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Wang Hongtao, Heze, Shandong, professor, doctoral supervisor
Academic identity:
"Taishan Scholars" specially -appointed professor team backbone member,The Ministry of Education ’s“ Intelligent Schedule and Control ”Key Laboratory Director Director of the Special High School Sub -Office of the Ministry of Education,IEEE senior member,Senior member of the Chinese Electrical Engineering Society,Member of the New Energy of Chinese Electrical Engineering Society,Editorial Member of Editorial Power System Protection and Control。
Work experience:
[2010.9- to this day] Professor
[2005.9-2010.9] Associate Professor of Shandong University
[2001.9-2005.12] Lecturer of Shandong University
[1998.7-2001.8] Shandong University Instructor
Research direction:
Optimized operation and control of the power system: power system security defense and restoration control,Analysis and control of the safety and stability of the power system,Optimization m88 live casino gamesand scheduling in transmission and distribution grid
Renewable energy sources: Analysis and evaluation of the safety and stability of large -scale wind power access systems,High -proportion new energy power generation system optimization scheduling and control
Academic works:
1) zhao, Jin; *WANG, hongtao, qiuwei wu, ET. Al. Spatio-Temporal Decomposition and Coordination for Distributed LoadRESTOTON in AC/DC Hybrid System [J]. IEEE TRANS. On Smart Grid. 20 20. https://doi.org/10.1109/tsg. 2020.3025694
2) zhao, Jin; *WANG, hongtao, qiuwei wu, ET. Al. Distributed Risk-Limiting Load RESTORATION for Wind Power Penetrated Bulk System [J]. IEEE Trans. ON POWER SYSTEMS. 2020, 35 (5): 3516-3528
3) zhao, Jin; *WANG, hongtao, hou, yunhe, et. Al. Robust distributed Coordination of Parallel Restored Subsystems in Wind Power Penetrald Transmission System [J]. On Power Systems. 202 0, 35 (4): 3213-3223
4) zhao, Jin; liu, yao; *Wang, hongtao, ET. Al. ReceDing Horizon LoadRestaching for Coupled Transmission and Distribution System Considering Load-Source UNCERTAINTY [J]. Internetal NAL of Electric Power & Energy Systems.vol 116, May 2020
5) Aamir Nawaz, *hongtao Wang. StochaStical Coordined Transmission and Distribution System Operation With Large-Scale Wind Farm [J]. CSee Journal OF Power. & Energy Systems. Accept in SEP. 2020.
6) NAWAZ, AAMIR; *Wang, m88 live casino gameshongtao, wu, qiuwei, Et Al. TSO and DSO with Large-Scale Distributed Energy Resources: A Security Constrained UnitMitment COORDINATED SOLUTION [J]. Internet RansActions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2020, 30(3)
7) zhao, Jin; *WANG, hongtao, liu yutian, ET Al.CoordInated restrication of transmission and distribution system users [j] .Ieee Transaction Systems.2019, 34 (5): 3428-3442.
8) zhao, Jin; *WANG, hongtao, liu, yutian, ET. Al. Utility-Oriented on-LINE LOAD RESTRATION CONDERING WIND POND POND PONER PENETRATION [J], IEEE Trans on Sustainable Energy. 2019, 10 (2): 706-717.
9)*Wang Hongtao,蔺 Chengqian,Yang Dong,et al.. Multi -DC feedback system power regulation and crew force resumed and coordinated optimization [J]. Power automation equipment,2019 (9): 136-143
10) Xu Di,*Wang Hongtao. Based on random trends and risk value, large -scale wind power system high -risk chain failure assessment. Power grid technology,2019,43 (2): 410-416
Scientific research project:
1、A coordinated optimization operation theory with a high -proportion of renewable energy, a DC mixed system,2016.7-2020.12,National Key R & D Plan
2、Basic Theory of Power System Planning and Operating Basic Theory of high -proportion m88 live casino gamesof renewable energy grid,2017.9-2020.12,National Key R & D Plan Support Project
3、DC mixed -connected power network rapid recovery key substation control technology research,2018.1-2020.12,Science and Technology Project of National Grid Corporation Headquarters
4、Guangdong Power Grid Black Starting Power Plan、Reconstruction and verification technology research,2018.7-2019.12,Southern Power Grid Company Technology Project
5、Operating risk warning and coordination defense of large -scale wind power grid,2012-2015,National Natural Science Foundation
6、Key Technology of Smart Grids-Intermittent Energy Power Generation Multi-time and Space-scale System Research and Development,2011-2014,National High -tech Research Development Plan (863 Plan)
7、Regional grid scheduling operation technology research and system development of the regional grid scheduling and system of combined power generation system,2011-2013,National Science and Technology Support Plan
8、Extra high -voltage DC Shandong Power Grid resume control strategy and auxiliary decision -making,2010-2013,Shandong Electric Power Group Corporation Key Project
9、Wind power grid -connected basic research platform construction and detection capacity improvement,2012.m88 sports betting1-2014.12,Science and Technology Project of National Grid Corporation Headquarters
10、Intermittent type renewable energy island power grid operation technology research and engineering demonstration,2012.1-2013.12,National Grid Company Technology Project
Contact information:18660111296, whtwhm@sdu.edu.cn