Institute of Electronics and Electric Transmission
Wang Guangzhu
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Institute of Electronics and Electronic Technology

Academic identity

Enjoy experts from the State Council's special allowance

Work experience

1987Year6Master of Monthly graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology to teach to the present;

1990Year (lecturer),1994Year (Associate Professor),2000Year (professor).

2003Year of CanadaUniversity of AlbertaBe a senior visiting scholar.

Personal information


Wang Guangzhu



Date of birth



Shandong Gao Tang








Research direction

1.  Application of electronic electronic technology in the power system: Flexible DC transmission transformation technology,Statcom、Electricity source filter、Unified trend controller, etc.,and photovoltaic power generation grid -connected technology, etc.。

2.  Electric Electronics System and its controlHigh -frequency switch power supply、Reverse power supply、Electric car converter、New power electronic circuits and systems such as wireless power transmission technology。

Academic works

1. Recently published academic papers

1.Wang Guangzhu, Li Feng,Wang Fengrong,Sun Changpeng,Liu Rufeng,Modular multi -level converter simulation simulation technology, the automation of the power system,2015,(14):145-150

2.Wang Guangzhu,Sun Changpeng,Liu Rufeng,Wang Fengrong,Li Feng,Modular multi -level converter comprehensive control strategy based on bridge arm current control, Journal of Electrical Engineering,20153502):458-464

3.Wang Guangzhu,Jia Chunjuan,Zhang Libin,A new method of precise positioning of a low -voltage electric cable failure with steel armor, the automation of the power system,20143803):161-165

4.Wang Guangzhu,Modular multi -level stream replacement bridge arm current direct control scheme, the automation of the power system,20 133715):35-39+46

5.Wang Guangzhu, Wang Yubin, Jia Chunjuan, parameter changes to the parabolicPWMThe impact of current control and its countermeasures, Journal of Electrical Engineering,2012,(36):9-14+20

6.Wang Guangzhu, Wang Hui, Li Qingmin, three -phase parabolic line PWM The current controls the decouples method(Method II), Journal of Electrical Engineering,20123228):61-66

7.Wang Guangzhu, Wang Hui, Li Qingmin, three -phase parabolic line PWM The current controls the decouples method(Method I), Journal of Electrical Engineering,20123227):104-109

8.Wang Guangzhu, Li Qingmin, parabolicPWMAnalysis of current control stability, China Electrical Engineering Journal,201 13124):46-51

9.Wang, Guangzhuli, yun weiParabolic PWM for Current Control of  VOLTAGE-SOURCE Converters (vscs)IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics20105710):3491-3496

10.Li Feng,Wang Guangzhu,Liu Rufeng,Modular multi -level matrix converter Low -frequency control method,Electricity SystemAutomation,2016402):127-133

11.Li Feng,Wang Guangzhu,Modular multi -level matrix converter Capacity voltage ripple steady -state analysis,Chinese motorJournal of Engineering,20133324):52-58+9

12.Wang Mingda, Liang Jun, Wang Guangzhu, etc., based on a single starMMCNew typeStatcomand its control strategy, automation system automation,2015,(18):108-113

13.Wang Guangzhu, Li Feng,Grouping Precharge  Method for Modular Multilevelly Converters2015 IEEE INTERNAL FUNERGY ELECTNOCS  Conference (2015 IEEE IFEEC)2015.11.1-2015.11.5

14.Guangzhu  wangFENG LiIntegrated Control Strategies of Modular  Multilevel Converters using Arm Current Control in Back-Back Systems2014 IEEE International Power  Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition (IEEE PEAC 2014)184-190SHANGHAI2014.11.5-2014.11.8

15.Ou Zhu Jian, Wang Guangzhu, Li Feng,TWO Control  Strategies of Modular Multilevel Converter in Rectifier Side Based on Arm  Current Under Unbalanced Voltage Condition2015 IEEE 5th International Conference on Electric Utility  Dereguration and RESTRUCTING and Power Technologies (DRPT 2015), Changsha,2015.11.26-2015.11.29

16.Wu Qin, Wang Guangzhu, Feng Jianzhou, Shang Xiujuan,A Comprehensive  Control Scheme of Modular Multilevelly Converter-Based Power Electronic  Transformer2015 IEEEE  5th International Conference on Electric Utility Dereguelation and  RESTRUCTURING and Power TechNologies (DRPT 2015), Changsha,2015.11.26-2015.11.26

17.Shang Xiujuan, Wang Guangzhu, Li Feng, Wu Qin,Low Output Frequency  Operation of Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter2015 IEEE 5th International Conference  On Electric Utility Dereguelation and RESTRUCTURING and POWER  Technology (DRPT 2015), Changsha,2015.11.26-2015.11.29

18.FENG Li Guangzhu WangA NOVEL COMPREHENSIVE Control Scheme of  Low Frequency of the Modular Multilevel Converter2014 IEEE International Power  Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition (IEEE PEAC 2014)173-179SHANGHAI2014.11.5-2014.11.8

19.LANHUA  zhang Guangzhu  wangVOLTAGE BALANCING  Control of a Nivel Modular Multilevel ConverterElectric Utility Dereguelation and RESTRURURURING and POWER  Technology (DRPT), 2011 4th International Conference onWeihai2011.7.6-2011.7.9

2. Recently authorized invention patents

1.Wang Guangzhu,Wang Mingda,Modular multi -level converter Capacity voltage self -balanced circuit,2015.12.9-2035.12  .9, China,CN201310694315.6

2.Wang Guangzhu,Wang Fengrong,Li Feng,Zhang Lanhua,Sun Changpeng,Liu Rufeng,PWMPower Converter simulation simulation circuitand simulation methods,2015.7.1-2035.7.1, China,CN201310244587.6

3.Wang Guangzhu,A modular multi -level matrix converter capacitor pre -charging system and method,2015.5.20-2035.  5.20, China,CN201210562824.9

4.Wang Guangzhu,A modular multi -level converter capacitor group pre -charged system and method,2015.7.8-2035  .7.8, China,CN201210350682.x

5.Wang Guangzhu, a matrix type intersection-Attach high -voltage inverter topology,2014.7.16-2034.7.16, China,C n201210066019.7

6.Wang Guangzhu,Zhang Lanhua,A comprehensive control system and method of a modular multi -level converter,2013.1.2-  2033.1.2, China,CN201110050759.7

undertaking scientific research projects

Host National Nature Fund Project2item,863Subtitition1items, provincial and ministerial levels and horizontal topics10

Academic Type

Academic, professional graduate students


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