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Zhao Tong
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Zhao Tong,1980New Year's Eve


Academic identity:

Associate Professor, Master Student Tutor


Work experience:

2010/07-So far, the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Associate Professor;

2008/07-2010/06,Tsinghua University Electrical Engineering and Application Electronic Technology Department,Assistant Researcher/Postdoctoral.


Research direction:

Discharge physics and plasma technology; high voltage insulation agency phenomenon and theory; monitoring and operation and maintenance management of state transmission and transformation equipment。


Academic works (part):


[1] tong zhao*, jiabi liang, liang zou, li zhang. A New FXLMS Algorithm with Offline and Online Secondary-Path Modeling Scheme for Active Noise TRANSFORMERS [J]. ActionS on Industrial Electronics, 2017, 64 (8): 6432-6442.

[2]tong zhao*, TAN Li, zhe xin, liang zou, li zhang. A Reaxff-Based Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Pyrolysis MECHANISM for Polycarbonate [J]. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32 (2): 2156-2162.

[3] TAN Li, tong zhao*, mingchao lv, liang zou, li zhang. The Mechaanism and Solution of the Anomalous Commutation Failure of Multi-Infeed HVDC Transmission Systems [J]. International Journal of E Lectrical Power and Energy Systems, 2020, 114 (1): 105400.

[4] jingxian cui, tong zhao*, liang zou, xiaolong Wang, Yuantao zhang. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of S. Cerevisiae Glucan Destruction m88 sports bettingm88 sports bettingby Plasma Ros Based on Reaxff [J]. Journal of PHYSICS D: App Lied physics, 2018, 51 (35): 355401.

[5]shuhui yang, tong zhao*, jingxian cui, zhiyun han, liang zou, xiaolong Wang, Yuantao zhang. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Interaction Between Oh Radicals in Plasma with POTH POLY-β-6-ACETYLUCOSAMINE. Plass. Ma Science and Technology, 2020, 22 (12): 125401.

[6]Zichen Wang, tong zhao*, yujia hu, liang zou, xiaolong Wang, Yuantao zhang. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Permeration and Distribution of Plasma Ros in Aquaporin-[J]. Physics of Plasma, 2021, 28 (8): 083509.

[7]shuhui yang, tong zhao*, liang zou, xiaolong Wang, Yuantao Zhang. ReaxFF-based molecular dynamics simulation of DNA molecules destruction in cancer cells by plasma ROS[J]. Physics of Plasmas, 2019, 26 (8): 083504.

[8]yujia hu, tong zhao*, liang zou, xiaolong Wang, Yuantao zhang. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Membrane Properties Afffeorted m88 sports bettingm88 sports bettingby Plasma Ros Based on The Gromos Force Field [J]. Chemistry, 2019, 253 (10): 106214.

[9]tong zhao*, Lei Shi, Yuantao zhang, liang zou, li zhang. A Reaxff-Based Molecular Dynamics Study of the MechanisSMS of Internets BetWeen Reactive Oxygen Plasma Species and The Candida A lbicans cell wall [j]. Physics of Plasmas, 2017, 24 (10): 103518.

[10]Qingmin Li, tong zhao, li zhang, jie Lou. Mechanical Fault Diagnostics of on-Load Tap Changer Within Power Transformers Based on Hidden Markov Model [J]. elivery, 2012, 27 (2): 596-601.

[11]tong zhao, xiabing Zou*, xinxin wang, yongchao zhao, yanqiang du, Ran zhang, RUI LIU. X-Ray Backlighting of Developments of x-Pinches and Wire-Rray Z-Pinches user [J]. Ieee transactions on Plasma e, 2010, 38 (4): 646-651.

[12]tong zhao, xiabing Zou, Ran zhang, xinxin Wang*. X-Ray Backlighting of Two-Wire Z-PLASMA UING X-PINCH [J]. CHINESE PHYSICS B, 2010, 19 (7): 075205.

[13]tong zhao, Qingmin m88 live casino gamesm88 live casino gamesLi*, Jiali qian. Investigation on Digital Algorithm For on-Line Monitoring and Diagnostics of Metal Oxide Surge Archested on Acacurate Model [J]. I EEE Transaction on Power Delivery, 2005, 20 (2): 751 ~ 756.

[14]Xin Ye, Zhao Tong*, Han Zhiyun, Zou Liang, Zhang Li. Molecular dynamic simulation of polyester film in the agglomeration of polyester in electrical thermal action [J]., 2018, 33 (22): 5196-5205.

[15]Zhao Tong, Liang Jiabi, Liu Yan, Zou Liang, Zhang Li. The variable structure FXLMS auto -adaptable transformer based on multi -frequency trap filtering and signal power variable parameters [J]. China Electrical Engineering Journal, 2017, 37 (22): 6719-6729.

[16]Zhao Tong*, Shi Lei, Zhang Yuantao, Zou Liang, Zhang Li. Research on the production of moisture -based insulation paper high -temperature cracking process and its destruction effect [J]. China Electrical Engineering Journal, 2017, 37 (15): 4548-4556.

[17]Zhao Tong, Liang Jiabi*, Summer Xiang, Zou Liang, Zhang Li. The research on the source of the source of the power transformers based on the LMS adaptive filter algorithm [J]. High voltage technology, 2016, 42 (7): 2299-2307.

[18]Zhao Tong*, Lu Mingchao,Lou Jie,Zou Liang,Zhang Li,Li Qingmin. Anomalial failure study of high -voltage DC transmission system [J]. Power Grid Technology, 2015, 39 (3): 705-711.


Academic rewards:

[1]High -pressure digitalization andFACTSElectromagnetic compatibility research and engineering application, Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, first prize,2011.

[2] X-PinchsoftXRadio radiation point source and application basic research, The Ministry of Education Natural Science Award, Second Prize,2012.

[3] The power transformer has an online monitoring m88 sports bettingM88 Online Live Casinosystem with loading and connecting the operating mechanical properties,Shandong Province Science and Technology Progress Award,Second prize,2007.

[4] Chaos dynamic analysis method of vibration signal,Shandong High School Excellent Scientific Research Achievement Award (Natural Science),Second prize,2006.


Scientific research project:

[1] Molecular dynamics simulation and experimental research on the mechanism of plasma and lung cancer cells,National Natural Science Foundation;

[2] Based onMHDDouble feature planeXTwo -dimensional number simulation research on the process of hugging internal explosion dynamics, National Natural Science Foundation;

[3] xThe physical characteristics and two -dimensionalMHD Numerous simulation research, National Natural Science Foundation;

[4] Study of the mechanism and intelligence of the power transformer strong magnetic vibration of power transformers,Shandong Provincial Key R & D Plan;

[5] DCgilInsulation sons nano composite coating modification micro mechanism and interface insulation enhancement design research,Shandong Natural Science Fund;

[6] Based onXHanded breast tumorXRadio Bit Blinding Imaging, China's post -doctoral science fund;

[7] Multi -dimensional comprehensive assessment method of special equipment for special high -voltage grids,State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Science and Technology Project;

[8] Research on the Study and Fault Diagnostic Technology of Transformer Winding abnormal state based on vibration characteristics, State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Science and Technology Project;

[9] based on abnormal vibration analysisGISResearch on Mechanical Defect Diagnosis Technology,State Grid Anhui Electric Power Company Science and Technology Project;

[10] Research on Online M88 games apkm88 com live casino registerMonitoring Technology of Loading Capital Machinery Performance,State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company Science and Technology Project;

[11] Research on non -integrated state intelligent perception technology and fault warning system for the circuit breaker operation mechanism, State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Science and Technology Project;

[12]  Study on comprehensive system perception technology and fault diagnosis comprehensive system based on combined electrical electrical isolated switch based on multi -characteristic parameters, State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Science and Technology Project.


Contact information:




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