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Our Counselor Qiu Yao won the award of the Shandong Provincial University Counselor Quality and Ability Competition
Release time: August 25, 2020 18:28    Author: Liu Xin    点击:[]

8month22Day to24Day,The Education Working Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China、The Training and Training Center of the Ideological and Political Work Team of the Ministry of Education (Shandong University),The 5th Shandong University Counselor Quality and Ability Contest, the 5th Shandong University Counselor Quality and Ability, sponsored by Shandong University Counselor Work Research and Training Base (Shandong University).。Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the College,Counselor Qiu Yao with a solid theoretical skills、Professional professional skills、excellent on -the -spot performance won the contest and other prizes,and the representativeShandong ProvinceParticipate in the National Counselor Quality Competition.

A total of this competition comes from the province113The university127Name Counselor Participate。Competition implements a staged phase elimination system,The first stage is the preliminary round,Divided into two links in the basic knowledge test and case discussion,Take online ways; the second stage is the final stage,Divided into the session of the conversation and conversation of the conversation,Take offline experts on -site review。Each link is a comprehensive test of the comprehensive quality of the contestants。The competition passes through two stages4The fierce competition in the link, compete for a total of prizes5Name, first prize15Name, Second Prize21Name.

In recent years,The Party Committee of the College attaches great importance toStudent workTeam ConstructionEncouraging the counselor to work for training、Counselor's boutique project project declaration、Vocational Qualification Training、Team communication learning and other formsBroadcastThe work field of the counselor,EffectiveImproving the comprehensive quality and performance ability of the counselor; by focusing on the ability of the counselor's ability to improve, furtherenhanced the professional identity and professional self -confidence of the counselor team,It provides a stage full of vitality and vitality for the connotation development of the counselor team of our college and the great development of student work。

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