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The third phase of the Yunsha Dragon of the Global Energy Internet University Alliance and the fifth youth Yun Salon of the China Electricity Technology Society successfully held
Release time: July 07, 2020 09:49    Author: Graphic: Shi Yufan    点击:[]

July 5, 2020 18: 30-22: 00,The Third Phase of the Global Energy Internet University Alliance and the Fifth Youth Yunshan "Global Energy Internet Electric Electric Equipment Technology Innovation and Development" —— The Senior Scholars Lecture Hall was successfully held。This meeting passed the report and discussion of the Tencent Conference online、WeChat group interaction、Bilibili live video is combined in the form of convening,At the same time, watch more than 10,000 people online,The activity has achieved a complete success。

This conference is co -sponsored by the Global Energy Internet University Alliance and the China Electrician Technology Society,The Youth Working Committee of the China Electrician Society of Electricity Technology Society high -voltage insulation and plasma scholars、Holding Shandong University。The opening of the meeting was chaired by Deputy Dean Yang Ming of the School of Electrical Engineering of Shandong University,Secretary -General Han Yi of China Electrician Technology Society、Deputy Director of Xu Ming, Deputy Director of Global Energy Internet Development Cooperation Organization and Cooperation Bureau、Executive Deputy Dean of Zhang Hengxu, School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, delivered a speech。At the end of the meeting,Vice Dean Li Qingquan from the School of Electrical Engineering of Shandong University made a closing speech。

The special invitation report session invited 5 chief engineers and university leader research scholars from major equipment manufacturing companies to bring wonderful academic reports。

The Chief Engineer of Zhong Jianying of the National Grid Ping High Electric Group made a report entitled "Core Technology and Development Trends of High -voltage Switch Equipment",Report to start with the main technologies involved in high -voltage switch equipment,Classification of different applications introduced the current main switching equipment,and analyzed the development trend of future high -voltage switching equipment。Last,Mr. Zhong also summarized the future technical trend of achieving energy interconnection and smart grids。

Many challenges faced by ultra -high -pressure DC cables,Professor Yin Yi, deputy dean of the School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering of Shanghai Jiaotong University, conducted a "crowded bag insulation ultra -high -voltage DC cable challenge、Key Technology and Corresponding Strategy "。The report pointed out the seven major challenges and three key technologies facing ultra -high -pressure DC cables,and proposed the three major response strategies to solve existing problems。

Shandong Electrician Electric Group Shandong Electric Equipment Co., Ltd. Focusing Engineer Focus on "Technology Development and Application of Stream Transformers",Detailed introduction to the function and structure of the streaming station structure and main equipment and the function and structure of streaming transformers,Summary of domestic DC projects and flow transformers from technology introduction、Jointly developed the domesticization process of independently designed,also introduced the project example of DC innovation and development。

Special Transformer Xinjiang New Energy Co., Ltd. Western Science Company Hao Xiang, general manager of Western Co., Ltd., conducted a report on "R & D and thinking of major power electronic equipment under the perspective of energy Internet",This report starts from the perspective of existing problems in the construction of the energy Internet,Give innovative photovoltaic power generation、Flexible DC transmission、Solution such as smart active power distribution,and combined with the examples of the principles and applications of each solution。

The report of the product management director of Li Dejun, Siemens Energy Co., Ltd.,Its theme is "Development Status and Engineering Application of SF6 Environmental High -pressure Products based on vacuum arc extinguishing and clean air insulation technology"。The report from the development of environmental protection high -voltage products、Performance、Standards and other aspects introduced the research results of Siemens Company,and shared the development status of environmental protection high -pressure products and typical cases of engineering applications。

In the guest interview link,Except for the reporters from the above reports,also invited Huang Yan, deputy director of the global energy Internet development cooperation organization and Zhang Hengxu, deputy dean of Zhang Hengxu, School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University。First of all,Dean Zhang Hengxu shared the contribution of Shandong University in the global energy Internet strategic development in terms of talent training。Several experts who made the report answered some questions from online participants,Research status of the current global energy Internet electrical equipment technology、Difficulty and future development trends discussed and made a summary。

Global Energy Internet University Alliance Cloud Salon aims to actively promote the related work of the Global Energy University Alliance,Promote mutual communication between units,The university alliance holds the global energy Internet academic salon event from time to time,The content includes scientific research on energy Internet、Topics such as talent training。Experts in the industry invite experts to participate,Analysis of industry hotspots、Looking forward to future development,Provide a broad vision and new point of view for the innovative and scientific research of young scholars。



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