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The School of Electrical Engineering carried out the "Those who were in the country with the country,Feeling Baozibao Mountain,Disciplinary Cross "theme group day activity
Release time: May 22, 2023 11:32    Author: Zhang Zhewei Ma Xiao    点击:[]

In order to give full play to the leading role of the student union's organizational functional group branch,Rich Group Branch Construction Activity,May 19,The functional group branch of the Student Union of the School of Electrical Engineering of Shandong University organizes the development of the "big person of the country,Feeling Baozibao Mountain,Disciplinary Cross "theme group day activity,Teachers and students visited the Central Campus Jiang Zhen Library,Learn the culture and history of "Yongle Ceremony" and related ancient books。

Students gradually travel along the corridor of the museum,Introduction to the "Yongle Ceremony" on the data board on the wall。Teacher introduce to the students,The content is divided into "Ceremony especially see Yongle Biography", "Ancient and Modeling and Grand Capital", "Reading Vicissions and Vicening", "So Make it again", "Beads and Huaxue Forest",Fixedly record the birth of the ceremony、San and recovery process。This thousand books show the unique charm and huge value contained in the excellent traditional culture of China,The experience of repeated calamities in modern times is regrettable。After learning about General Secretary Xi Jinping's concern for the ceremony and the key protection project implemented by the country,Students have said that they want to fight for the protector of traditional culture、Inheritors and promoters,In order to regain the power of the ancient books。

Students visited the reprints of the ceremony and other ancient books,Feel the charm and atmosphere of "Wan Shu's Book"。Discuss the content and history of the ceremony at the present teachers and students,The students learned that the outstanding contribution of Shandong University in ancient books,Interest of traditional ancient books is unprecedentedly rising,enhanced a sense of belonging and pride in Chinese culture。

Electric students touch history at this theme group day event、Appreciation of civilization,In -depth study of the historical culture and humanistic spirit of "Yongle Ceremony",Enhanced the patriotic spirit and cultural literacy。Students will move from witnesses to protectors,Contributions to the protection of traditional cultural contributions as Master Mountain。

Previous:Student Union of the School of Electrical Engineering to carry out the "Youth Learning Club" theme group day activity Next:The School of Electrical Engineering Optimization Training Meeting


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