Scientific research
Intelligent scheduling and control of the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Power Grid
Release time: June 08, 2021 18:01    Author:    点击:[]

Intelligent scheduling and control of the Ministry of Education (Shandong University) around the Education Revolution、"Carbon Dafeng、Carbon neutralization "and other major national strategic needs,Challenges of the safe economic operation of complex cross -traffic DC power grids,Focus on key scientific issues and technical bottlenecks in the field of intelligent scheduling and control in the new form of grid,Restore decision -making on the security defense and intelligence in the large power grid、Wide -area protection and intelligent fault information system、Economic scheduling of modern power system、Electric energy transformation and renewable energy grid to carry out application basic research,It is a basic research and key technology innovation base in the field of electrical engineering。

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Open topics should be closely focused on the research direction of the laboratory below: (1) Large power grid security defense and intelligent restoration decision -making, (2) Wide -area protection and intelligent fault information system, (3) Economic scheduling of modern power system, (4) Electric energy transformation and renewable energy side by side, (5) Discipline cross direction。Encouragement with the research direction of the laboratory is closely combined,Application for relevant personnel who help improve the scientific research level of laboratory cross -disciplinary disciplines,Focus on funding outstanding young and middle -aged teachers to carry out related research。

2. Application for open topics

1. Applicants for open topic funds In principle, non -this laboratory (Intelligent scheduling and control of the Ministry of Education's Key Laboratory9467_9473,Those who have obtained outstanding academic results are preferred,Mainly funded researchers who cooperate with the personnel of this laboratory。The fixed personnel of this laboratory must be used as the contact person and joined the research group。

2. The applicant should have deputy senior professional technologies and above or has obtained a doctorate degree,Do not exceed45Sinity。Each applicant can only declare one project,Participants participants cannot participate in the application of more than two projects at the same time。

3. An open topic is set up this year15Items, funding for each topic is510,000 yuan, the research cycle is2Year (2021year8month-2023year7month).

4. Applicants should carry out substantial research after funding,Follow the laboratory opening topic contract,Completed according to the main content and assessment indicators of the approved application,and complete the research on the subject research as planned。

5. For the original research content、indicators and budget adjustments,Must be approved by this laboratory in accordance with the program,Otherwise, the laboratory has the right to interrupt the fund's use or cancel the original approved funding。

6. Applicants must fill in the "Application Fund for the Open Fund of the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Intelligent Grid and Control of the Ministry of Education" (attachment1) and summary table (attachment2), sent to the electronic version Application deadline:2021year7month9Day.

3. Opening topic review

Laboratory Academic Committee organized to convene2021Annual Open Project Project Approval,Combined with laboratory construction and development needs,Opening topic research direction、Research content,Applicants and team scientific research forces,Executive Plan and other carefully reviewed and discussed,Finally determined the funding object and funding amount。The director of the laboratory makes a unified adjustment based on the suggestion of the academic committee。After passing the preliminary examination,The applicant must be stamped by the unit,Send formal paper materials to this laboratory,Term in one article。

4. Open topic publicity

The laboratory will publicize the one -week publicity of the cost -effective project,After the announcement has no objection,Submit to the School of Science and Technology Research。

5. Laboratory results

Research results obtained by using open topics,Share shared by the units of the laboratory and applicants,The papers published should include the laboratory,The format of the signature is: "Intelligent scheduling and control of the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory(Shandong University), Jinan City, Shandong Province 250061; English is: "Key Laboratory of Power System Intelligent Dispatch and Control of Ministry of Education, SHANDONG University, jinan 250061, China”。When applying for a invention patent,The signature of the patent person must have "Shandong University"。

7. Open topic management

1. The laboratory conducts intermediate inspections and acceptance of the subject,Requires the person in charge of the project to submit the mid -term inspection report on time,When necessary, go to the laboratory to make a report on the spot when the subject is acceptable。

2. After the subject is approved,Each topic has an independent financial account,The laboratory partner of the applicant is responsible for the specific financial report management work。The applicant will not violate the relevant financial regulations of the state and schools,With relevant reimbursement vouchers,After the laboratory is responsible for the review, it is reviewed,Reim on reimbursement in the Finance Office。

3. When the subject is approved,Topic applicants can use the total funding of topics50%, all balance funds can be used after passing the mid -term inspection.

4. The remaining management requirements are implemented in accordance with the "Administrative Measures for the Open Project Fund of the Key Laboratory of the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education"。

7. Contact and contact information

Contact: Wei Xiuyan, Ye Hua

Electric words:1506917052818653163086


Place Address: Ten Road, Lixia District, Jinan City, Shandong Province17923No. School of Electrical Engineering, Qianfoshan Campus of Shandong University



Attachment1: Application of the Installation of the Ministry of Education for the Intelligent Schedule of the Power Grid and Control of the Ministry of Education

Attachment2: Summary Topation Form for the Installation of the Ministry of Education for Intelligent Schedule and Control of the Ministry of Education



Intelligent scheduling and control of the Ministry of Education's Key Laboratory



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