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Research results
Journal Paper
Release time: May 11, 2022 20:11    Author:    点击:[]

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Author:gang zhang, Feng zhang*, xin zhang, zhaoyu Wang, Ke meng and zhaoyang dong

Abstract:Mobile Emergency Generators (MEGS) Can Effectively RESTORE CRITICAL LOADS As Flexible Backup M88 games apkResource Disturbance FROM Extreme m88 live casino gamesTS, TheReby Boosting the Distribution System Resillence. TheReface, Megs are required to be optimally allocated and utilized. For this pulpose, A NOVEL Three-Stage Stochastic Planning Model is Proposed for Meg Alocation of Resilient Distance., Preventive Response Stage (PRS) and Emergency Response Stage (Ers). Moreover, The number of. filely, in the PLS, The intensity unitedRTAINTY (IU) of DisasterS and the Outage UNCERTAINTY (OU) Incurred by a Given m88 com live casino registerDisaster M88 games apkare considered with ED SCENARIOS for the Effective Meg Alocation. The then, With the IU that can be observed in the PRS, The MEGS are Pre-Pre-POSITINED in the Considration of Ou. It is noted that the pre-positive defouring only knowledge, According to nonanticipativity Constrains. Last, with the further Realization of OU in the ERS, The MEGS are re-routed from the pre-positive to the target local, So that the processional microgrids can be formed to restore m88 live casino gamescritical loads. The m88 live casino gamesproduct plane model can be large-scale due to multive SCENARIOS. Thereefore, The Progressive Hedging Algorithm (PHA) is Customized to Reduce the Computational Burden. The Simulation Results IN 13 and 123 Node Distribution STEMS Show The Effectiveness and Superiority of the Proposed Three-Stage Meg Planning Model Over the Two-Stage Model.

Published in:IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (VOLUME: 11, Issue: 6, Nov. 2020)

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