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2021 The 6th IEEE Electric Electronics and Electric Drive System Forecast Control International Conference is successfully held
Release time: November 23, 2021 17:21    Author: Han Minghao Zhang Yuzheng    点击:[]

IEEE) host,Holding Shandong University,Munich University of Technology、Co -organized by Harbin Institute of Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences2021YearsSixth Power Electronics andElectric Drive System Forecast Control International Conference (The 6th IEEE International Conference On Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power ElectronicsIEEE-PRECEDE 2021), Yu2021Years11month20Day to22Sunday to be successfully held in Jinan, Shandong Province。Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering、Li Shucai, Vice President of Shandong University,Former Vice President Xu Dianguo, former vice president of Harbin Institute of Technology,Academician, Chilean Academy of Engineering,Andreis & Middot; Pharma President of Belo National UniversityJose RodriguezIEEE-PRECEDECreation Chairman, Professor Professor of Teachers Concubine at Munich University of Technology, GermanyRalph Kennel,National Jieqing、Professor Li Shihua and other experts at Southeast University attended the meeting。Meeting period3Sky,Invited top experts and scholars of global scientific research institutions and enterprises to participate,Power Electronics、The latest engineering academic progress and hot issues in the field of electric drive systems and new energy power generation control are discussed,Promoting technical exchanges and results sharing,Promote the development and transformation and upgrading of the power equipment manufacturing industry.

To consolidate the hard -won epidemic prevention and control results,Consider the relevant policies of various countries、After traveling risks of the guests,The conference organizing committee decided to adjust the on -site meeting to the online and offline combination model.。Although the meeting mode has changed,But the guests who participated in the conference were enthusiastic about。From Germany、United States、Chile、Danish、UK, etc.32A country400The remaining guests, aroundElectrical electronics and electric drive system predict control themes to develop enthusiastic exchanges and discussions。Where,offline participating scholars from Tsinghua University、Zhejiang University、Harbin University of Technology、Xi'an Jiaotong University、Huazhong University of Science and Technology、Tongji University、Tianjin University、Southeast University、Chinese Academy of Sciences、University of Electronic Science and Technology、Northwest University of Technology、Anhui University、Hefei University of Technology、Hohai University、China University of Mining and Technology、Yanshan University、Xi'an University of Health University、China Petroleum University、Jiangsu University and other brother colleges。

Conference site

On the opening ceremony of the conference,Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering、Li Shucai, vice president of Shandong University, gave an opening speech。Academician Li Shucai, on behalf of the organizer Shandong University, expressed his gratitude to the co -organizers and related supporting units of this meeting,Member of the Conference Organizing Committee、The invited guests and guests expressed warm welcome,also introduced the history of running academic degree in Shandong University and contributing to the field of power and energy。PrecepteCreation Chairman, German University of Technology, GermanyRalph KennelProfessorWelcome, briefly elaboratedPrecepteConference History,Expressing regrets that you can't attend the meeting on the spot,and thanks to the organizational work of the organizer Shandong University under the epidemic situation。The opening ceremony of the conference is chairman of the conference、Professor Zhang Yibin, School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University。

Academician Li Shucai, Vice President of Shandong University, gave an opening speech

PrecepteCreation Chairman, Munich University, GermanyRalph KennelProfessorWelcome words

Precede 2021Chairman of the Conference、Professor Zhang Yibin of Shandong University Hosted the opening ceremony of the conference

Academician, Chilean Academy of Engineering,IEEE LIFE FELLOW, Andreis& middot;Bei President of Belo National UniversityJose RodriguezProfessorI made the question"Recent Advances of Predictive Control in Power Electronics"Conference report,Explained the development history of prediction control、Status and future trends。

IEEE LIFE FELLOW, Andreis& middot;Bei President of Belo National UniversityJose RodriguezProfessor report on the conference

IEEE FELLOW, Professor Xu Dianguo, Harbin University of Technology, to use online"INDUCTION MOTOR FITORD -Weakening Control -Challenges and SOLUTIONS"The title was reported,Introduced the cutting -edge work and achievements of inductive motor weak magnetic control,The application of prediction control in the inductive motor gives experience sharing and suggestions。

Professor Xu Dianguo, Harbin Institute of Technology, make a report on the conference

Pioneer of theoretical Research on the theory of prediction control、Professor Xi Yugeng, Shanghai Jiaotong University, released a wonderful report remotely"Expansion of Predictive Control Applications -Status and Considerations",Introduction to predict control in advanced equipment、Electric Electronics、Smart Building、Expansion applications in the fields of medical instruments,Possibility of prediction control in other emerging fields to promote extension。

Professor Xi Yugeng, Shanghai Jiaotong University, make a report on the conference

EPELast Achievement Award winner, professor of chair professor of Munich University of TechnologyRalph KennelThe title is"Why is Predictive Control so special and what can excents from it in future?"Conference report,Compared with the advantages and disadvantages of prediction control and traditional control,pointed out the prediction control in the power converter、Electric Drive System、The development trend in the fields of new energy power generation。

PrecepteCreation Chairman, Munich University, GermanyRalph KennelProfessor report on the conference

The Conference Sub -Forum invited many outstanding scholars,Show their latest research results。The technical club of the conference branch forum、Industrial Forum and Poster Exhibition:、Wonderful appearances。The technical branch venue revolves around power electronics and power drivers、Electricity System、Six major themes, including smart micro grids,A total of175Field Report。The day before the opening ceremony of the meeting,Set two four -hour special lectures (Tutorial), invites contains containing from Switzerlandabb、University of Finland Tan Perey、Chinese Academy of Sciences、Six international experts from enterprises such as North China Electric Power University and scientific research institutesForecast control control in the new application in the power transformation systemandElectrical electronic energy system High -performance model prediction controlThe two themes made a report, which attracted online and offline400The participation of the remaining audience。The best paper was selected for the conference、Best Meeting Report、Best poster display and other awards。


Conference to take photos

IEEEPrediction control of electrical electronics and electric drive systemsInternational Conference is the first high -level international special conference specifically for predicting the application of electrical engineering and energy systems,Due to academic and industrial circlesABB, GE, SIEMENS, etc.)Wide attention and participation。The meeting is held every two years,This session coincides withPrecepteThe tenth anniversary of the creation, the first meeting form will be discussed by a special discussion (Symposium) Turn into an international conference (Conference), and add a special lecture (Tutorial) and the conference report (Keynote) link.

Precede 2021The successful convening of the meeting,Experts from related fields from all over the world、Scholars and students provide an internationalization、High -quality communication platform,Share their latest research results、Innovative ideas and cutting -edge application technology,strengthened the cooperation and exchanges of domestic and foreign institutions in the field of electrical engineering and energy system prediction control。This session is established at Shandong University120Anniversary,further enhance the international influence of our school,promoted my country's academic progress and application practice in the field of electrical engineering and energy system prediction control。In a strong academic atmosphere、Wonderful reports and positive interaction,This academic feast ended。NextPrecepteThe meeting will be hosted by Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Yu2023It was held in Wuhan year.

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