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About the publication of the list of personnel lists of special high -voltage grid scholarships in 2020
Release time: October 22, 2020 10:28    Author:    点击:[]

UHVGridScholarship is the advocacy of the State Grid Public Welfare Foundation,aimed at commendingRewardExcellent students who have performed well in the previous school. according to"Administrative Measures for UHV Scholarships" requirements, throughStudents' public defense,The college scholarship review team for review and review, will now2020Nian special high pressureGridThe list of scholarships is publicized, the list is as follows:

Wang Suyang、Wang Kun、Lu Baoqi、Field、tolerance、Jia Shiduo、Li Mengwei、Yang Zhikang、Chen Hong、Zhou Heng、Jia Shiduo、Huang Xiaoli、Kang Kai、Guan Western、Ji Wen 媗

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Publicity Time:2020Year10month22Day-10month28Day

Publicity Telephone:0531-86358062

If something is reflected,Please reflect through the real name of the public phone call during the publicity period。

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