m88 live casino gamesOn the morning of November 18, 2020,Director Li Changwei, an expert in Zhongyi Tong, came to our hospital for academic exchanges,Teacher Ding Lei, a low inertia project group、Teacher Zhang Feng、Teacher Wang Zhijun、Teacher Cai Deyu and related research directions for doctoral graduate students attended the meeting,The exchange meeting began on time M88 games apkin the 524 conference room of the M88 Online Live CasinoElectric Power Building at 9 am。
At the beginning of the meeting,Director Li explained to you in detail the power system to regulate the power system、Automatic Power Generation Control (AGC) and the furnace coordination control system (CCS),and make specific instructions on some important parameters of the entire system。After finishing the basic knowledge,Director m88 live casino gamesLi M88 Online Live Casinoanswers the doubts of the research group one by one,The two sides are AGC、CCS、Boiler fixed-slip-fixed operation and other issues conducted positive and in-depth communication。