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Grassroots Party Building, Carry out party history learning theme party building activities
Release time: March 24, 2021 15:16    Author: Text: Jiang Xinyi Picture: Gong Wenjie    点击:[]

In order to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the party history learning and education mobilization conference,Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of China。morning March 21,The First Party Branch of the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, hosted the "Review of the Battle of Jinan,Carry out party history learning. ",All party members of the First Party Branch of the School of Electrical Engineering participated in the event。

This event has undergone precision planning in the early stage,Members of various branches in group force,division of labor collaboration,Formulate a detailed activity plan。Event is divided into preliminary preparations,Party building activities and later summary three parts。Where,Party building activities are divided into visits to study in the Jinan Battle Memorial Museum、Visit and learn the three items of the Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery and shoot a century -old party history review video,and take a century -old party history review video as a key plan。

In the afternoon of March 17,Deputy Party Branch Book Jiang Xinyi held a mobilization meeting for party building activities。To mobilize the enthusiasm of all party members,The Party Branch Lu Shuangqing divided the members in the branch into five groups for preparation of the event,The members in the arrangement group are responsible for collecting materials、Shooting video、Collect feelings, etc.。

morning March 21,A total of 25 party members in the branch lined up at the foot of the heroes。Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery and the Battle Memorial Museum of Jinan are Jinan's famous patriotic education base。The party members of the branch climb together to the Heroes Mountain。Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Tower stands on the top of the heroes,The seven golden characters "Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Tower" inscribed by Chairman Mao Zedong in the north and south sides of the tower body,Jiang Xinyi explained to the party members of the branch in front of the tower to explain the history of the revolutionary martyrs commemorating the history of the tower。

The first item of the event,Visit and learn the Battle Memorial Museum of Jinan。The detailed explanation of the interpreter gives everyone a better understanding of the history of Jinan Battle。The battle of Jinan shakes the whole country with its large -scale tackling and the great victory of annihilation.,The prelude to the decisive battle of the national liberation war strategy,I wrote a glorious page in the history of our army。Jinan Battle Memorial Hall with its true and rich display content,Reappear the glorious historical facts of the Jinan Campaign。In the Yinglie Hall,Comrade Zhong Xun on behalf of the First Party Branch of the Specialty of the Specialty on the Message Book of the Memorial Hall,Express the admiration of revolutionary martyrs。

Event 2,Learn to visit Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery。Martyrs' Cemetery is buried in the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which is buried in the liberation of the Chinese people、Shandong's first Communist Party member Wang Gumi,Liu Qianchuan, the head of the early party of Shandong, Liu Qianchuan and other revolutionary martyrs 1502。In the martyr's cemetery,Jiang Xinyi tells the branches of the branch members of the branch members and Liu Qianchu's heroic heroic deeds。Last,Members of the branch visited the Wuming Martyrs Area,and expressed deep mourning for 722 unknown martyrs。The English name of the unknown martyrs and the heroic soul together incorporate the towering Aoyama of the motherland,Tori River。Lito inscription,Bingbiao sweaty,Xing Me China,Consolation of Yingling。

Activity third item,Recording a century -old party history review video。Video production is divided into five parts,Discussing the century -old history of our party by the representatives of each group,Concentrated Party History Essence,Condensing the original mission。Gao Hao, the first group, tells the historical incident of our party from 1921 to 1941; Lu Shuangqing, the second group of Lu Shuangqing, about the important development of 1941-1961; The big deeds; Yang Kang, the fourth group, tells the steady forward of 1981-2001; the fifth group Zhong Xun tells the important deployment of 2001-2021。Lu Shuangqing introduced to you a series of party history learning and education that the branch will carry out next,I hope to help everyone sort out party history through this party building activity,Firmly establish the original mission consciousness。

At the end, the branch distributed party history learning information to each group- "History of the Communist Party of China",I hope everyone can use the "reviewing the battle of Jinan,Conducting party building activities "can be thought about,Garment,In the next party history study, we must accurately grasp the target requirements and the focus of learning,High -quality and high standards to complete the education and education of party history。

In this party building activity,The comrades of the branch said,Learning through the Memorial Museum of Jinan and the heroic deeds of revolutionary martyrs,I have a more comprehensive understanding of the history of Jinan Campaign,Deeply feel the unwilling sacrifice of the revolutionary martyrs,Revolutionary Spirit of Blood Blood Fight。Data collection and video recording of the century -old party history through the event,Modeling of party history learning and education has sorted out the party history knowledge learning route,Establish a consciousness of party history。

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