High voltage and insulation Technology Research Institute
Zhao Tong
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High voltage and insulation Technology Research Institute

Shandong Province's UHV transformation and transformation technology and equipment key laboratory

Academic identity

Member of the Electric Engineering and Electric Chemical Teaching Committee of Higher Engineering Education、Member of the Shandong Electrician Electric Engineering Society discharged plasma and applied professional committee、Member of the Chinese Electrical Engineering Society、Member of the China Electrician Technology Society,IEEE MEMBER

Work experience

2022/09-So far, Shandong University, School of Electrical Engineering, professor;

2010/07-2022/08, Shandong University, School of Electrical Engineering, Associate Professor;

2008/07-2010/06,Tsinghua University,Electronic Technology Department of Electrical Engineering and Application,Assistant Researcher/Postdoctoral.

Personal information


Zhao Tong



Date of birth



Shandong Zibo







Research direction

High voltage insulation agency phenomenon and theory

Discharge physical and plasma technology

Monitoring and operation and maintenance management of state -transmission and transformation equipment status and operation maintenance management, etc.

Academic works

Some communication authors in the past five years/First AuthorJournal thesis:

[1] huichao Wang, tong zhao*, Zichen Wang, xiaolong Wang, DAOHan wang, Yuantao zhang. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Cancer Cell Membrane Electropy Under the Plasma Electric Field Effect. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2022, 19 (11): E2200159. Journal cover articles

[2] huichao Wang, tong zhao*, xiaolong Wang, daohan Wang, YUANTAO ZHANG. Reaxff-Based Molecular Dynamics Simulating of the Interactions Between Oh Radicals in Plasma And SUCCINATE Dehydrogenase I n cancer cell mitochondria. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2022, 19 (8): E2200083. (Journal cover article)

[3] YANXIU CUI, tong zhao*, huichao Wang, xiaolong Wang, daohan Wang, YUANTAO ZHANG. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Transmembrane Transport Process of Reactive Species Undergistic Effect of PL. ASMA OXIDATION and An Electric Field. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2023, 208: 372-383.

[4] xiaosong Wang, tong zhao*, chenlei liu, xiaolong Wang, Yuantao zhang. Microscopic Decomposition Mechanism and Property Calculation of High-Nitrile Polyimide Based On ReaxFF Molecular CS SIMULATION. Materials Today Chemistry, 2023, 28: 101349.

[5] jinghui too, chenlei liu, tong zhao, Ying Sun, xiaosong Wang, xiaolong Wang. An MD Simulation Study of Decomposition Characteristics of C5F10O/Co2 Gas Mixture Under The Presence of thermal and Electric Field. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2023, 30 (4): 1714-1724.

[6] tong zhao*, jiabi liang, liang zou, li zhang. A New FXLMS Algorithm with Office and Online Secondary-Path Modeling Scheme for Active Noise Control of Power Transitioners [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017, 64 (8): 6432-6442.

[7] YANXIU CUI, tong zhao*, Zichen Wang, xiaolong Wang, daohan Wang, Yuantao zhang. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Effect of AQP1 on the Transmembrane Transport of Plasma Rons Across Cancer Cell Membraness.. PHYSICS of Plasmas, 2023, 30 (6): 063509. Edit Selected Article

[8] huichao Wang, tong zhao*, shuhui yang, liang zou, xiaolong Wang, Yuantao zhang. Reactive Force Field-Based Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Interaction Between Plasma Reactive Oxygen Species and The domain of the Spike Protein in the Capsid Protein of Sars-Cov-2. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, 55 (9): 095401.

[9] xiaosong Wang, tong zhao*, chenlei liu, xiaolong Wang, Yuantao zhang. Molecular Simulation of the O2 21508_216432 Adsorption Capacity. Surfaces and Interfaces, 2022, 33: 102246.

[10] chenlei liu, tong zhao*, Ying Sun, xiaolong Wang, shi cao. Dynamic Behavior of a Suspended Bubble and ITS Influence on the Distribution of Electric Fields in Insulating Oil of An on-Long Tap-Changer Wi Thin Power Transformers [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2022, 145: 108680.

[11] xiaosong Wang, tong zhao*, yihan Wang, li zhang, liang zou, Yuantao zhang. PHYSICAL Property and Interface Binding Energy Calculation of Polyimide/Boron Nitride Nanosheets Thermally ConDuctive Compo sit inSulating Materials. Computational Materials Science, 2022, 210: 111051.

[12] Zichen Wang, tong zhao*, yujia hu, liang zou, xiaolong Wang, Yuantao zhang. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Permeation and Distribution of Plasma Ros in Aquaporin-[J]. PHYSICS of Plasmas, 2021, 28 (8): 083509. Edit Selected Article

[13] TAN Li, tong zhao*, mingchao lv, liang zou, li zhang. The Mechanism and Solution of the Anomalous Commutation Failure of Multi-Infeed HVDC Transmission Systems [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2020, 114: 105400.

[14] shuhui yang, tong zhao*, jingxian CUI, zhiyun han, liang zou, xiaolong Wang, Yuantao zhang. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Internet Between Oh Radicals in Plasma with Poly-β-6-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE. Plasma Science and Technology, 2020, 22 (12): 125401.

[15] shuhui yang, tong zhao*, liang zou, xiaolong Wang, Yuantao zhang. Reaxff-Based Molecular Dynamics Simulation of DNA Molecules Destruction in Cancer Cells by Plasma Ros [J]. PHYSICS of Plasmas, 2019, 26 (8): 083504.

[16] yujia hu, tong zhao*, liang zou, xiaolong Wang, Yuantao zhang. Molecular Dynamics Simulatings of Membrane Properties Afffected by Plasma Ros Based on The Gromos Force Field [J]. Biophysical Chemistry, 2019, 253(10): 106214.

[17] tong zhao*, TAN Li, zhe xin, liang zou, li zhang. A Reaxff-Based Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Pyrolysis Mechanis MECHANISM for Polycarbonate [J]. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32 (2): 2156-2162.

[18] jingxian cui, tong zhao*, liang zou, xiaolong Wang, Yuantao zhang. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of S. Cerevisiae Glucan Destruction by Plasma Ros Based on ReaxFF [J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 51 (35): 355401.

[19] tong zhao*, Lei Shi, Yuantao zhang, liang zou, li zhang. A Reaxff-Based Molecular Dynamics Study of the Mechaniss of Interactions Between Reactive Oxygen Plasma Species and The Candida albicans cell wall [j]. PHYSICS of Plasmas, 2017, 24 (10): 103518.

[20] Zhao Tong, Liang Jiabi, Liu Ye, Zou Liang, Zhang Li. Based on the variable structure of multi -frequency trap filter and signal power variable parametersfxlmsAdaptive transformers have source reduction noise algorithms[j]. Newspaper of China Electrical Engineering, 2017, 37 (22): 6719-6729.

[21] Zhao Tong*, Shi Lei, Zhang Yuantao, Zou Liang, Zhang Li. Research on the production of moisture -based insulating paper high temperature cracking process and its destruction effect[j]. Newspaper of China Electrical Engineering, 2017, 37 (15): 4548-4556.

[22] Xin Ye, Zhao Tong*, Han Zhiyun, Zou Liang, Zhang Li. GilMolecular dynamic simulation of the polyester film under the action of electric heating[j]. Journal of Electrician Technology, 2018, 33 (22): 5196-5205.

Academic rewards:

[1] High -pressure digitalization andFACTSElectromagnetic compatibility research and engineering application, Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, First Prize,2011.

[2] X-PinchsoftXRadio Radiation Point Source and Application Basic Study, The Ministry of Education Natural Science Award, Second Prize,2012.

[3] Electric transformer has an online monitoring system with loading and connecting the operating mechanical performance,Shandong Province Science and Technology Progress Award,Second prize,2007.

[4] Chaos dynamic analysis method of vibration signal,Excellent Scientific Research Achievement Award (Natural Science),Second prize,2006.


undertaking scientific research projects

undertaking the country、More than thirty items of provincial and enterprise and institutions projects,Some projects are as follows:

[1] The molecular dynamic simulation and experimental research of the mechanism of plasma and lung cancer cells interacts with lung cancer cells,National Natural Science Foundation.

[2] Based onMHDDual feature planeXTwo -dimensional value simulation research on the internal explosive dynamics process, National Natural Science Foundation.

[3] xThe physical characteristics and two -dimensionalMHD Numerous simulation research, National Natural Science Foundation.

[4] Electric transformer strong magnetic vibration mechanism and intelligent source noise reduction study,Shandong Provincial Key R & D Plan.

[5] DC gilInsulation sons nano composite coating modification micro mechanism and interface insulation enhancement design research,Shandong Natural Science Foundation.

[6] Based onXHanded breast tumorXRadio Bit Blinding Imaging, China's post -doctoral science fund.

[7] Transformer vacuum load separation switching switch operation status comprehensive perception technology research, State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Science and Technology Project.

[8] A combination electrical isolated switch state perception technology and fault diagnosis comprehensive system based on multi -characteristic parameters, State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Technology Project.

[9] Research on the running status monitoring and fault diagnosis technology based on blind source separation and near -field holographic imaging,State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Science and Technology Project.

[10] Non -contact insulation status monitoring and fault warning technology research based on large transformer sleeves based on new sensors,State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Science and Technology Project.

[11] There is a load division connection switch3Dmodeling and electromagnetic simulation analysis technology, Southern Power GridCompany Science and Technology Project.

[12] Research on the Study and Fault Diagnosis Technology of the Transformer Winding Stimulation based on the vibration characteristics,State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Science and Technology Project.

[13] Multi -dimensional comprehensive assessment method research method for the main equipment of high -voltage grid, State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Technology Project.

[14] Based on abnormal vibration analysisGISResearch on mechanical defect diagnosis technology,State Grid Anhui Electric Power Company Technology Project.

[15] Research on the online monitoring technology of loading and connecting closing club,State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company Technology Project.

[16] The impact of short -range radio transmission technology on the safe operation of the power grid, State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Science and Technology Project.

[17]New Energy and Energy Storage Access Electricity System Unforgettable Compensation and Overvoltage Evaluation Research, State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company Technology Project.

Academic Type

Teaching and Scientific Research Type。Recruiting academic and professional master's degree graduate students。


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