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The School of Electrical successfully held the "Ball Move You and Me" graduate teachers and student table tennis games
Release time: 10:10, April 14, 2021    Author:    点击:[]

April 10Day,hosted by the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University,Hosted by the Graduate Sports Center"Ball moves you and me"GraduateTeachers and Students Table Tennis Tournament in Shunyuan 3BuildingTable Tennis Room (University Student Activity Center) was successfully held.Fifty years ago today, my country's decision -making"Ping Pong Diplomacy", turn the big ball with a small ball,opened the door to the friendship between the Chinese and American people's friendship; today's fifty years later,Electric students are here"Ping Pong Diplomacy" 50th Anniversary8341_8346Life with a small ball,Pulling closer with the game,opened a new chapter in sports health.

The form of this event is a group match, there are a total of35Sub -team composed of laboratory teams,The entire schedule is divided into two stages: group stage and knockout stage。Group stage stagefrom35Branch TeamaverageDivided intoABCDe fiveSingle -loop competition in the group, win a plan3points, lose a meter1pointsAbstract does not count, take the group according to the points ranking5Objects will advance to the next round of knockout. Decision through the group stage20Strong, and then the cruel knockout,Two round knockout competition5 teams enter the final,The finals adopt a single -cycle integration system,Ranking the final Asian Army according to the points ranking。

The competition is wonderful and exciting, and the players are superb and skillfulBall skillsThe audience cheered. From Building 5227, 5, 229,Electricity Building304, Electric Power Building 305 and Power Building 4035The branch team has played with the team members and the tacit understanding all the way.Stand it outinLast single -cycle points raceEncounter. The final is even more intense,Each team has taken out its own housekeeping skillsWonderful hitFrequent appearEveryoneexclaim and applauseThe sound is also one after another, the audience are allHuaijieExcited moodWaitingThe birth of the champion. finallyIn the captainTeacher HandsomeFromElectricity Building305Laboratory teamShow the king -like strength, withThe record of the four wins wonCrown, fromBuilding 5227andBuilding 5229The team won the runner -up and the third place, respectively.

Afternoon6points, all the game ends,The organizer of the eventAwarded the award -winning team and took a group photo.inThis timeIn the table tennis game, the students showed the superb level of competitive,Fully reflectedfocusing on participation and hard workSports Spirit,The purpose of truly bringing sports and sports into daily life, the event ended successfully.

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