Undergraduate work
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Youth Power
Release time: August 06, 2020 21:38    Author: Zhang Peiran    点击:[]

Personal profile: Zhang Peiran,2020 undergraduate graduates at the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University。I have won national scholarships。Through the postgraduate entrance examination 412 points,Total score ranking 4/23 Enter the Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Tsinghua University。

University experience:

Four years of university,For me, it is the process of looking for yourself。Friends often tease my life of three types of people in my university,Baoyan、Fallen、Postgraduate entrance examination。I like the line of the gem "I used to step across the mountain,Also fell into the trough,Both have benefited me a lot。”

One Time,Fortunate,He introduced me in detail the concept of "Insurance",Tell me that I should prepare for professional courses and science and technology innovation。The senior tells me what knowledge should I learn。So I spent my freshman in the continuous examination and preparing for science and technology,Get up at 6:30 in the morning,lying in the library for a while,Back to the dormitory change program at night,Welding circuit board。Honestly speaking,The challenges and frustrations brought to me by science and technology innovation are much more than the test lesson,Examinations can be listened to,Take a good note,Do a good question to get good results,But the learning of programming language and the errors of hardware really make me feel the mind,Especially for my little white。Although most of the first -time science and technology sciences have only won some school -level third prizes,But I have gained a lot of knowledge,Patience,I still feel very precious to this day! that's all,Under the high self -discipline and strict schedule,Later, not only kept GPA,I also won the second prize of mathematical modeling province、The first prize of the provincial prize of mathematics competition、The first prize of the Internet of Things province, etc.,I also successfully won the national scholarship。

But,Time is like a low -pass filter,Filter the high -frequency component of the passion in our lives,Even Fangbo,In the end, it will be smoothed,Lost the corners,becomes smooth、round。

Sonic year,I slowly realized the pleasure of no restriction and gradually indulge my happiness under academic pressure,I also made a lot of mistakes,Under the long self -blame and heavy blow,My mentality is even stronger,My biggest feeling at that time was: I really want to change,but some powerless,Perhaps,I'm waiting for an opportunity ...

On the night of the final exam after the second year of the second year,,I know I have smashed my exam,I don’t study hard,Science and Technology and Innovation are also deserted,Depressed, I found the academic guidance when I was a freshman,I am very grateful to the academic guidance and notice me in my freshman year,Believe in my ability,He entered Tsinghua University to study in the postgraduate entrance examination,So I encourage me to take his way。If you say "Life is to set a general goal for yourself,Then keep working hard for it,So the 99 % effort for me is rational,Which 1 % choice is very emotional,Ethics Once I made a choice,It is difficult for me to change it again。

Senior junior semester was a day when I struggled with bad habits,It's really hard for this time,Good habits and bad habits continue to repeat,Let me start to face the twists and turns of "change",Package。With patient efforts,After a semester,I re -cultivated good learning habits,At this time, self -discipline is also very different from high school and freshman.,I started to listen to my inner real thoughts,Try to do a lot of things you are interested in under the framework of self -discipline,No longer stretch yourself,The process of my hard work is really interesting,Although it is finally for a specific result,But the process is much more impressive than the result,I have enjoyed the present。

Scholarship for the next semester,When the postgraduate students start struggling,I am no exception,Since it is more introverted,My university has not participated in student organizations or communities,The circle of friends is very small,WeChat QQ has no news,Usually, I rarely take my mobile phone out to learn,I enjoy this kind of life that has no social pressure under the framework of self -discipline: Learn with Yan You,Laughs on the way to the cafeteria,Back to the dormitory and chat with my roommate happily,Go to Lingxiu City to watch movies on Sunday afternoon,I always look at the anxiety of my mobile phone when I have no learning,I did not have a sense of guilt brought by playing the game。Senior year and the summer vacation in the next semester and after the summer vacation, it seems that it is easier,This kind of relaxation does not mean that the pressure of learning is very small,Instead, the mentality is very easy,This is except for the company's companionship,Also attributed to the winter vacation of my junior year last semester, I have completely figured out what kind of life I will live in the next year,So,Before turning on a new life journey,Be sure to figure out what kind of mentality and state you want to go through,Otherwise, it is easy to fall into the embarrassing situation of self -contradiction。

Senior semester,Once you enter September,All the postgraduates will suddenly feel the tightness of the arrow full of string,My daily study time has also been extended from 7-8 hours to 10 hours,More and more people in the library,The tense atmosphere is getting thicker,At this time, the mentality is really important,How to continue to keep your review rhythm steadily in this atmosphere,I think it is the core problem that needs to be solved at this time。At that time, my mentality was to do my best,What is your best: squeeze more time,Keep higher efficiency to learn。To do this,Need to keep self -discipline,Get up on time,Lunch break on time,Go to bed on time,Don't take a look at the phone,Don't think about things that useless。When I transfer the goal from the graduate student to the process of doing these processes,This problem is also solved。

The cause of the epidemic,Need to prepare graduate students at home,Too long front,Let the review plan change repeatedly,Top ten professional courses in turn,Makes people more anxious。Review at home,It's completely different from preparing for the preliminary test,Fighting alone means that we need stronger self -discipline,The relationship between the balance of housework and academics is also particularly important,Many times I can't learn at home during the day,The biological clock slowly turns into night learning,Go to bed during the day,After persistent for more than four months,May 15 pm on May 15,Enter the interview room on time,Questions about the next 20 minutes of professional questions,Although some questions are not answered,But there is still a spectrum in my heart,More than four months of effort has a return,The postgraduate entrance examination is the more you pay,The more harvested。May 17th,I received a phone call to be notified,Put the phone,The mood is very calm,There are all kinds of setbacks that have encountered in the past few years,Only grateful in my heart,It is these frustrations that have trained me,Let me understand what kind of life I want: hard work may not make you no longer work hard,Instead, bring you to a place where you need to work harder,The ups and downs of hard work, although hard,But very full and meaningful!

Sending: Four years of college,I will definitely encounter a lot of frustration difficulties,I will experience doubt about myself,I hope you can relax your mindset when you experience these,Enjoy the process of defeating them,You will be particularly happy after the rain is sunny!

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