment test detection assembly line,Electrical performance of the DC charging equipment、Interoperability test、Agreement consistency、Measurement、Safety Regulations and other functional tests,Test capacity meets 480kW DC charging facilities and three -phase 63A AC charging facilities test requirements。Become the province's new energy vehicle pan -power IoT technology research test base,With electric vehicle charging equipment type test evaluation capabilities、Network test detection ability,and the test verification and testing of the core components of new energy vehicles。On this basis。

实验室与烟台招远市政府、Shandong Ultra New Energy Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Cooperative construction innovation platform-Shanda Zhaoyuan New Energy Automobile Research Institute has signed an agreement,Zhaoyuan People's Government and Shandong Alum New Energy Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. provide 3 million yuan of research funds for the New Energy Automobile Research Institute per year during the cooperation period,After signing the contract,研究院将充分依托实验室学科、Talent resource advantages and resource advantages of Outm's new energy vehicle manufacturing,Research in scientific and technological science、Talent Training、制造管理等方面开展合作,Two -way interaction,Fusion Development,进一步促进实验室学科科研成果转化,为服务山东新旧动能转换、Help the high -quality development of the local economy to make contributions。

实验室与淄博市市政府、Shandong Kehui Power Automation Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement,In the "advantage complementary、Resource sharing、Promotion of each other "principle,From Kehui and Zibo Municipal Government, it jointly contributed 17.5 million yuan,Established Shandong University-Zibo Advanced Motor Technology Research Institute,Combined with the strong discipline power of the laboratory,开发新能源汽车先进电机,Support、促进淄博电机产业发展。

Laboratory and Qingdao Haier Group Co., Ltd. co-established "Shandong University-Haier Smart Energy Lab",The industrial resources and laboratory scientific research talent resources of Haier Energy will be integrated,建立包含电、Hot、Qi and other energy media、Testing environment for various energy scenarios such as industry and commerce and residents,The main R & D direction includes energy consumption and cost holographic perception prediction technology、Energy production and utilization of real -time control technology、区域综合能源协同调度等关键技术等,Integrated advantageous resources,Passing through production、Learning、Research and exchange cooperation,Promoting the school and enterprise as the leading research institutions and smart energy companies in China,为山东省新旧动能转换、为助力青岛地方经济发展做出贡献。

The laboratory has obtained the detection qualification of the relevant standards of electric vehicle charging pile certified by the Quality Supervision Bureau of Shandong Province,可以利用实验室的设备和技术优势,On the basis of providing verification services for the school's scientific research,At the same time, it provides high -quality detection and measurement services for the society; it also proves that the quality management system of the engineering laboratory has met national standard requirements


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