Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Research Institute
Liang Yongliang
Release time: February 07, 2023 18:58    Author:    点击:[]

Academic identity


·cigre ngn

·Youth Expert Group

Work experience


Qingdao Power Supply Company


University of Petroleum (East China), lecturer


Shandong University, postdoctoral

2022.01 to this day

Shandong University, Associate Researcher

Personal information


Liang Yongliang





Yantai City, Shandong Province

Professional title:

Associate Researcher


Research direction

Failure Research and judgment of the Intelligent Watching Grid

Optimized scheduling of the comprehensive energy system

Academic works

Academic Papers:

[1]Yong-LIANG LIANG, Ke-Jun Li, Chen-xian Guo, And ming-yang Li.Economic Scheduling of Compressed Natural Gas Main Station Critical Peak Pricing [J]. Applied Energy,2021, V29215 june 2021, 116937. (SCI District, TOP)

[2]Yongliangliang, zhongyi zhang, Ke-Jun Li, yu-chuan Li. New Correlation Features for Dga-Based Transformer Fault Diagnosis Based on Maximal Information Coefficient [J], High Voltage, 2022; 7: 302–313. (SCI District, TOP)

[3]y. LIANG, k. Li, z. Ma and w. lee.Typical Fault Cause Recognition of Single-PHASE-TO-GROUD FAULT for Overhead Lines.IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2020,56(6): 6298-6306. (SCI No. 2)

[4]y. LIANG, k. -J. Li, z. Ma and w. -j. Lee.Multilabel Classification Model for Type ReCognition of Single-Phase-Cround Fault Based on Knn-Bayesian Method [J].IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2021,57(2): 1294-1302. (SCI No. 2 District)

[5]Liang Yongliang, Wu Yuebin, Ma Zhao*, et al.. The new generation of low -voltage DC power supply system in the "new infrastructure" application technical analysis and development outlook. China Electrical Engineering Journal, 2021, 41 (1): 13-24.

[6]yongliang liangxin JinYongduan Xueet al.Type Recognition of Single-PHASE-TO-GROUND FAULTS in Nonsolidly Earthed Distribution Networks-Marchitecture and Method[J]. Internetal Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2019,29,E12071. (District 4,if: 1.692)

[7]Liang YongliangGuo HanzhengXue Yongduan.Diagnosis method of transformer -based transformer -based transformer -based features [J]. High voltage technology201945(02)386-392.

[8]liang ylLin ZRli kjeT Al.Priority Assessment Model of on-Line Monitoring Devices Investment for Power Transformers [J]. Journal of intelligent & Fuzzy Systems201835(01):589-599.(District 4, IF: 1.851)

[9]Liang YongliangLi KejunZhao Jianguoet al. Transformer online monitoring device configuration priority evaluation model [J].201640(08): 2562-2569.

[10]Liang YongliangLi KejunZhao Jianguoet al. Research on dynamic adjustment strategies for transformer oil chromatography online monitoring cycle [J].201434 (9): 1446-1453.

[11]Liang YongliangLi KejunNiu Lin, etc..A optimization feature selection -Fast -related vector transformer fault diagnosis method[J]. Power grid technology201337 (11): 3262-3267.

[12]Liang YongliangLi KejunNiu Linet al. Transformer state evaluation Multi -level uncertain model [J].201337 (22): 73-78.

[13]Ma Zhao,Liang Yongliang*,Shang Yuwei,Zhang Zhongyi. Cigre SC6 2020 special report and active power distribution system development trend and outlook [J]. Power grid technology,2021,45 (04): 1471-1479.

[14]Ma Chunyan,Duan Qing,Guo Yanxian,Liang Yongliang*,et al. The economic scheduling of the compressed natural gas plus the mother station of the peak and valley timely electricity price [J].,47 (02): 584-595.

[15]Yang Fan,Jinxin,Shen Yu,Liang Yongliang*,et al. Multi -level classification and identification model of small current faults [J].,2018,42 (15): 186-191.


[1]A method of lurking a transformer -based transformer -based analysis method,ZL201710822442.8. 2020-11-24 Authorized。

[2]Transformer -based fault type recognition method based on the faulty characteristic gas association characteristics,ZL201810251648.4. 2020-07-28 Authorized。

[3]A multi -working conditions parameter recognizable transformer hotspot temperature prediction method,ZL 201610323832.6

Technology rewards

[1]Data -based distribution network security controlled key technologies and applications, China Electric Power Enterprise Federation, Technical achievements, Provincial Ministry First Prize, 2021.

[2]Safety and controllable key technologies and applications of power distribution network, National Power Grid Co., Ltd., Scientific and technological progress, Provincial Ministry Second Prize, 2022.

[3]Single ground ground failure detection and identification key technologies and applications based on power distribution automation system, State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd., Scientific and technological progressFirst Prize,  2020.

[4]Single -phase grounding fault selection technology based on small data based on power grid -based big data; the first prize of science and technology progress in Texas,2022.

BrotterScientific research project


[1]Shandong Natural Science Foundation Youth Project,Transformer Insulation Status Pantagement Features and Diagnosis of Fault.

[2]National Key R & D PlanDefense multi -feding into the DC change -changing station -level control method research, participate.


[1]Research on ground ground failure recognition and protection technical research.

[2]Medium -voltage distribution cableResearch on the Technical Research of Lack of Fault Detection and Positioning.

[3]Energy Internet Multi -Energy Coupling Features Analysis and Modeling Method.

Academic Type

Previous:Zhang Yanbin


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