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Institute of Electrical Engineering In the second half of 2020, a master's degree defense related notice
Release time: November 10, 2020 18:02    Author:    点击:[]

The general arrangement of the master's degree defense time in the second half of 2020 is from November 15th to November 30th。

Participate in the anonymous judgment of the college, the master's degree in job engineering,Review results can log in to individual"Graduate Information Management System" View,Students who have been awarded anonymous through the paper need to contact the instructor,Learn the comments returned,and modify the paper in accordance with the review opinions。Participating in the anonymous review of the school is concerned about the graduate information management system of employees in the universities,Waiting for review results。

Due to the epidemic cause,This batch of defense still adopts the way of the Internet。Academic anonymous review of qualified on -the -job engineering masters, please contact the instructor in time,Determine the specific defense time and related defense。

FinalPDF version papers Upload in the graduate management system before December 4,Participate in school checking weight。

Paper version of the graduation thesis and defense materials plan is arranged in December6Submit to the school,Due to epidemic prevention requirements,Need to coordinate with the School Public Security Department,Specific way to notify。

School of Electrical Engineering

November 9, 2020

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