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Shi Dazhen
Release time: September 09, 2015 14:53    Author:    点击:[]


Shi Dazhen,1932year12Yue Sheng, Wuxi, Jiangsu.1978year7Join the Chinese Communist Party,1955year9Participate in the month,Graduation of Power Plant Power Plant Power Plant and United Power Transmission System of Shandong Institute of Technology,College degree,Senior engineer。Minister of the Ministry of Electricity Industry, the former National Family Power Industry、Party Secretary and General Manager of State Power Company、Party Secretary。

1951year to1955Professional learning at the power distribution network and joint transmission system in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Department of Electrical Engineering in Shandong Institute of Technology。1955year to1958The technician and long value of the Fuxin Power Plant in the year.1958year to1970The value of Liaoning Power Plant is long in the year、Electrical sub -site engineer、Factory operation team leader、Value long。1970year to1972Disposal in Fushun County, Liaoning Province, to work.1972year to1978The Deputy Chief of the Production Technology Section of Liaoning Power Plant Nian、Deputy Chief Engineer of the Factory。1978year to1980The deputy director and chief engineer of the Liaoning Power Plant.1980year to1983The deputy director, director and chief engineer of the Yuanbaoshan Power Plant.1983year to1984The Deputy Director of the Northeast Electric Administration and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group.1984year to1985The president of the Electric Power Planning Institute of the Ministry of Water Conservancy and Electricity and Secretary of the Party Group.1985year to1986Head of the Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Water Conservancy and Electric Power.1986year to1988Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Water Conservancy and Electric Power and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group.1988year to1993Annual Deputy Minister of Energy and Members of the Party Group.1993year3month to1996year12Monthly Minister of Electricity Industry and Secretary of the Party Group.1996year12month to1997year4Monthly Minister of Electricity Industry、Party Secretary and General Manager of State Power Company。1997year4month to8Monthly Minister of Electricity Industry、Party Secretary and General Manager of State Power Company、Party Secretary。1997year8month to1998year4Monthly appointed Minister of Electric Power Industry and general manager of the State Power Corporation.1998year3Month was elected as executive member of the Ninth National Committee of the CPPCC。The 13th of the Communist Party of China、Fourteen Central Central Alternate members。


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