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The School of Electrical Engineering organizes the "Communist Party Coming here" to learn the party history series
Release time: May 13, 2021 19:33    Author: Party Construction Work Center    点击:[]

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China,In -depth implementation of the important speech of General Secretary Jinping at the Party History Study Education Conference,Leading students to study the party's history,Learn the history of the party、Recalling the beginning of the heart, remembering the envoy5On the evening of the 11th,A new batch of development objects for the School of Organization of the Graduate Party Construction Work Center of Electrical EngineeringandWen Zhengtu, Study Party HistoryPractice at the beginning "Red Research Practice TeamMemberThoseReviskedShanghai Jiaotong UniversityProfessor Liu Tong made a record video entitled "The Communist Party of China from here" for Shandong University。

In the report,Professor Liu Tong described in detail the preparations made by the founding of the Communist Party of China and the early revolutionary movement of the leaders。He led his classmates to review the internal and external problems in Chinese history、The early 20th century of the disaster,At that time, it was the new cultural movement period,It provides strong ideological preparation for the proletarian revolutionary movement led by the Communist Party of China,It also provides a cultural carrier and platform with vernacular text。Professor Liu Tong said,Revolution is launched by the revolutionaries with patriotic youths with the influence of the new culture movement,Mao Zedong、Chen Duxiu、Li Dazhao and others are also excellent representatives,After that,Other Chinese Communist Party's early organization was established all over the country。Then,Professor Liu Tong reviewed the major convening of the Communist Party of China、The first national and Communist cooperation and cracking、The struggle of Jinggangshan、Gutian Conference and other history。This period of history is not smooth sailing,The workers led in the early stage have been brutally suppressed,Later, Chiang Kai -shek、A counter -revolutionary massacre launched by Wang Jingwei,But when the revolution is suffering from major setbacks,There are always such a group of party members and revolutionaries who do not forget their original intentions,On the current、getting more frustrated,In that wind and rainy era, go to the country for the country,Lead the Chinese nation step by step to revival。

WatchingAfter the end,AllClassmateI participated in the "Recalling Centennial Party History,Learn 100 Days and Hundred Words "activityLearning,2020 levelChen Guanting, the party branch of Xueshuo ClassCombinationMy own experience, use humorous and funny languageTellingHis to "10,000 yearsToo long,Only fight for the day and nightUnderstanding,EncouragementEveryoneEstablish a big goal, but toYuanBig target discretetoEvery day,EffortsComplete each small targetEntry one inchThere is one inchHappy.Then2020 level collegeShuo Ban Party Branch BookXu Longwei CongHistoryHumanitiesetc.Multi -angleDetailedElaborate "Well -off societyProposal, DevelopmentImplementationAt the same time, Xu LongweiEncouragementEveryone goes outClassroomKnowledge of learningandPractice combined, take the timeRevivalburden.

LastStudent party members have said that this "Study Party History" seriesTheme activityMiddleFor usShowParagraphVitalityStory of struggle, tragic, and toughRevolutionThe predecessors should take upThe reactance of the rescue map isPartyandCountryDedicatedYouth, blood and even lifeI wrote a magnificent song of life. andAs a contemporary youth,WeMore to learn the history of the party,Inherit the spirit of the ancestors,Let the youth flash in the struggle。

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