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Gong Jinlin
Release time: September 29, 2021 14:12    Author:    点击:[]

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Male,Born in 1983,Doctor of Electrical Engineering France,Member of the Chinese Electrical Engineering Society、IEEE MEMBER。

Academic identity

Master's Graduate Mandrers、IEEE MEMBER、Member of the Chinese Electrical Engineering Society

Research direction

Optimized design and control of high -efficiency, high -reliability driving system

Work experience

2013.3 So far the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University;

2018.12-2019.11 Visiting Scholars of the National University of Higher Engineering Technology (ENSAM);

2011.09-2012.08 University of France's National Higher Engineering Technology (ENSAM) assistant (A.T.E.R);

Eighth Shandong University "Youth Teaching Mandarin";

2016 Shandong University Youth Teacher Class Competition "Second Prize"。

Academic works (part)

[1]j. Gong, h. zhang, b. Zhao, d. Fu, f. Gillon, PROPOSAL of a Bi-Objective Kriging Adapted Output SPACE MAPPING Technology for Electromagnetic Design Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, VOL. 55, no. 6, june 2019.

[2]j. Gong, h. Zahr, e. semail, m. Trabelsi, b. Aslan, f. Scuiller, Design Considerations of Five-PHASE MACHINE with Double P/3P Polarity. IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Energy Conversion, Vol. 34, NO. 1, March 2019, pp.12-24.

[3]j. Gong, f. Gillon, n. Bracikowski, Comparison of Three Space Mapping Techniques on Electromagnetic Design Optimization. International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in iCal and Electronic Engineering, VOL. 37, NO. 2, pp. 1-14, Feb. 2018.

[4]j. Gong, f. Gillon, j. T. Canh and Y. XU, PROPOSAL of a Kriging Output Space Mapping Technique for Electromagnetic Design Optimization. IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Magnetics, VOL. 53, no. 6, june 2017.

[5] H. Zahr, j. Gong*, e. semail, fuiller. Comparison of optimized Control Strategies of a High-Speed ​​Traction Machine with Five PhaSes and Bi-Harmonic Electromotive Ferce. E Nergies, Vol. 9, n & deg ;. 12, pp. 952. December 2016.

[6]Jinlin Gong, Bassel aslan, Eric Semail, FR & Eacute; D & Eacute; RIC Gillon. High Speed ​​Functionality Optimization of Five-PM Machine USIC 3rmonic Current. Intract. Al Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 31, NO. 3, pp. 879-893, ISBN: 0332-1649, May, 2014.

[7]Jinlin Gong, Alexandru Claudiu Berbecea, FR & Eacute; D & EACute; Ric Gillon, Pascal Brochet. Multi-Objective Optimization of a Linear INDUCTION MOTOR Using 3D FEM. INTERNAL JORNAL for Computation and Mathematics In Eleel Ctrical and Electronic Engineering. Vol. 31, NO. 3, pp. 958-971, ISBN: 0332-1649, May, 2012.

[8]Jinlin Gong, benteng zhao, Eric Semail, ngac-ky nguyen, yanliang xu, Seven-PHASE AXIAL and Radial Flux in-WHEEL MACHINE with Three Active Air Gaps, XXIVTH International Conference on Electrical Machines, August, 2020, sweden.

[9] b. Zhao, j. Gong, y. XU, e. semail, n-k, nguyen, n. Bracikowski, High Performance Evaluation of a Novel Topology of Five-PHASE FROT Concentrald Non-Overlapping Winding, International Magnetics Conference, May, 2020, Canada.

[10] v. Martin, j. Gong, b. Zhao, f. Gillon, y. XU, Cogging Torque Minimization of An Interior Permanent Magnet Machine USING SUB-DOMAIN METHOD, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Nov. 2020, italy.

[11] b. Zhao, j. Gong, t. Tong, y. XU, e. semail, n-k, nguyen, f. Gillon, A NOVEL FIVE PHASE FRACTIONAL SLOT Concentrald With Low Space Harmonic Contents, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Nov. 2020, italy.

[12] zhang hao, ​​zhao BentenG, gong jinlin, xu yanliang, duc tan vu, ngac ky nguyen, Eric Semail, TIAGO JOSE DOS SANTOS Moraes, Torque Optimization of a Seven-Phase Bi-Harmonic PMSM in Healthy and Degraded Mode, International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 8-2019, Harbin, china.

[13] Keitaro yanagihara, duc tan vu, ngac ky nguyen, Jinlin Gong, Eric Semail1, TIAGO JOSE DOS SANTOS Moraes, FAULT-TOLERANT Control for Non-Sinusoidal 7-PerManent Magnet Machits with OPENED PHASE, International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEE 2019), October 10-12, 2019, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

[14] b. Zhao, j. Gong, d. t. vu, n. Nguyen, and E. Semail, Fault Tolerant 7-PHASE Hybrid Excitation PerManent Magnet Machine. IEEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Oct. 2018, china.

[15]Jinlin Gong ET AL. Optimal Design of a Linear INDuction Motor for Traction Application. International Conference On Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control (Ice EAC), 10-2015, Weihai, china.

[16]Jinlin Gong, nicolas Bracikowski, xiuhe Wang.magnetic Modeling of a Liner Motor USing Lumped Approach. International Conference on Electrical Machines and SYSEMS (ICEMS), 10-2014, Hangzhou, china.

[17]Jinlin Gong et al. Fast OPTIMATION of A Linear Inuction Motor by 3-Level Mapping Technology. Plications (LDIA). 7-2013, Hangzhou, china.

[18]Jinlin Gong, FR & Eacute; D & EACUTE; Ric Gillon, Pascal Brochet. Optimal Design of a Linear INDUCTION MOTOR for Subway System USITE ELEMEEE ELEMENT METHOD. Internic Hines and systems (ICEMS), 8-2011, Beijing, china.

[19]Jinlin Gong, Alexandru Claudiu Berbecea, FR & Eacute; D & EACUTE; Ric Gillon, Pascal Brochet. Magnetic and thermal 3D Finite Element Model of a Linear Industrial Motor., SEP. 1-3, 2010, lille, France.

Scientific research project

Presides the National Natural Fund Youth Project/Project on the Noodles、Shandong m88 live casino gamesNatural Fund on the surface、Scientific Research Starting Fund for Students of the Ministry of Education、Shandong Provincial Key R & D Plan,Host and participated in a number of enterprise topics。

Contact information

email: gongjinlin@sdu.edu.cn

Tel: 18660157499

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