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The School of Electrical Engineering organizes a lecture on new vocational planning
Release time: September 23, 2020 21:42    Author: Xia Qiongfei    点击:[]

9month18At 2 pm on the afternoon, the School of Electrical Engineering2020Level Professional Professional Planning Lecture in the Lecture Academy107109Developed smoothly。This lecture was lectured by Li Gonghua, deputy secretary of the college party committee,20Level Counselor Qiu Yao, chaired,20Level of all freshmen attended the lecture.

Li Gonghua passed the story of Harvard graduates and "Who are you? Where are you going? Who are you looking for?" Three questions,Leaving the theme of the lecture -career plan。He explores himself、touch workplace、Selecting direction three aspects telling students how to perform their own career planning and establish the importance of the goal in life。

When telling the exploration self,,Li Gonghua organized students to make a simple palm game,Vividly show the process of knowing yourself。HeExcellence during the lecture,Tell the students through the story of the rich and fishermen that "choosing a job is to choose a lifestyle",also explained the relationship between career choices and future life。Next,He simply analyzed the characteristics of different enterprises,Let students have a preliminary understanding of the workplace,in order to better care for career plan。Li GonghuaRecommended,Career planning is not static,I hope the freshmen will actively explore in the future study life,Adjust your plan in time according to the situation。

The development of this lecture has effectively enhanced the understanding of the newborn career plan,It also provides direction for the future career choice of electrical students。


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