Driven by the target M88 games apkdriver of M88 games apk"dual carbon" and building a new power system,New energy development is rapid,will be in2035Become a installed body around the year,2050Become the main body of power around the year。With the large -scale access of new energy,The energy supply chain of the system is restructured,The traditional contribution control system is no longer applicable to the new m88 live casino gamespower m88 live casino gamessystem,It is necessary to establish a more generalized power control basic theory and method。
This research direction re -examine the power control process from the energy perspective,Build a new type of power system based on the "inertia pair" and composite energy supply chain.,Reveal the disturbance transmission of the composite energy supply chain and multi -scale dynamic buffer M88 games apkM88 Online Live Casinomechanism,Differential design collaborative control schemes according to the energy composition of different power supply,To reshape the energy supply chain,Ensure the safe and stable energy supply process of the new power system。
Figure new power system Energy supply chain model building and dynamic analysis