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The Red Research Practice Team of the School of Electrical Engineering went to the Lubu Anti -Japanese War Exhibition Hall to visit and study
Release time: August 06, 2022 12:59    Author: Figure/Cultural Party Construction Work Center    点击:[]

To enrich the form of ideological and political education,Deepen the implementation of party history learning and education,Stimulate students' patriotism and love party feelings,Encourage students to carry forward the excellent style of hard work in scientific research,8month3Day,The School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, "Looking back at the four history & middot; Red Heart to the Party Practice True Knowledge"25Famous team members went to the Graduate Party Construction Work Center to go to the Lubu Anti -Japanese War Exhibition Hall for field red research activities。

Luzhong Anti -Japanese War Exhibition Hall is located in Laiwu City,The construction of the Anti -Japanese Base and the Anti -Japanese National United Front during the Anti -Japanese War and the historical facts of the Japanese invaders are the main line of the exhibition,Combination700The remaining historical real pictures and600The remaining cultural relics,Truely shows the singing and weeping anti -Japanese struggle under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party。

The activity is divided into "red heart to the party to recall the party" -the memorial hall visits and "electrical students' mission" -Pathy in front of the party flag and poetry recitation。9:30 am,Team members arrive at the exhibition hall by car,Leading from the staff of the exhibition hall,The team members visited the Yinglie Corridor in turn、Preface Hall and four main exhibition halls,Detailed historical data witnessed the crime of invasion of the Japanese invaders in Lu,Learn from the struggle from the establishment to the development to the development of the Luzhong Anti -Japanese Base,and a series of famous anti -Japanese campaign battles initiated in the base area,Learn the hero model figures and its great spirit that emerged in the anti -Japanese struggle。The whole visit time lasted half an hour,Appreciate the revolutionary ancestors courageous dedication,Anti -Japanese spirit that is not afraid of sacrifice,Anti -Japanese Base Military and Civilians Family,The love of the fish and water and the Chinese Communist Party continues to test the true knowledge in practice,Self -correct revolutionary spirit of self -improvement,Team members are deeply infected and encouraged。

After the visit,The team has carried out a relay poem recitation in the corner of the exhibition hall,All members participating,A "Forever Red Boat" looks back at the glorious journey of the Communist Party of China,Praise the spirit of tenacious struggle for the Communists and the great purpose of serving the people,Expressed the support and love of the team members。

Event last,The team members come to the revolutionary martyr's memorial tower,Remember to go forward for the motherland,Revolutionary martyrs who are brave dedicated,Party members and students in the team are facing the bright red party flag,Revisiting the party's oath,Keep in mind the original mission,Entrepreneurship of the party to watch and study in the back row,Further understand the profound meaning contained in the oath of entering the party,Urges yourself to enter the party in ideology and action,Always ask yourself as a party member's standard。

This red field research activity gave the players a vivid party history lesson,Make the players more deeply understand the great connotation of the patriotism spirit,Everyone has said that they will learn the spirit of the revolutionary martyrs' infinite loyalty to the party and the spirit of struggle for the party for life,Double cherish the hard -won happy life,Strive hard in the following scientific research life,Study Drilling,Tempeance skills,Excessive professional literacy after practicing,Contribute your own strength to the construction of a socialist modern power。

Previous:Graduate students of the School of Electrical Engineering Study and implement the party's 20th spiritual initiative Next:The re -election ceremony of the Party Construction Work Center of the School of Electrical Engineering was successfully held


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