Undergraduate education
2023 undergraduate graduation design work arrangement and requirements
Release time: March 10, 2023 20:43    Author:    点击:[]

According to the undergraduate schoolGraduation DesignWork arrangements,To further strengthen the topic of graduation thesis (design) topic、Open Questions、Full process management of defense and other links,Improve graduation thesis (design) quality,Depending on the school's trialChina ZhiwangCollege student graduation design (thesis) management systemrelated requirements for professional certification,First combined with the actual situation,Make the following arrangements:

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Current23Graduate graduation design questions have been determined, and will be in3month11Add to the person in charge of the person in charge to review the authority in the graduation thesis management system,The results of the topic selection of each direction are reviewed by the director of each research institute,Time deadline3month15Day.The Institute of Research is reviewed by the Deputy President of Teaching。

  2. Graduation design opening questions

The instructor will issue a graduation design task in the thesis management system according to the nature and requirements of the subject,Earnestly fill in the graduation design (thesis) mission letter before the student enters the subject,Require students to check the information in accordance with the requirements of the task、Formulate a work plan, etc.。

The instructor should put forward specific requirements for student graduation design (thesis) opening report.,Supervise students to do a good job of opening the question。Work method and research method to introduce graduation design (thesis) to students,Introduction to students、Provide reference book or literature,Examine the opening report of the students,Put forward specific modification opinions。This requirement3month18Completed a few days ago.

After the student accepts graduation design (thesis) mission,The graduation design (thesis) work plan and formulation work plan should be formulated under the guidance of the instructor。From the student Yu3month24Recently, fill in and submit the opening report in the thesis management system,Actively report to the instructor's graduation design (thesis) opening question。

After the student submits the opening report,Organize the opening of the question with the research institute as the unit and fill in the "Graduation Thesis Opening Questions Responsibility Evaluation Form" (one type two copies),The Student Research Institute uniformly organized the second defense of the Student Research Institute of the defense,Student defense passed the tutor after passing the thesis management system to review the question opening report。After passing the instructor's review, the dean of the teaching will be reviewed。This work in4month2Completed a few days ago.

3, Writing of Graduation Thesis

Students must take the initiative to accept the inspection and guidance of the instructor,Consume the literature in accordance with the work plan、Data collection、Internship survey、Experimental research, etc.,Write the first draft of graduation design (thesis),Guarantee、Guarantee、Complete the design (thesis) task on time. Strictly abide by school、The rules and regulations of the laboratory and the laboratory。Instructor submits a guidance record in six times to the thesis management system,and record the specific content of each guidance,Students need to carefully complete the graduation thesis writing work in strict accordance with the requirements of the instructor。This work in5month12Completed a few days ago.

Four, mid -term inspection and defense

1、The college set up a graduation thesis (design) mid -term inspection team,Organization instructor and students to conduct graduation thesis (design) mid -term inspection。Member of the Inspection Group: Zhao Haoran、The person in charge of the Teaching Center and Director of the Institute。

2、Graduation thesis (Design) Inspection Team according to inspection items,Check the management of the graduation thesis (design) of the college。

Checking, defense time:4month15Day-4month20Day

3, check method:

① Instructor inspection items:

Please check the completion of the preliminary work of the student's graduation thesis (design) in the graduation design task book issued this semester。Specific inspection items:

1) Topics: Title Application (Table) Is there any college or department review。

2) Opening the question: The work of the college opening the question、Students' opening report。

3) Medium -term inspection Situation: Notification of mid -term inspection、Student mid -term inspection report form。

4) Instructive teacher guidance: The guidance of the instructor of the college; the school's guidance time、Quality and other relevant regulations。

5) Students fill in "Shandong University2021Subjects of Student Graduation Thesis (Design) Medium Report Form,Reserve after reviewing and signing by the instructor。

② College inspection items:

1) The college's "Graduation Thesis (Design) Intermediate Inspection Group" list。

2) The management regulations of the two -level graduation thesis (design) of the school.

3) graduation thesis (design) work mobilization、layout。

4) The relevant provisions and requirements of the two levels of graduation thesis (design) of the school college will be issued by teachers and students。

5) Topics: Title Application (Table) Is there any college or department review。

6) Opening the question: The work of the college opening the question、Students' opening report。

7) Medium -term defense situation: Inspection notification、Student mid -term inspection report form、Summary of the mid -term inspection of the college。

8) Instructive teacher guidance: The guidance of the instructor of the college; the school's guidance time、Quality and other relevant regulations。

③ After the mid -term inspection is over,Please check the subtraction of the mid -term inspectionsunhao@sdu.edu.cn, the college organizes the materials and archives,

   4, mid -term defense

After the student submits a report on the mid -term inspection, the institute is based on the research instituteOrganize the mid -term defense and fill in the "Graduation Thesis Intermediate Defense Results Assessment Form" (one type two parts),Answers who have not passed the defenseUnified Organization of the Institute of Student Research Institute,Students' defense passes the mentor after passing the thesis management system to review the mid -term inspection report。This work in4month18Completed a few days ago.

5. Graduation thesis check weight

23Graduation design of all graduates must be tested in academic indispensable,Students investigate the first draft in the graduation thesis management system,The instructor shows the results after passing the review。The instructor made a comment based on the results of the investigation and determined whether the students are qualified to make a defense。Working time4month30Day to5month5Day.

6. Graduation thesis defense

1The college forms a defense committee, the constituent personnel:

Director:Ding Lei

Deputy Director:Zhao Haoran

MemberThe person in charge of the Teaching Center and Director of the Institute

Requires the research institute to form a defense committee (called large group),The director is responsible for the organization。

According to the relevant provisions of the "Shandong University Graduation Design Guidance Manual", it is divided into the corresponding defense group in accordance with the specific situation,Please make the strengths of each director5month16A few days ago, the personnel of the defense committee of the Institute、List of the personnel of the composition of the defense group (including the defense secretary) and the student's defense group list and defense time tosunhao@sdu.edu.cn。The time of the college will report each report、Grouping, etc., notify students,notified by the director of each institute to the instructor of the Institute。

2Big group defense Requirements:

Students who must participate in the large group defense include all graduate students who are recommended for the test -free; students who apply for excellent graduation design results (students who do not participate in large group defense cannot achieve excellent results)。

The end of the defense requires the defense group to be based on the student's graduation design (thesis) and the defense situationFill in the paper management system"Shandong University Graduation Design (thesis) results assessment form",Give the evaluation score and sign it by the leader of the defense team。

3, related precautions

During the defense process,When assessing students' performance,Director of each research institute should strictly control,Reflected justice、Fairness、Public principles。The excellent rate of results should be controlled30%Inner。The defense process must be recorded,Fill in the University of Electrical Institute of Electrical Institute of Electrical Students Graduation Answers,Put in the case bag,At the same time,Before the Director of the Institute of Each Research Institute, I would like to graduate from the college (thesis),Please ask the instructors to carefully check the graduation design (thesis) of each student.,Any replenishment modification in this research institute who does not meet the requirements,Sortors and improves the undergraduate teaching office。Otherwise,The school expert group inspects the graduation design (thesis) that does not meet the requirements (thesis) to return to various research institutes for rework。

After the defense is completed,Entrusted entry members in all directions entered the response results in the graduation thesis management system、Information on the opinion of the defense group and the defense records。

Answer time:5month17Day to5month23Day

Seven, the final draft of the paper uploads to the weight again

After passing the student defense,Uploaded graduation thesis final draft in the thesis management system,After the instructor is reviewed,The system automatically checks the weight,and generate the final review record。Working time5month24Day to5month28Day

8. Graduation thesis sorting and score entry

The Institute of Research Institute is unified in the Smart Educational Affairs System to submit the students' final results,and print the transcript。This working time:5month28Day to6month3Day.

Students make baggage in accordance with the relevant requirements of the graduation thesis file,and submit it to the experimental building in the class607, specific request follow -up notice.

This document does the overall planning requirements for graduation thesis,Specific subsequent notifications are subject to


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