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IEEE PES Electric Power System Dynamic Technical Committee (China) settled in Shandong University
Release time: October 27, 2021 17:53    Author:    点击:[]

October 22, 2021,IEEE PES Electric Power System Dynamic Technology Committee (China) (English: IEEE Power & Energy Society Power System Dynamic Performance Satellite Committee -China) The establishment conference and unveiling ceremony were successfully held at the Beijing Conference Center,Shandong University is the first secretariat of the technical committee,Professor Liu Yutian, the head of Safety and Control and Intelligent M88 Online Live CasinoRecovery Team of Shandong University, as the first chairman of the technical committee。

Council of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhou Xiaoxin,Academician Xue Yusheng and other experts from the Chinese Academy of Engineering awarded a license for the technical committee,IEEE PES Honorary Chairman of China、Professor Bo Zhiqian, a national special expert, and Professor Sun Huadong, deputy dean of the China Institute of Electricity Sciences, attended the establishment meeting。

In the process of building a new power system with new energy as the main body,Electric power system dynamic technology in construction simulation、Calculation analysis、Stable theory、Safety and stability、Defense system and other aspects face severe challenges。To cope with the above challenges,Shandong University M88 games apkin the Chinese Technical Committee of China in IEEE PES、Related universities、Division of experts such as scientific research institutes and enterprises、With support,Union University of Science and Technology、State Grid Shandong Electric Power Science Research Institute、Tsinghua University、Chinese Institute of Electric Power Sciences、North China Electric Power University (Baoding) and other units,Initiating the establishment of IEEE PES Electric Power System Dynamic Technology Committee (China),An analysis of the modeling and characteristics of the electronic electronic power system for electronic power system、Power Grid Safety Defense Simulation、Digital twin of the power system、Secondary and stable analysis of DC hybrid grid、Coordination of the m88 com live casino registernetwork source of the power system、Power system recovery and dynamic power system artificial intelligence applications 7 score technical committees,Building a high -level scientific research and innovation platform for the research and application of dynamic technology research and application of new power system,Help my country's power transformation and development。

Professor Liu Yutian led by Shandong University's complex power grid safety grid safety prevention and control and intelligent recovery team,Long -term focusing on the operation regulation of complex grids、Study on security defense and restoration of decision -making,Fully participated in the preparation and organization of the IEEE PES Electric Power System Dynamic Technology Committee (China),Team member Professor Ye Hua is the secretary -general of the technical committee,Professor Li Changgang Ren Zhi DC Hybrid Network m88 live casino gamesSafety and Stable Analysis Sub -Estate Technology Committee Secretary General。

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