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IEEE PES China Branch Phase 5 Power&Energy Cloud Seminny is successfully held
Release time: March 29, 2021 09:11    Author: graphic Liu Zhibing    点击:[]

March 28, 2021,hosted by IEEE PES China Branch,IEEE PES Jinan Branch、Intelligent scheduling and control education key laboratory (Shandong University) of the power grid,IEEE PES Electric Power System Dynamic Technical Committee (China) co -organized by IEEE PES China Branch "Power & Energy Cloud Forum "-The new form of power system security and stability special forum is successfully held。The theme of the forum revolves around "New Form Power System Safety and Stability",A designed to promote the communication of experts and scholars in the field of electricity and energy,Research results in the safe and stable field of new form of power system。

19:30 on March 28,The meeting officially started。The meeting was chaired by Professor Li Changgang, School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University,First of all, Professor Li Changgang expressed his gratitude to the participants,And "Power to the IEEE PES China Branch & Energy Cloud Forum "was introduced; then the opening speech of Zhang Hengxu, Executive Deputy Dean of Zhang Hengxu, School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University,Introduction of the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University,and wish the seminar a successful success。

Later, Professor Sun Kai of the University of Tennessee made "Faster-Than-Real-Time Stability Assessment and Control for a More Resilient Power Grid"shared its research team in recent5A series of theoretical results obtained by the semi -analysis method based on the semi -analytical method -based large -scale power system and the interimmed stability analysis based on non -linear modular decomposition。Semiolic analysis method,It can realize the large -scale temporary state stability simulation and10-100times the acceleration ratio; non -linear modular decomposition,Analysis of small interference stability and temporary stability in the unified framework。

Professor Yao Wei of Huazhong University of Science and Technology did "Report on the theme of the active frequency support technology and simulation platform construction of the offshore wind power meter meter mesh and network system,For offshore wind power meridian Rongzhi Power Grid, introduced yesCommunicationand noTwo types of communicationSeaWind PowerHe Rouzhi GridCooperation ActiveFrequency supportTechnology andAdvantages, at the same time, the new power system simulation toolbox (PSST) development ideas,FeaturesAdvantages,Application scenarioI made a detailed explanation, thisToolboxcan andRTLABSeamless connectionconstitutes a real -time simulation platform.

Xiong Qing, chief expert of the Innovation Research Institute of accumulation of Chengcheng Electronic Co., Ltd., did "High -performance electromagnetic temporary simulation technology and applications that adapt to the new power system"is a report on theme,Introduced the large -scale grid GM electromagnetic temporary simulation platformIES-GTSTechnical features,Detailed introduction of the accuracy of the platform modeling technology and the powerful full electromagnetic temporary simulation ability,Including accurate time multi -scale and flexible space multi -rate simulation function。

Professor Ye Hua of Shandong University did "Large -scale stagnant power system oscillation analysis and control key technology"is a report on theme,Large -scale power system for considering the impact of the periodic effect of communication,In low complexity modeling technology、Feature value accurate calculation method、15269_15286、Featured value calculation software development and wide -area damping controller parameters Optimized research results。

In the final round table discussion,,Professor Zhang Hengxu first made a simple summary and high evaluation of the aforementioned report。Subsequent,Dr. Li Wei, Nanrui Stability Company, introduced the security and stable analysis of the large power grid; Professor Zhang Hengxu and Professor Sun Kai made a rich discussion on the academic thoughts of semi -analysis methods from a higher level; The proposed questions about the interim intervention of electromagneticism have made a full range of answers and the outlook of subsequent work。

IEEE PES China Branch "Power & Energy Cloud Forum "held,attracted people from a large number of related research fields to attend the meeting,attracted more than 6,000 people to watch online。At the same time,The successful convening of the forumprovides a high -level academic exchange platform for young scholars in related fields,broaden the vision of the majority of participants,Stimulated the enthusiasm of the new generation of youth in the industry。It also deepened the School of Electrical Engineering and IEEE andIEEE PES Electric Power System Dynamic Technology Committeecooperation,Expanded foreign cooperation and influence,It will promote the academic research work of our college towards higher goals。

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