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Research results
SCI papers published in recent years
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SCI papers published in recent years

serial number Thesis name Publications First Author Communication Author Post time
1 Instantaneous Active Power Integral Differential Protection for Hybrid AC/DC Transmission Systems Based Fault Variation Component IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Huang Jiakai Gao Houlei 2020.07.23
2 Penality Electricity Price-Based Optimal Control for Distribution Networks Energies Pang Qingle Gao Houlei 2021.03.24
3 Distributed Online Voltage Control for Wind Farms USINERALALALZED FAST DUAL Ascent IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Guo Yifei Gao Houlei 2020.04.20
4 Distributed Cooperative Voltage Control of Wind Farms Based on Consensus Protocol International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Guo Yifei Gao Houlei 2018.07.26
5 Distributed Coordinated Active and Reactive Power Control of Wind Farms Based on Model Predictive Control International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Guo Yifei Gao Houlei 2018.06.30
6 DECENTRALIZED Coordinated Voltage Control for VSC-HVDC Connected Wind Farms Based on Admm IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Sustainable Energy Guo Yifei Gao Houlei 2018.06.18
7 NON-Unit Transient Based Boundary Protection for Uhv Transmission lines International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Luo Four P times Gao Houlei 2018.05.16
8 Investigation Into the PHYSICAL MeChanism and Influencing Factors of Sympathetic Inrformers in Series Mathematical Privems in Engineering Peng Fang Gao Houlei 2017.12.11
9 Coordinated Voltage Control Scheme for VSC-HVDC Connected Wind Power Plants IET Renewable Power Generation, Guo Yifei Gao Houlei 2017.11.21
10 Enhanced Voltage Control of VSC-HVDC-Connect Office Wind Farms Based on Model Predictive Control IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Sustainable Energy Guo Yifei Gao Houlei 2017.08.22
11 Transformer Sympathetic Inrush Characteristics and Identification Based On Substation-Rea Information IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Peng Fang Gao Houlei 2017.07.28
12 Travelling Wave Pilot Protection for LCC-HVDC Transmission Lines Based on Electronic TranSFormers's International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Wang Dong Gao Houlei 2017.06.04
13 A Meteorology Information Mining Mining-Based Wind Speed ​​Model for Adequacy Assessment of Power Systems with Wind Power International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Guo Yifei Gao Houlei 2017.06.22
14 Ultra-High-Speed ​​Travelling Wave Directional Protection Based on Electronic Transformers IET Generation Transmission & Distribution Wang Dong Gao Houlei 2017.05.10
15 IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Gao Houlei Gao Houlei 2016.11.16
16 Development of a Substation-AREA BACKUP Protective Relay for Smart Substation IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Liu Yiqing Gao Houlei 2016.02.26
17 Ultra-High-Speed ​​Travelling m88 com live casino registerWave m88 live casino gamesProtection of Transmission Line USing Polarity Comparice Based on Empourical Mode Mathematical Privems in Engineering Wang Dong Gao Houlei 2015.10.11
18 A New Fault Location Algorithm for Extra-High Voltage Mixed Lines, Phase Characteristics of Hyperbolic Tangction IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Zhang Shuai Gao Houlei 2015.07.28
19 Extra High Speed ​​Hybrid Protection Scheme for High Voltage Transmission line International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Zou Guibin Gao Houlei 2014.06.26
20 Fast Pilot Protection Method Based on Waveform Integral of Traveling Wave International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Zou Guibin Gao Houlei 2013.03.19
21 A Traveling-WAVE-BASED AMPLITUDE Integral Busbar Protection Technique IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Zou Guibin Gao Houlei 2012.02.28
22 Design and Evaluation of a Directional Algorithm for Transmission Line Protection Based on Positive Fault Components IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and distribution Gao Houlei Gao Houlei 2006.11
23 GPS Synchronized Digital Currential Protection for transmission lines Electric Power System Research Gao Houlei Gao Houlei 2002.01
24 Combined Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker Capable of Controlling Current Flow Flow IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Zhang Shuo Zou Guibin 2021.11
25 Current Differential Protection for Active Distribution Networks Based on Improved Fault Data Synchronization Method. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Zhou Chenghan Zou Guibin Early Access 2021
26 Bridge-Type Multiport Fault Current Limiter for Applications in MTDC Grids IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Zhang Shuo Zou Guibin Early Access 2021
27 Multiport Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker with Reduced Fault Isolation Time and Soft RECLOSING Capability IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Zhang Shuo Zou Guibin Early Access 2021
28 Diode-Bridge Multiport Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker for Multitterminal DC Grids IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Zhang Shuo Zou Guibin 2021.01
29 A RECLOSING SCHEME of Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker for MMC-HVDC Systems IEEE JOURNAL of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics Zhang Shuo Zou Guibin Early Access 2020
30 FAULT CURRENT LIMITER for The MMC-BASED Multi-Terminal DC Grids IET Generation Transmission & Distribution Huang Qiang Zou Guibin 2020.08
31 a non-unit boundary propection of dc line for MMC-MTDC Grids International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Zhang Shuo Zou Guibin 2020.03
32 FAULTY Feeder Selection and Segment Location Method for SptG Fault in Radial MMC-MVDC Distribution Grid IET Generation Transmission & Distribution Zeng Yu Zou Guibin 2020.01
33 Single-Ended Line Protection for MMC-MTDC Grids IET Generation Transmission & Distribution Zhang Shuo Zou Guibin 2019.1
34 A Pilot Protection Scheme of DC Lines for Multi-Terminal HVDC Grid IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Huang Qiang Zou Guibin 2019.1
35 FAULT Property Identification Method and Application for MTDC Grids with Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Zhang Shuo Zou Guibin 2019.09
36 A Non-Unit Line Protection Scheme m88 sports bettingfor MMC-Based Multi-Terminal HVDC Grid International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Huang Qiang Zou Guibin 2019.05
37 Multi-Time Scale Optimal Dispatch in Adn Based on Milp International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Zou Guibin Ma Yuwei 2018.11
38 a Nivel Protection and Location Scheme for Pole-Tole Fault in MMC-MVDC Distribution Grid Energies Zeng Yu Zou Guibin 2018.08
39 A Fast Protection Scheme for VSC Based Multi-Terminal DC Grid International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Zou Guibin Zou Guibin 2018.06
40 A Novel Busbar Protection Based on the Average Product of Fault Components Energies Zou Guibin Zou Guibin 2018.05
41 A Traveling-WAVE-BASED m88 com live casino registerFAULT LOCATION SCHEME m88 sports bettingfor MMC-Based Multi-Terminal DC Grids Energies Zhang Shuo Zou Guibin 2018.02
42 A Fast Non-Unit Protection Method Based on S-TRANSFORM for HVDC Line Electric Power Components and Systems Zou Guibin Zou Guibin 2018
43 A Novel Busbar Protection Method Based on Polaxon OF Superimposed Current IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Song Shenglan Zou Guibin 2015.08
44 Extra High Speed ​​Hybrid Protection Scheme for High Voltage Transmission line International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Zou Guibin Zou Guibin 2014.06
45 Fast Polit Protection Method Based on Waveform Integral of Traveling Wave International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Zou Guibin Zou Guibin 2013.02
46 A Traveling-WAVE-BASED AMPLITUDE Integral Busbar Protection Technique IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Zou Guibin Zou Guibin 2012.04
47 An Improved Single-ended Frequency-Domain-Based Fault Detection Scheme for MMC-HVDC Transmission lines International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Zhang Yunqi Cong Wei 202102
48 Single-Ended MMC-MTDC Line Protection Based on Dual-Frequency Amplitude Ratio of Traveling Electric Power Systems Research Zhang Yunqi Cong Wei 202102
49 Novel Faulted Section Location Method for Distribution Network Based on Status Information of Fault Indicating Equipment Applied Sciences-Basel li, guanbin chen, qing 2020.09
50 A Protection System for Improved Ring-BUS DC Microgrids Energies zhang, zhiming chen, qing 2019.10
51 A Nivel Directional Pilot Protection Method for VSC-MTDC Based on the Initial Forward and backword track head International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems jiang, lingtong chen, qing 2019.07
52 The fault analysis of PV Cable Fault in DC Microgrids IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion zhang, zhiming chen, qing 2019.03
53 A Nivel Protection Method for VSC-MTDC Cable Based on the Transient DC Currential USING International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems zhao, pu chen, qing 2018.04
54 Pilot Protection Based on Amplitude of Directional Travelling FOR VOLTAGE SOURCE Converter-High Voltage Direct (VSC-HVDC) Smission lines Energies jiang, lingtong chen, qing 2018.11
55 Automatic Faulted Feeder Section Location and Isolation Method for Power Distribution Systems Considering the Change of Topology. Energies sun, kongming chen, qing 2017.08
56 79473_79633 Energies zhao, pu chen, qing 2017.08
57 An Automatic Faulted Line Section Method for Electric Power Distribution Systems Based on Multi-Source Information IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery sun, kongming chen, qing 2016.04
58 Knowledge Repressentation and General Petri Net Models for Power Fault Diagnosis IET Generation Transmission & Distribution Wang, Lei chen, qing 2015.09

Next:National projects undertaken in recent years


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