Graduate work
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Concentrate to accumulate the flowers-Zhang Gang
Release time: December 25, 2020 09:46    Author: Zhang Gang    点击:[]

Zhang Gang,2018 doctoral students of the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University,Low inertial power system control research team members,Division from Associate Professor Zhang Feng。During the doctoral period, the distribution grid is easily damaged under extreme events and caused major losses,Proposed the planning model before the accident,and the fast recovery model of the distribution network after the accident,improved the strength and recovery of the power distribution network to deal with extreme events。The first author in "IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid"、"China Electrical Engineering" and other SCI/EI journals published 6 papers,SCI cumulative influence factor 33。I have won the President of Shandong University、Graduate Academic Awards、National Scholarship、Excellent Graduate Model、Advanced Individual for Innovation and Entrepreneurs、Baichuang Excellent Project and other honors。

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Zhang Gang independently undertaken the Jiangsu Academy of Electrical Sciences project "Research and EDB" when he first enrolled in the first grade of a master's degree.,On the one hand, we must take on the huge curriculum pressure of learning,On the one hand, it is necessary to promote the progress of the project,The pressure is very large。The transition period of the active exploration from undergraduate learning to graduate students' active exploration at the beginning of the first few months,Learning efficiency is low,Promotion of topics,It is difficult to achieve the balance of curriculum and project。"Thank you Teacher Zhang Feng for my education and enlightenment,Help me spend this vital confusion period ",Zhang Gang said。He starts to strictly plan his course study and research time in accordance with the daily curriculum arrangement,Class 4 hours a day,2 hours preview and review,Reading literature in the rest of the time、Summarize the progress of the day,It is the dual pressure of this course and topic that he quickly entered the rhythm of scientific research。

Another,Zhang Gang mentioned that you cannot completely split curriculum learning and subject research。An article he published in a comprehensive energy system in a regional journal TSTE is the use of the non -linear equation in the graduate course "Numerical Analysis" to solve the non -linear equation。In his understanding,Graduate courses are all studying the relevant foundation of a wide range of power systems,Studying a good graduate course is to support the follow -up subject research。

Positive mentality Copy changes

Many teachers and sisters may encounter the situation of changing topics,Especially in the subject of the doctoral stage, it may be difficult to fully accept it with the master's stage topic。Zhang Gang has also encountered multiple changes to the topic for various reasons,Master's first grade to do transformer remaining magnetic research,Master's second grade does comprehensive energy system trend calculation and economic scheduling,Dr. 1、In the second grade stage, it also does elastic distribution grid planning and power grid。From equipment research to system research,Research from the grid to、Hotnet Studies,Plan from steady -state、Disposal to temporary frequency adjustment ... Although the conversion of each topic is a huge leap,but,Each topic transformation allows him to have a deeper understanding of the largest artificial system of the power grid from different angles,Have a deeper understanding of the operating mechanism of the grid。

Second,Zhang Gang believes that when you find a trace of association from the seemingly irrelevant direction,That is a breakthrough in a limit of intellectual boundaries。A article published in a journal TSG published in a district is a study of collaborative development from the perspective of mobile emergency generators from the perspective of planning-recovery,So,Topic research in different directions is the accumulation of knowledge,It's a rare wealth。

Last,Zhang Gang believes that doctoral students need not only need to achieve the ultimate in -depth in a specific research direction,It also needs to be involved in other related knowledge,Only this,can you make you more specific when discussing your research direction、More comprehensive。

Very hard to 10 % chance

Zhang Gang's related academic papers are basically published in 2020,Many people think he is "high -yield" this year,Someone will ask him if he has found a trick for scientific research,Actually not。He said,Everyone may only see your results this year,but I don’t see the accumulation of thousands of documents during your survey,Can't see that you have been tormented three times a day of rejection by the journal。The trick of Zhang Gang's scientific research is to read more literature,Thinking more,Most communicate with the mentor,Instead of scientific research,It is better to say that he is willing to scientific research,I am willing to pay very hard to study a topic,I willing to bear the criticism of peer reviews during the submission。

Contents to accumulate flowers to bloom,Don't pay only one point of effort because of only 10 % of the chance,Due to often very hard efforts, there will be a chance of 10 %。

Moderator message:

Learning is never easy,Efforts will never be neglected,Persistence will never be disappointed,As a doctoral student,It should be a highly self -discipline and autonomous person,Dull of learning exhaustion,May wish to be fine。

— Zhang Feng

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