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2020 Global Energy Internet (Asia) Conference Professional Alliance Innovation Achievement Release Symposium was successfully held
Release time: November 07, 2020 18:35    Author: He Dongxin    点击:[]

November 4, 2020,sponsored by the Global Energy Internet Development Cooperation Organization,Holding Shandong University,North China Electric Power University、State Grid Energy Research Institute、Hydropower and Water Conservancy Planning and Design General Institute、China Minsheng Bank、The 2020 Global Energy Internet Professional Alliance Innovation Achievement Release Symposium co -organized by Special Transformer Co., Ltd. was successfully held at Beijing China Hotel。

This seminar is2020Global Energy Internet (Asia) Conference of the Conference,Advanced the meetingThe theme of "Green Low Carbon Sustainable Development",Around the development of the global energy Internet,Display professional alliance throughout the year's innovation work results,Discussion on innovative measures and action paths for accelerating the development of global energy Internet。Shandong University as the chairman of the Global Energy Internet University Alliance,Controlling this side event and achieved successful success。

November 4th at 10:30,Symposium officially started。This event is the host of He Dongxin, the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University。First of all, Deputy Director Xu Ming of the Global Energy Internet Development Cooperation and Cooperation Bureau and Executive Deputy Dean of Zhang Hengxu, School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, came to power。Deputy Director Xu Ming as the representative of the organizer,Thank you for the arrival of the participants,and introduce the 2020 Global Energy Internet (Asia) Conference; Dean Zhang Hengxu introduced the profile of the School of Electrical Engineering of Shandong University to the participants,Congratulations to the professional alliance will achieve a complete success。

Subsequent,The four major alliances sent representatives to show the work results of each league in their respective professional fields。During the display link,Deputy Dean Yang Ming, deputy dean of the School of Electrical Engineering, the University of Electrical Engineering, introduced Shandong University to pass the course integration、School -enterprise cooperation establishment laboratory、Joint training with overseas colleges and universities,Cultivated a lot of outstanding talents for the development of the global energy Internet。

Director Yan Bingzhong, Director of the International Business Department of the Think Tank Alliance Hydropower and Water Conservancy Planning and Design Institute, shared the high -proportion innovation and development model in the global region,Financial Alliance China Minsheng Bank Group's strategic customer a strategic customer Ma Xiao made a report on the theme of clean energy and power grid development financing model; Connecting technology has made wonderful results sharing。

Last,In the discussion of the guest free discussion,Guests of each cooperative unit around the main purpose of the conference,Future Development Talent Training for the Global Energy Internet、Innovation mode and action path,The collision of diversified thinking。

Professor Ma Zhao, Shandong University sharing the influence and development of renewable energy in the future,It emphasizes the innovation and development of the global energy Internet cannot be separated from international exchanges and cooperation; at the same time, Director Duan Chunming, North China Electric Power University also believes that international cooperation in higher education is an indispensable way for talent training; in terms of energy development,Director Yan Bingzhong of the General Institute of Hydropower and Water Resources Planning and Design and Deputy Director Zhang Dong of the Energy Internet Research Institute of State Grid Energy Research Institute Co., Ltd.,affirmed the significance of the development of renewable energy; the deputy general manager of Wang Xiuxin, China Minsheng Bank, and the chief engineer of Zhou Hongwei, a special transformer Xi'an Technology Co., Ltd., respectively.。The atmosphere of the discussion is warm,Full of dry goods。

2020 Global Energy Internet (Asia) Conference Professional Alliance Achievement Release Symposium was successfully held,Integrated excellent results in various fields,Enhanced the exchange between major alliances,Further condensed the power of members of the alliance,Provide strong support for the development of the global energy Internet in the future。Shandong University successfully hosted this important activity,It reflects the first chairman of Shandong University as the first chairman of the Global Energy Internet University Alliance,Through scientific research、Education、Academic exchanges and other aspects to carry out activities,Build information resource sharing、New Type Cultivation、Comprehensive platform for science and technology research,Promote exchanges and cooperation from all parties,jointly promotes the development of global energy Internet innovation。

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