Graduate Training
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The School of Electrical Engineering In the first half of 2020, the notice of the qualification review of the postgraduate qualification
Release time: 15:40, March 09, 2020    Author:    点击:[]

Affected by this epidemic,In order to ensure the health and safety of the majority of defense on -the -job graduate students,Related work has been adjusted,The relevant matters will be notified as follows:

   1、Cancel of off -school pre -trial work of this batch of defense on -school graduate students。Those who pass the pre -examination in the early stage、The pre -review of off -school degree thesis in previous years、In previous years, I have submitted a dissertation defense application and passed the review,But students who have not been replied by the dissertation due to various reasons,M88 Online Live Casino

   2. The defense of the on -the -job graduate is in need 4month8 days ago LoginGraduate Management Information System of Shandong UniversitySubmit a defense application. After login the system, first enter"Personal Information Management" column,Supplementary School Personal Information: Including student information、Student performance information, etc.。After entering the "Graduation and Degree Management" column,Fill in the degree information,After filling in, click "Submit Graduation Application"。After the application is completed,Confirm whether to apply successfully through "View Graduation and Degree Status",and see the subsequent approval status。(For the operation process, see the "Student Handbook" in the system,When the job graduate is used,If there is no suitable option,Choose "Other")。

  3、Defense to defense the tuition fees for the postgraduate students, otherwiseThe system shows that the owner cannot submit a defense application.

  4、Graduate mentor as the first person in charge of the quality of graduate training,Careful review of the papers of on -the -job graduate students who want to answer,and Before April 10 , inGraduate Management Information System of Shandong UniversitySubmit the mentor's preliminary review.

  5. The college will be in By April 13th 11488_11499A review of the relevant postgraduate students, and inGraduate Management Information System of Shandong UniversitySubmit review results to the school

   6. The on -the -job graduate student needs to be defense.Graduate Management Information System of Shandong UniversityPay attention to the relevant review process in time to prevent omissions.

   7. The on -the -job postgraduate capital passed by the college reviewParticipate in anonymous review outside school, the specific arrangements will be notified separately according to the development of the epidemic.

   8、Those who lack school status in the management system,Please pass the electronic version of the photo to the graduate work office of the college (mailbox:。Electronic photos should be used in the blue background,Be careful not to stretch、Transformation、Beauty。free crown,Boys with white shirts、Bright tie,Girls are light -colored formal clothes、Hairstyle regular。Using ID number as a file name,jpgFormat, the size is295 & Times; 413Pixels, the size does not exceed400KB

    9、This batch of graduation defense time is expected to be from mid-to-late May-June 12, the specific arrangements will be notified separately according to the development of the epidemic.Please reply to the postgraduate to keep in touch with the mentor in time,Understand the specific defense time and arrange your work properly。

                                                                             School of Electrical Engineering


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