The new energy vehicle power system team has since its establishment in the second half of 2021,Team members keep in mind the country's requirements for technology workers,Facing the frontier m88 com live casino registerof m88 sports bettingthe world technology,For the economic main battlefield,Facing major national needs,With the strong support of the college and school,Working from 0 to 1,Quickly completed the team scientific researcher、The construction of a team of graduate students and doctoral students。Having overcome the limitation of the venue conditions,High -standard design construction 250kW/16000rpm table frame laboratory、Hardware in the ring (HIL) laboratory,and Electric Electronics and Control Electronic Lab,Research and trial production of hydrogen electricity hybrid and power system testing m88 sports bettingm88 live casino gamesand testing system。Team members deeply penetrate new energy vehicle companies and power companies,High -quality implementation of silicon carbide controller for mining heavy -duty vehicles、Flying car distributed promotion system、New Energy forklift、Logistics car pure electricity and hydrogen electric hybrid assembly projects such as。The team has undertaken the Smart Energy Management and Control Service Platform Shandong New and Old Dynamic Energy conversion major research projects。Current,The work of the team is advancing in an orderly manner,Team members will M88 Online Live CasinoM88 games apkcontinue to work hard,Make features in the direction of "New Power System+New Energy Vehicle"。
Figure 1. Professor Wang Changjiang reported at the launch conference of Lingong Heavy Machinery.Research results of the research team of "Electric Drives for Mine for Mine"。
Figure 2. Professor Liu Xiangyi proposed the construction of a "hydrogen electric hybrid logistics and power system" demonstration project at the people's congress of Jinan City,Support the city's energy Internet demonstration application and industrial landing。
Figure 3. Achievement transformation Enterprise Outm New Energy Vehicle M88 Online Live CasinoChairman Qi Peng to Winter M88 games apkOlympic and Hydrogen Energy Demonstration City Zhangjiakou City, Zhangjiakou City, the first batch of hydrogen energy courier cars for trial operation。