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"Warm Spring March Learn Lei Feng,Volunteer service, I will do it first. "
Release time: March 06, 2023 11:43    Author: Secretariat Center    点击:[]

March 5, 2023 is the 60th Lei Feng Memorial Day,In order to implement the important instructions of General Secretary Jinping's important instructions on the in -depth development of Lei Feng,Promote the spirit of Lei Feng in the new era,Let Learning Lei Feng activities integrate daily、Turn into frequent,The School of Electrical Engineering launched the "Warm Spring March Learning Leifeng on March 5,Volunteer service, I will do it first "Volunteer Labor Activity。More than 50 volunteers participated in the event,Divided into two groups of cleaning campus public areas,Learn Lei Feng in implementation。

10 am,Volunteers go to the labor area on time,Pick up the sweepstick、shovel、Labor tools such as garbage clips,Quickly put in the work of the flower bed and road cleaning。Although the temperature is low in the morning,From time to time, cold wind blows over,But volunteers are full of energy、Passion full。Everyone is neatly dressed、Division of labor is clear,Waves a broom,A beautiful landscape is formed in the spring campus。After more than an hour of hard work,White garbage in the flower bed、The dead branches and fallen leaves have been removed,This event adds color to the learning living environment of electrical students,Volunteers wrote the story of Lei Feng in the new era with actual actions。

For sixty years,Lei Feng's advanced deeds have been deeply integrated into our spiritual world。Promote the spirit of Lei Feng,Do not forget the original mission,Build a red foundation,After this volunteer service activity,More than ten flower beds and teaching buildings in front of the road.。Volunteers practice the inheritance and promotion of Lei Feng's spirit with their own actions,Show the electrical student in mind the spirit of Lei Feng in mind、Positive style of practical work,Demonstrate responsibility。Future,The college will continue to deepen the expansion of Lei Feng activities,Let volunteer services become a beautiful landscape that shows the image of the Youth Electricity of Shan Shan in the new era。

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