Electric Power System Research Institute
Dong Xiaoming
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Electric Power System Research Institute

Academic identity

Experts in the Electric Power Industry of Shandong Province; IEEE MEMBER

Work experience

2022.7 -to this day          Associate Professor of the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University

2018.12-2019.12   Nanyang University of Science and Technology University Visiting Scholars

2015.7 -2022.7      Associate Researcher at the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University

2013.7 -2015.7      Assistant researcher at the Department of Electrical Department of Tsinghua University

Personal information


Dong Xiaoming



Date of birth



Jinan City, Shandong Province


Associate Professor







Research direction

The main research field is concentrated in the calculation and analysis method of the power network value calculation and analysis method。Specifically divided into three aspects:

1. Calculation method study of power grid transmission capacity.

2. Study of static voltage stability assessment methods of the power system.

3、The operating characteristics of the interconnection grid and the study of its calculation analysis method

Academic works

[1] yue ma, xiaoming dong*, et. Al. Robust Optimization Model of Flexible Distribution Network Considering Source-Load UNCERTAINTY, Electrical Power System Research, 223 (2023): 109698.

[2] xiaoming dong, FAN Chen, ET. Al. Scopf Considering Voltage and Power Fluction Under Renewable Energy Integration. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2023, 153: 109273.

[3] yong Wang, yan Wang, xiaoming dong*, ET. Al. Assessment for Capacity of Wind-Storage Integration System Considering Electro-theermal Coupling of Overhead Transmission Lines, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3238992.

[4] xueyong jia, xiaoming dong*, et al. Static Voltage Stability Assessment Considering Impacts of Ambient Conditions on Overhead Transmission lines. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2022, Doi: 10.1109/TIA.2022.3195974.

[5] XIaoming dong, yue ma, et al. An Improved Power Flow Calculation Method Based on Linear Regression for Multi-Area Networks International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022, 142: 108385.

[6] XIaoming dong, xupeng hao, et al. A distributed power transfer limit calling method for multi-rea interconnection power, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, SEPT. 2021, 36, 5, PP. 4723-4732.

[7] XIaoming dong, xupeng hao, ET al. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, SEP. 2020, 120: 105953.

[8] xiaoming dong, Ruiqi zhang, ET. Al. CaPacity Assessment for Wind Power Integration Considering Transmission Line Electro-Theermal Inrtia [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, jan. 2020, 118: 105724.

[9] Quan Chen, xiaoming dong*, et al. Power Flow Analysis of AC-DC Networks Considering Hierarchical Connection Technique [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Feb. 2020, 115: 105493.

[10] xiaoming dong, Chongqing Kang, Et Al. Estimating the Wind Power Integration Threshold Considering Electro-theermal Coupling of Overhead Transmission line [j]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 34, NO. 5, pp. 3349-3358, set. 2019.

[11] Chengfu Wang, xijuan Li, zhaoqing wang, xiaoming dong*, et al. Day-Ahead Unit Commission Methodily Consider Sequence Feature of Wind Power Forecast Error [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, jun. 2018, 98: 156-166.

[12] xiaoming dong, Chengfu Wang, et al. Calculation of optimal load margin base International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, jan. 2018, 94: 225-233.

[13] xiaoming dong*(C), Hua Sun, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, AUG. 11 2017, 53 (6): 5200-5208.

[14] xiaoming dong, Chongqing Kang, et al. Analysis of Power Transfer Limit Considering Thermal Balance of Overhead Conductors. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, Oct. 26 2015, 9 (14): 2007-2013.

[15] xiaoming dong, Chongqing Kang, et al. Estimating Life-complete Energy Payback Ratio of Overhead Transmission Line Toward Low-Carbon Development. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, mar. 2015, 3 (1): 123-130.

[16] xiaoming dong, Chengfu Wang, et al. Calculation of Power Transfer Limit Considering Electro-theermal Coupling of Overhead Transmission line [j]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, jan. 10 2014, 29 (4): 1503-1511.

[17] Jia Xueyong,Dong Xiaoming*,, etc., etc. Consider meteorological and geographical factors Calculation and sensitivity analysis [J]. Automation of power system. 2022, 46 (21): 106-115.

[18] Wang Chaochao,Dong Xiaoming*,, etc. Consider the model modeling method of the power information physics system with multi -layer coupling characteristics [J]. Electricity system automation. 2021, 45 (3): 83-91.

[19] Chen Quan,Dong Xiaoming*,, etc.. Classic non -cooperative game trend distribution models for the minimum number of boot number [J]. Electric power system automation. 2020, 44 (10): 111-118.

[20] Zhang Ruiqi,Dong Xiaoming*,et al. Elementary life of new energy access channels for electric heating coupling of the line [J]. Automation of power system. 2020, 44 (3): 83-88.

[21] Dong Xiaoming*,Liang Jun,et al., Analysis and improvement of continuous trend parameters and step -long control [J]. Electricity automation. 2011, 35 (13): 49-53.

[22]Dong Xiaoming*,Liang Jun,et al., And the continuous trend model and calculation of the temperature changes of the power transmission line [J]. ElectricPower system protection and control. 2012,40 (23): 36-41.


undertaking scientific research projects

[1] Under the target of dual carbon targets and the orderly transformation of high -density energy conversion of diversified energy flow interactive coupling key technology and engineering platform research (National Natural Science Foundation of China)

[2] Research on the power flow analysis of power grid -based power grid -based mining and its optimized regulatory method (Shandong Province Natural Science Foundation)

[3] New energy grid -connected operation simulation and assessment method of meteorological factors (China Fund for Doctoral Science Fund)

[4] Study on the Planning and Extension Planning Method of the Strong Local Power Grid Relief for Elasticity (State Grid Corporation)

[5] Thousands of kilowatts of layered connection DC system dynamic behavior mechanism and coordination control measures (State Grid Corporation)


Academic Type

Teaching and Scientific Research Type


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