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The college hosted a graduate student 2020 basketball carnival event-freshman confrontation game
Release time: October 22, 2020 18:53    Author: Figure Liu Zhibing Wenzhong Family    points击:[]

October 17,The first round of the Electrical Graduate Graduate 2020 Basketball Carnival event sponsored by the Graduate Sports Center of Our College-Re-Yinyin Starts was held at the Basketball Stadium of the South Courtyard of Qianfoshan Campus。Fire publicity through the early stage of the event,Basketball Carnival event attracted more than 20 boys to register for participation,There are many enthusiastic audiences at the event site to cheer for the contestants。The two teams consisting of the 2020 freshmen in this competition will play in the competition,Divided into "Newborn A" and "Newborn B Team"。

Afternoon14points30, with the whistle of the referee, the game officially started.NewbornB Team B "through the tacit cooperation between players to score the first goal,Subsequent "new life ATeam"Facing"NewbornB Team B "defensive defense,No fear,Bite the score tightly; after that two teams, you come and go,Scores each other,Competition is abnormally glued,The atmosphere of the field gradually becomes warm,At the end of the first section,“NewbornB Team B "achieved a temporary lead. At the beginning of the second quarter,The two sides replaced the substitute players,"Freshman ATeamThe desire to attack the bench is very strong,Increase offensive strength,But due to lack of experience,Frequent errors,QiaoNewbornB Team "It maintained the score difference.

Section III first,The main lineup of the two parties played,Gradually upgrade of the confrontation strength,"Freshman ATeamIn the face of the backward situation, the attack has been strengthened,When the third quarter is over,,in"Freshman ATeam"" "" "The efforts of the player, reduce the score to 5points, but then"Newborn BTeamCan be given back in time,Makes the difference from getting closer again。The second half of the game,"Freshman ATeamKeep the main lineup unchanged, crazy counterattack,NewbornBTeamStrengthen defense through continuous rotation,No chance to give each other,Both sides start fierce confrontation,A wave of orgasm,I got the applause of the audience at the scene。but"Newborn BTeamWith a more tacit cooperation, the audience is always controlled, and finally4229ending this competition.

This competition shows us the positive spirit and vitality of the new students of the graduate students of the School of Electrical。Through this competition,promoted communication between students,It also enhanced the friendship between the college basketball enthusiasts,Cultivated teamwork spirit,At the same time, I also use this to select new basketball team members,Injects new vitality into the graduate basketball team of the School of Electrical。

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