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Frontier Lecture
Release time: November 24, 2020 10:25    Author: Tu Xu Hang Yin Yimin Wenwen Zhu Xiaohui Li Yixiao    点击:[]

In the afternoon of November 20, 2020,from the Graduate School of Shandong University、Hosted by the Graduate Work Department of the Party Committee,The 44th Issue 44 (Total 966), hosted by the School of Electrical Engineering, was held in the lecture hall on the 4th floor of the Electric Power Building of Qianfoshan Campus。The lecturer of this forum is Professor Yue Dong of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Professor Zeng Pingliang, Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,The themes of the lecture are "Research on Poly -Source Information Integration and Collaborative Intelligent Control of Information Physical Coupling Smart Grid" and "Key Technology of the Far Wind Wind Power DC system"。This forum is chaired by Professor Zhang Hengxu。

Report Start,Professor Yue Dong introduced the research team of "Network Control and Smart Grid" led by Academician Xue Yusheng,并对五年的科技项目进行了介绍。Professor Yue Dong first pointed out that social development and international situation prompted smart grids to carry out the energy revolution and digital revolution,The security and reliable economic operation research of smart grids under the new feature faces severe challenges; subsequent,Introduce the networked cooperative intelligent optimization control method proposed by the team's innovative nature,and "Networking、Coordination and Intelligence "core ideas; then,Professor Yue Dong introduced the equipment research and development of the network -oriented decision -making control system,interaction with the "Cloud Intelligence Analysis Decision Support Platform and the" Source Net Dutch Storage Network Coordinated Control System "interact,Solving the integration of letters, the high proportion of new energy highs, low inertia power grid "regulatory resources insufficient、安稳风险增大”的运行难题,实现了系统“小扰动下稳定,Safety under big disturbance,Outstanding after the Big Droming "。At the end of the report,Professor Yue Dong enthusiastically invited students who participated in the lecture to join his scientific research team,Contributions to the security and reliable economic operation of the smart grid。

Professor Zeng Pingliang's report is divided into the following three parts: the development prospects for the development,Research status and several key technology outlook for the distant sea wind power delivery system。First,Professor Zeng Pingliang continues to decline by introducing the cost of offshore wind power、分析我国海上风能资源分布、Compared to the explanation of the prospects of the development of the far -sea wind power at home and abroad;,Professor through wind power grid technology、Fault protection technology、Stable analysis technology to introduce the research status of the distant sea wind power delivery system。At present, the research of domestic wind power grid technology research focuses on high -voltage communication grid -connected and high -voltage DC grids,He compares the characteristics and application of high -voltage communication and high -voltage DC grid,In addition, the horizontal comparison of different networking methods when DC grid is performed,Then the "ring mesh networking method is applicable to the delivery of large -scale and multi -falling points of offshore wind power clusters、Radiation -like networking method is suitable for the conclusion of relatively small -scale offshore wind power clusters "。Professor Zeng combined with specific cases,Vividly and vividly introduced when the actual launch of the distant sea wind power and straight delivery system may occur may occur with the interaction between wind farms and soft direct changes.、Soft -straight flowers access communication grid caused stability problems。Last,Professor Zeng introduced light -based technology、Union fault crossing technology、Stability analysis technology and the following corresponding preliminary research results,Light -type technology、MMC DC failure crossing technology。Last,Professor Zeng Ping issued an invitation to the students in related research directions,and left a contact information,表示期待与相关方向的同学共同讨论,Common progress。

This issue"His Majesty" Graduate Academic forum ended in the warm applause of teachers and students

Introduction to the speaker:

Yue Dong,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications University Advanced Technology Research Institute、School of Automation、Dean of the School of Artificial Intelligence,Chinese Automation Society meeting, IEEE PES(China) Intelligent Grid and New Technical Committee (Chief) Chairman。selected2018Global High Scholar,2014-2019yearElsevier中国高被引学者。 Press as an international publicationIEEE TIIIEEE IEMIEEE TSMCAIEEE TNNL2016-2018)、jfiandIJSSEditor -in -chief of the guest、Deputy editor,Control theory and application and information and control publications。Hosted the National Key R & D Plan、863National Natural Science Foundation, etc.20item. PublishedIEEEConference on the Paper100Multiple articles,SCIThesis common250Yu Chapter,GoogleQuote15000Many times,HIndex65. Patent100remaining. Won the first prize of provincial and ministerial level3item, second prize3item。Main research direction: network control、Smart Grid optimization coordination control、Internet of Things and Network Security。

Zeng Pingliang,Male,Professor of Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology、Boadao, IET FELLOW, IEEE senior member,英国皇家特许工程师(CEng), IEC TC122 WG1 convener (2015-2017)。IEC TC122 WG1 and IEC TC8 JWG10 expert member,IEC 1906 International Standard Contribution Award and the 7th Chinese Overseas Chinese Circle Contribution Award winner。1984Graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Yu1985年出国留学到英国斯特拉斯克莱德(Strathclyde University) University of university studying for a doctorate.1990After receiving a doctorate degree in the year, joined the National State Corporation (National Grid Company) Participate in work。Continued senior engineer、Advanced business analysts、系统运行激励机制与策略部经理、Manager of the Design Department of the UK Power Power Network。2012All -time full -time return to China, Join China Institute of Electricity Sciences,担任电力系统分析与规划首席专家,Yu2017Join Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology。After returning to China,Belief and participated in the National and State Grid Corporation of Science and Technology Projects for Science and Technology Projects10item,包括国家自然基金重点项目三项。Publishing monograph2Ministry, publish papers100multiple articles, of whichSCI/EIThesis70Multiple articles。The main research direction is the analysis and planning of the power system、Renewable energy grid、Electric vehicle access、Large -scale energy storage application、Large -scale energy storage application,distributed power supply、Load side response、Comprehensive energy system、Electricity Market。

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