Scientific research
International Power Supply Conference Organization 2020 Shanghai Technology Conference (Cired Shanghai Workshop 2020) essay notification
Release time: February 17, 2020 09:27    Author:    点击:[]

The International Power Supply Conference Organization (Cired) will hold the first Cired 2020 SHANGHAI WORKSHOP on October 26-27, 2020。The meeting is organized by the International Power Supply Conference、Cired China National Committee sponsored,Chinese Electrical Engineering Society、National Grid Company、Southern Power Grid Company and other units will participate in the meeting organization。Seminar 2 days,The opening ceremony will be arranged、Main Report、Roundtable Forum、Thesis exchange and posting。Experts in the field of power distribution、Professor、Engineer、Students are actively submitted and attended!


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Essay topic


The theme of this meeting is "Sustainable and rapid urban intelligent power distribution"" (Smart Power Distribution for Sustainable and Fast Evolving Cities)。

The theme of the conference essay includes:

1、Planning and Development of Smart Cities

  • Planning The Development and the Upgrade of Power Distribution

    Power distribution development and update plan

  • Planning The Res Integration in Fast Growing Cities

    Fast development of cities' comprehensive renewable energy comprehensive plan

  • IMPACT of E-Mobility on Distribution Planning

    The effect of electric vehicles on power distribution planning

  • Integrated Urban Planning (Power, Gas, thermal, Water, Communication, Transportation and Waste)

    Urban Comprehensive Plan (Electricity、Gas、Heat、Water、Communication、Traffic、Garbage Management)

  • Integrated Planning of Digital Infrastructures (E.G. Integrated Data Center)

    Comprehensive planning of digital infrastructure (such as comprehensive data center)

  • Inclusion of Cyber ​​Security in Distribution Planning and Development

    Consider the power distribution planning and development of information security

  • ArtifCial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Expert Systems for Planning Smart City Distribution Networks

    Based on artificial intelligence、Machine Learning、The smart city distribution network plan of the expert system

  • Smart Buildings, Smart districts, Smart Factories, Microgrids

    Smart Building, Smart Community, Smart Factory, Micro Grid

  • Business Models, Markets and Regulatory Framework Impact on the Smart City Develop

    Business model、The impact of the market and regulatory framework on the development of smart cities

2、Equipment and Components for the Smart Citie

  • Smart, Compact and Eco-Friendly Substrations, And Smart Transformers

    Smart, compact, environmentally friendly substation and smart transformers

  • Pre-Built Power Stations and Substations

    Pre -installed power plant and substation

  • High Ampacity UnderGround Cables and SuperConductivity Cables

    High -load underground cable and superconducting cable

  • FAULT CURRENT LIMITERS (for Sub-Grids Connections, Energy Demanding Transport Infrastructure, ETC.)

    Fault current limiter (for grid interconnection、Energy transmission equipment, etc.)

  • Components for Active Network Operations (e.g., FAULT LOCATION, Isolation and Service Restoration, Dynamic Load Management, Power fl OW Management, Power Quality Conditioners)

    Active distribution network running equipment (for example,Fault positioning、isolation and restoration of power supply、Dynamic load management、Trendy Management、Electric energy quality regulator

  • DC Distribution and AC/DC Hybrid Solutions

    DC power distribution and communication DC hybrid distribution solutions

  • AC and DC Charging Stations for Private and Public Transportation

    Private and Public Traffic DC charging stations

  • DISTRIBUTED and Centralized Storage

    distributed formula/Concentrated energy storage system

  • Technical Solutions for Upgrading Existing Assets

    Technical solution for existing asset upgrade

  • Innovative Condition Monitoring

    New method of status monitoring

3、New service brought by digitalization、Operating mode and user participation (Digitalization Enability New Services, Operation Schemes and Customer Engagement)

  • Aggregators and Demand Response in Fast Growing Cities (E.G. Virtual Power Plants, fl Exibility Mechanisms)

    Fasting aggregate and demand response in cities (such as virtual power plants,Flexible mechanism)

  • Multi Energy/Multi Services Networks and Systems

    Multi -energy/Multi -service network and system

  • Operation and Energy Management of Smart Distribes and Buildings (E.G. Community Systems Operator, ETC.)

    The operation and energy management of smart communities and buildings (such as community system operators, etc.)

  • Integration and Operation of E-Mobility in Large Cities, Smart Public Lighting and Distributed Storage

    Electric car integration and operation of large cities,Smart public lighting and distributed energy storage

  • Peer to Peer Energy Transaction and Local Markets (Blockchain)

    Point -to -point energy transactions and local markets (blockchain)

  • interoprable digital plotforms for the integrated of city services

    Interoperable Urban Service Integrated Digital Platform

  • Big Data to Improve and Optimize the Operation of Smart Distribution Systems

    Improve and optimize big data methods running the intelligent power distribution system

  • Innovative Operation of the Distribution System

    (e.g., IOT Integration, ETC.)

    New method of running system operation (such as IoT integration, etc.)

4、Reliable、Rescued intelligent power distribution

  • Digitalization and Asset Management

    Digitalization and asset management


    Risk perception and auxiliary decision -making system for the tough distribution network

  • Citizen Awareness and Resiliation

    Citizen consciousness and toughness

  • Cyber ​​Security Technology

    Information security technology for digital power distribution

  • Cyber ​​Physical Modelling and Simulation for Smart Cities

    Smart City information physical modeling and simulation

  • Microgrids and Smart Districts for Resiliation

    Micro grids and smart communities with toughness


    Information attacks with high probability of high probability

  • Managing Data Protection and Open Data

    Data protection and data open management

  • IMPACT of Innovative Market Arrangements on Resiliation

    The impact of new market management mechanism on toughness



Essay requirements


Submission method:Summary and full text of English paper through the conference website。

Conference website:

Important deadline:

Abstract Submission Date: March 2, 2020

Abstract Admission Notification Date: May 4, 2020

Full text Submitting deadline: July 3, 2020

The papers admitted to the conference will be retrieved by EI.



Conference Secretariat


Cired Secretariat

Mich & Egrave; Le Delville


C & Eacute; Line Dizier


Tel: +32 (0) 222 29 46

Cired China National Committee

Tang Min  Pan Meimei


Tel: 021-25650168

Liu Min





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