M88 Online Live Casino, z. Li, m. Kazmierkowski, j. Rodriguez, r. Kennel, `` Robust Predictive Control of Three-Level NPC Back-Back Power Converter PMSG Wind Turbine Systems With Revned Predicts ", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018.(SCIOne District)
z. Zhang, h. Fang, f. Gao, j. Rodriguez, r. Kennel, `` Multiple Vector Model Predictive Power Control for Grid-Tied Wind Turbine System with Enhanced Steady State Performances ", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017. (SCIOne District)
z. Zhang, f. WANG, j. WANG, j. Rodriguez, r. Kennel, 'Nonlinear Direct Control for Three-Level NPC BACK-BACK Converter PMSG Wind Turbine Systems: Experimental Assessment with FPGA' ', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2017.(SCIOne District)
z. Zhang, C. Hackl, r. Kennel, "Computationally Efficient DMPC for Three-Level NPC Back-Back Converters in Wind Turbine Systems with PMSG", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2016.(SCIOne District)
z. Zhang, f. WANG, t. Sun, j. Rodrıguez, r. Kennel, "FPGA BASED Experimental Investigation of a QuaSi-Centralized Model Prediction Control for Back-Back Converters", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2016.(SCIOne District)
z. Zhang, t. Sun, f. WANG, j. Rodriguez, r. Kennel, "A ComputationAlly-Efficient Quasi-CENTRALIZD DMPC for Back-Back Converter PMSG WITHOUT DC-Link Tracking Error", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016.(SCIOne District)
z. Zhang, h. XU, m. Xu, z. Chen, t. Sun, r. Kennel, C. Hackl, "Predictive Control with Novel Virtual Flux Estimation for Back-Back Converters", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2015.(SCIOne District)
z. Zhang, o. Babayomi, t. DragiceVic, r. Heydari, C. Garcia, j. Rodriguez, r. Kennel, "Advances and Opportunities in the Model Predictive Control of Microgrids: Part I m88 live casino gamesm88 live casino games-PRIMARY LAYER", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2021.(SCIDistrict 2)
y. Li, z. Zhang, t. Dragičević, j. Rodriguez, "A Unified Distributed Coopetive Control of DC Microgns USINGRIDSUSUS PROTOCOL", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021.(SCIOne District)
z. DONG, z. Li, x. L. Li, c. K. TSE, z. Zhang, "SINGLE-IDUCTOR MULTIPLE-Input Multiple-OUTPUT Converter with Common Ground, High Scalability and No Cross Regulation ", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021.(SCIOne District)
o. Babayomi, z. Zhang, t. DragiceVic, r. Heydari, C. Garcia, j. Rodriguez, r. Kennel, "Advances and Opportunities in the Model Predictive Control of Microgrids: Part II — Secondary and Tertial Layers", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2021.(SCIDistrict 2)
y. Li, z. Zhang, C. HU, m. Abdelrahem, r. Kennel, j. Rodriguez, "A Full State-Variable Direct Predictive Control for Islanded Microgrids with Parallel Converters", IEEE JOURNAL of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2021.(SCIDistrict 2)
z. DONG, X. Li, C. TSE, z. Zhang, "Derivation of Single-Input Dual-Output Converters with Simple Control and No Cross regulation & Quot;, IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Electronics, 2020.(SCIOne District)
y. Li, z. Zhang, k. Li, p. Zhang, f. Gao, "Predictive Current Control for Voltage Source Inverters Considering Dead-Time Effect", CES TEMS, 2020.
o. Babayomi, z. Li, and z. Zhang, “Distributed secondary frequency and voltage control of parallel-connected vscs in microgrids: a predictive vsg-based solution", CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications, 2020.
z. Li, j. Will, d. Yang, et. Al., "Oxygen Precipition in GE-DOPED CZOCHralski-Silicon at 900゜C Investigated by in Situ High Energy X-Ray Diffraction ", AIP Advances, 2020.(SCIThree Districts)
y. Sun, z. Zhang, "Hybrid Predictive Control with Simple Linear Control Based Cirrent SUPPREssion for Modular Multilevelly Converters", CES TEMS, 2019.(Invited paper)
z. Li, j. Will, d. Yang, et. Al., "SAMPLE Thickness Effect of thermal Vibration Correction with X-Ray Dynamical Theory for Germanium-Doped Silicon", Journal of Applied Physics, 2017.(SCIThree Districts)
z. Li, j. Will, P. DONG, d. Yang, "Thermal history effect on the nucleation of oxygen precipition in Germanium DOFED CZ-Silicon Studied by High Energy X-Ray Diffraction", Journal m88 com live casino registerof Crystal Growth, 2017.(SCIThree Districts)