Undergraduate education
Notice of the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University on the application for the application of the 2020 undergraduate education teaching reform project
Release time: June 09, 2020 13:24    Author:    点击:[]

In order to thoroughly implement the undergraduate education work conference of the national colleges and universities in the new era、The Ministry of Education "Above the construction of high -level undergraduate education Opinions of Comprehensively Improve Talent Cultivation "、The 14th Congress of Shandong University of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the undergraduate education work conference of Shandong University,Deepen the reform of undergraduate education and teaching,Promoting the construction of new engineering characteristics,Vigorously promote the construction of boutique courses,Promote the construction and service construction of undergraduate teaching facilities,Create first -class undergraduate courses and classroom teaching,Promoting the connotative development of undergraduate education,College Studies decide to start the School of Electrical Engineering2020Declaration of the Education Teaching Reform Project of the Year.

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Gradually realize the modernization of undergraduate courses through the construction of boutique courses,Promoting the teaching concept of teachers、Reconstruction of the teaching mode and teaching level,Promoting inspiration、Discussion、Project formula、Participating and exploring teaching methods,Comprehensively improve the quality of classroom teaching in our college; reform through textbooks,Introduction of new views in teaching content、New Thought、New Technology、New content,Modernization of teaching content,Improving the influence of the industry in our college; construction through undergraduate teaching supporting teaching and research equipment and services,Improve students' hands -on practical ability, awareness of innovation and innovation;,Grasp the Classroom Live Channel、The main position,The ideological responsibility system for the college's party committee to the front line。

2. Project category and funding amount

1Publishing and publishing key projects

Funding for teaching materials at the National Press,General teaching materials per fund510,000 yuan, each funded by national planning textbooks1010,000 yuan.

2, Boutique Course ("Gold Class") Construction Key Project

Priority funding for the early basic curriculum application for national and provincial boutique courses。Including online、offline、Online and offline hybrid、Bilingual、Excellent courses in English、Online course (MOOC), etc., each course funded1010,000 yuan.

3Key project for development of teaching instruments and equipment for self -developed teaching instruments

Encourage the development of the virtual simulation system,and the development and construction of physical equipment suitable for undergraduate teaching,Each funding5-10Wan.

4, other general teaching reform projects.Including but not limited to teaching content、Teaching method、Teaching mode、Cultivation System Reform, etc.。Main funding for updating and expanding teaching content、Reorganization traditional course,Reflecting the latest development direction of the discipline、results and needs; reform teaching methods,Including、Online and offline hybrid teaching mode exploration,Forms student -centered、Educational and teaching mode based on learning; optimizing the training system,Realize the concept of high -quality and high -level electrical engineering talent training; reform and practice education and teaching system and practice content,Development and innovative practice project,Focus on improving students' practical ability and innovation ability。Each funding does not exceed210,000 yuan.

The college will select 10 from the above project type in 2020Key projects within items and10General projects around items for funding。The construction cycle of key projects is1-2year, the general project construction cycle is1year.

3, declaration conditions

1、Project applicants must be the faculty staff of the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University,With good ideological and political quality and strong scientific research ability、Organizational ability,Can be used as the actual host of the project and take on substantial research work,Prepare a certain research foundation and information for the topic applied for。

2, each applicant as the project leader is limited1The members of the research team must receive their consent.

3、As the person in charge of the project, the faculty and staff who have undertaken the teaching and research project of the college shall not apply for a new teaching and research project as a project leader。

4、In principle, the repeated declaration of similar funding projects has been obtained in principle。

Four, the requirements for the problem

The topic research report must be submitted when the problem is assigned,and meet the following requirements:

1、Teaching Materials and Monograph Publishing Key Project: Press must be a national publishing house,Textbooks or monographs must be officially published;,College organizes experts for acceptance。

2、Excellent Course ("Gold Class") Key Project: Course Construction reaches the requirements of national or provincial high -level boutique courses ("Gold Course"),and complete the declaration of national or provincial boutique courses。

3、Key project of the construction of undergraduate teaching and research equipment: The development of virtual systems must be completed or completed and displayed when the problem is assigned a question,Must be able to be used for undergraduate teaching,Open for undergraduates,Students can carry out related practical activities and science and technology work on this system or equipment,The college will organize experts for acceptance。

4Teaching Reform General Project: Publicly published the project team1Article and above in teaching and research papers that are formally included in the core of the project and the above journals; )。

5, ideological and political education general project: Published1The core of teaching and research on the core of the project and the above journal is formally included in the project research content; );、Excellent Group Branch, etc.)。

5. Declaration Measures

1、Applicants must fill in the "Application for the Research on the Research on Undergraduate Education Teaching Reform of the School of Electrical Engineering of Shandong University",After signing it2020year6month15Recently, the paper version of the paper version is handed over to the undergraduate teaching office Teacher Sun Hao,Electronic version application form is sent tosunhao@sdu.edu.cn

2、After review by the college organization,OK、Published and publicized projects。

6. Requirements for academic norms

Applicants must fill in the materials truthfully,Make sure no academic phenomenon。Any existence of falsification、Plagiarism plagiarism and other behaviors,Once verified, deal with it in accordance with relevant regulations。

7. Contact and contact information

Sun Hao,15650581269


School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University


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