Research Institute of Relay Protection
Gao Houlei
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Research Institute of Relay Protection

Academic identity

Member of the Special Committee of the Power System Protection and Control Society of China Electricity Technology、"Power System Protection and Control" magazine editor board board、"Protection and Control of Modern Power System"" Editorial Committee of the magazine,Member of ieeeSenior member of the Chinese Electrical Engineering Society

Work experience

2001-So farShandong UniversityProfessor, blog director;

2004,2-2005,12 UKQueen ’s UniversitySenior visiting scholar;

1988-2000 Shandong University of TechnologyLecturer,Associate Professor;

1983-1985 Shandong University of TechnologyTeacher;

1993-1997  Tianjin University Power System and its automation majorDoctor of Engineering

1985-1988  Shandong University of Technology's power system and its automation majorMaster of Engineering

1979-1983  Relay Protection Protection of Electricity System of Shandong University of TechnologyBachelor of Engineering

Personal information


Gao Houlei



Date of birth



Tengzhou, Shandong

Professional title








Research direction

Electricity Grid Protection: Ring Wave Protection,Full information protection,Failing distance

Smart substation protection and control: electronic transformer,Site domain protection,hierarchical protection

Intelligent distribution network protection and control: includingdgAnalysis and protection method of fault characteristics of distribution network,distributed feeder automation

Academic works

Published on academic journals and international conferences at home and abroad170The excerpt of some papers is as follows:

1.Li Juan,Gao Houlei, Xu Bingyi, etc..IncludesdgPoor of the distribution network differential protection self -synchronization principle and error analysis[j]. Automation of power system,201640(9)78-85

2.Li Juan,Gao Houlei, Zhu Guozhi.Consider the inverse classdgThe active distribution grid of the characteristic distribution network reverse time limit current difference protection[j].Journal of Electrician Technology,2016,3117):177-186

3.Cheng Chao,Gao Houlei, Zou Guibin. One device transformation of distribution network that improves distributed power acceptance capabilities[j]. Electric automation equipment,2016,366:102-107

4.Peng Fang,Gao Houlei,Liu Yiqing,etc..  Based onRTDS-getNetSmart substation protection device practical test technology and solution[j]. Electric automation equipment,2016,365:160-165

5.zhang  shuai, Gao Houlei, song yingtao. A New Fault Location Algorithm For  Extra-High Voltage Mixed Lines Based on Phase Characteristics of Hyperbolic  tangent function [j].  IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, VOL.31,No.3  , june 2016.

6.dong  Wang, Houlei Gao, Sibei Luo, And Guibin Zou. Ultra-High-Speed  Travelling Wave Protection of Transmission Line USing Polarity Comparison  Principle Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition [J].  Mathematical  PROBLEMS in Engineering, Vol. 2015, 9 pages, Doi: 10.1155/2015/195170.

7.Houlei  GAO,  DONG WANG, Min Jiang Xiang, GUIBIN ZOU. Travelling Wave Fault LOCATION  Principle Based on Differential Output of Rogowski Coil [C]. The 6th International  Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection (Apap2015),  set. 2015: 777-781.

8.Sibei  Luo, Houlei Gao, DONG WANG, GUIBIN ZOU. High-sited and  High-Reliability Protection Scheme for EHV/UHV Transmission Lines in Smart  substation [C].. The 6th International Conference on Advanced Power System  Automation and Protection (Apap2015), set. 2015: 43-49.

9.Guo Yifei,Gao Houlei. DC partial magnetism affects the characteristics of the temporary transmission characteristics of the current transformer.[j]. Electric automation equipment,2015,12: 126-131

10.Gao Houlei,Li Juan,Zhu Guozhi,etc..  Discussion on Application Technology of Disciplinary Application Technology of Disciplinary Disposal Differential Watching Grid[j]. Power system protection and control, 2014,05: 40-44.

11.ZOU Guibin, GAO  Houlei. Extra High Speed ​​Hybrid Protection Scheme for High Voltage  Transmission line [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy  Systems, 2014, 63 (12): 83–90.

12.ZOU Guibin, GAO  Houlei. Fast Pilot Protection Method Based on Waveform Integral of  Traveling Wave [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy  Systems, 2013, 50 (11): 1–8.

13.​​Guibin ZouHoulei  GAO.  A Traveling-WAVE-BASED AMPLITUDE Integral Busbar Protection Technique, , IEEE  Transactions on Power Delivery , VOL.27, No.2, PP.602-609, April 2012.

14.Gao Houlei,Yang Rui,Wang Dong, etc..  Electronic voltage transformer transmission characteristics analysis and test[j]. Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University, 2014,05: 114-118.

15.Gao Houlei,Chen Xuewei,Liu Hongzheng,etc..  Double -end non -synchronized data faulty -metering algorithm based on the improvement parameter detection method[j]. Power Automation Equipment, 2014,09: 27-32.

16.Chen Xuewei,Gao Houlei,Xiangjiang,etc..  improvement of micro -output based on electronic transformersR-LModel distance protection algorithm[j].  Journal of Electrician Technology, 2014,06: 283-289.

17.Gao Houlei,Liu Yiqing,Su Jianjun,etc..  Research on the Research on New Type Reserve Research[j]. Power system protection and control, 2013,02: 32-38.

18.Zhang Linli,Gao Houlei,Xu Bingyi,etc..  Small current land fault positioning method guided by the zero sequence -based sequence[j]. Electricity system automation, 2012,20: 94-98.

19.Xiangjiang,Gao Houlei,An Yanqiu,etc..  An adaptive interpolation algorithm that improves data synchronization accuracy[j]. Electricity system automation, 2012,08: 77-81+91.

20.Liu Yiqing,Gao Houlei, Wei Xin,etc. .  Integration of process layers and intervals in the intelligent substationIED29292_293042011,352158-62

21.Liu Yiqing,Gao Houlei, Gao Weicong. New method for processing data processing for digital transformation stations, automatic power system,2011,3515

22.Yuan Jianhua,Gao Houlei,Peak,etc..  The photovoltaic inverter parallel control strategy in the DC microscopic grid[j]. Grid Technology, 2012,08: 19-23.

23.Shi Xian is good,Gao Houlei, Xiangjiang, etc.IEEE1588Clock synchronization protocols in the digital transformation station explore, power automation equipment,20114

24.Xu Ming,Gao Houlei, etc.Based on the equivalence of pointsCVTerror correction method, automation system automation,2011351:71-75

25.Pang Qingle,Gao Houlei, Du Qiang, etc.. Protection and control method for smart distribution networks,Power system protection and control,20103821:28-32

26.Hou Meiyi,Gao Houlei,Liu Bingxu,etc..  New method of testing based on phase offset islands[j]. Power Automation Equipment, 2009,29 (11): 22-26.

27.Gao Houlei,Tian Jia,Du Qiang,etc..  New technology for energy developmentdistributed power generation[j].  Journal of Shandong University(Engineering version),2009,39 (5): 106-110.

28.Xu Ming,Gao Houlei,Zou Guibin,etc..  New method of oscillating modeling based on instantaneous frequency protection[j]. Electricity system automation, 2009,33 (9): 37-40.

29.Ma Shicong,Gao Houlei,Xu Bingyi,etc..  Summary of fault positioning technology of distribution network[j]. Power system protection and control,2009,37 (11): 119-123.

30.Zou Guibin,Gao Houlei,Jiang Shifang,etc..  New Temporary State Delivery Value Value Comparison ultra -high -speed direction protection[j]. China Electrical Engineering Journal, 2009,29 (7): 84-90.

31.Zou Guibin,Gao Houlei,Xu Ming,etc..  A method of extraction method of a high -voltage grid voltage rolling signal[j]. Electricity system automation, 2009,33 (2): 71-74.

32.Houlei Gao, P. A. Crossley.  Design and Evaluation of a Directional Algorithm for Transmission line  Protection Based on Positive Sequence Fault Components. IEE  Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution2006,  Vol. 153, no. 6: 711-718

33.Houlei Gao, jiali he, shifang  jiang, GPS Synchronized Digital Currential Protection for  Transmission lines, Electric Power System Research, Vol. 62, 2002: 29-36

34.Gao Houlei,Jiang Shifang,He family Li.  Based onGPScurrent vertical protection design and test[j].  Electricity system automation, 2001, (21): 61-65.

35.Gao Houlei,An Yanqiu,Jiang Shifang.  Ultra -high pressureTHigh -precision fault metering algorithm research[j].  Electricity system automation, 2001, (20): 51-54.

36.Gao Houlei. New judgment of current longitudinal longitudinal protection of the current value of the instantaneous value of the fault component[j]. Electricity system automation, 2000, (16): 21-24.

37.Gao Houlei,Jiang Shifang,He family Li.  Study on the Protection of New Disposal Protection of Pasting Line[j]. China Electrical Engineering Journal, 1999,19 (8): 49-53.

38.Gao Houlei,Jiang Shifang,He family Li.  Several sampling synchronization methods in digital current deviation protection[j]. Electricity system automation, 1996,20 (9): 46-53.

39.Gao Houlei, Li Jiwen, Wen Feng, etc.. GPSand its application in the power system[j]. Electricity system automation, 1995,19 (9): 41-44.

40.Gao Houlei, He family Li, Li Yongli, etc.. ApplicationGPSDigital current differential moving protection[j]. Power System and its automatic chemistry, 1994,6 (4): 63-68.


undertaking scientific research projects

Presides the National Natural Science Foundation of China,863Sub -topics, provincial and ministerial funds and horizontal cooperation topics30remaining; won the Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award4item, Shandong Electric Power Technology Award6item; authorized invention patent10item. The recent subjects are as follows:

1.Large -scale DC Mixed Power grid failure characteristics analysis and protection,National Key R & D Plan Special Project,2016yfbo9006032016-2021

2.Electronic intestines row wave transmission characteristics analysis and application technology research,National Nature Fund on the project,511770942012-2015

3.Smart distribution network new type relay protection, country863Project sub -topic,2012aa050213-062012-2015

4.Principles and Application Technology Research of Reserve Protection and Application Technology in the Lord and Post -separation Mode,State Grid Xuji Group Technology Project,2016-2017

5.Research on the operation control technology of distributed grid operations that adapt to distributed power supply,State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Key Project,2014-2016

6.Distributed feedback automation and fast protection control technology research,State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Science and Technology Project,2013-2014

7.Key technical research and development,State Grid Company Key Technology Project,2012-2014


Academic Type

academic type, professional type

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