Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Research Institute
Zhang Yibin
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Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Research Institute
"Smart Energy and Sea Industry Equipment" team

Electrical Electrical Energy System Laboratory (MPEES

Academic identity

Professor/doctoral supervisor,Chief Youth Scientist of National Key R & D Plan、High -level overseas youth talents、Shandong Province Jieqing、Outstanding young scholar at Shandong University、IET FELLOW、IEEE Senior Member、IET CHATERED EngineerAssociate Editor of IEEE TRANS. Ind. Electron.(18-21)Associate Editor of  IEEE Trans. Power Electron.21-Today)Innovative leader in Jinan City (BClass);Now member of the China Electric Power Electronic Society、Power Source Association's frequency conversion power supply and power drive special committee、Youth Working Committee、Traffic Electrification and other executive members of a number of special committees; it is Germany、Judges of the Polish Natural Science Foundation;IEEEPresident of the International Conference of Electronics and Electric Energy Transformation System Forecast and Control of the International Conference,and Chairman of the Procedure Committee of multiple International Academic Conferences、Chairman of the Organizing Committee, etc.。

Main learning and work experience

2004-2008Harbin Engineering University, Bachelor(Law dual degree)

2008-2011: Shandong University, Master's degree(guaranteed)

2011-2016: University of Munich, Germany, Ph.D.(Summa Cum Laude)

2016-2017GermanyMunich University of Technology,Researcher after Boshi/Group Leader(VDE-AWARD)

2017-Today: Shandong University, professor, overseas contact professor

2018-2022: Munich University of Technology,Guest professor

2023-2024: Cambridge University,Senior visiting scholar/visiting professor

Personal information


Zhang Yibin



Date of birth:




Professional title:



Director of Renewal Energy and Smart Grid Research Institute,

MPEESLaboratory Director


0531-8839 2002


Research direction

Summary control and predictive operation of high -power energy transformation system:

① Marine wind power and high -power electric drive,

② Mixed Micro grid system and energy storage,

③ Predictive operation and maintenance of electrical energy transformation system.

Academic works

Published at the internationally renowned journal and conferenceSCI/EIIncluding papers190Yu, obtained authorized invention patents40existIEEEInternational Conference and Industry Academic Symposium Do a new energy change system、high -power power drive and micro -grid system predict control and predictive operation and maintenance related topicstutorialeight times,Keynoteand the theme special reports of more than ten times; three times for provincial and ministerial science and technology awards、IEEENine times of the Best Paper Award of the International Conference; Guide students to getIEEEBest speech and thesis award six times.

Some recent periodical papers are as follows:

1. l. Liu, z. Zhang*, y. Yin, s. Vazquez, y. Zhao, r. Kennel, "An Efficient Robust Power-Voltage Control for Three-Level NPC Converters in Microgrids",

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2023, in Press.

(SCI Q1, if: 11.648)

2. o. Babayomi, z. Zhang*, z. Li, m. l. Heldwein, j. Rodriguez, "Robust Predictive Control of Grid-Connect Converters: Sensor Noise Suppression with Parallel-CasCade Extended Observer".,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2023, in Press.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

3. o. Babayomi, z. Zhang*, z. Li, "Model-Free Predictive Control of DC-DC Boost Converters: Sensor noise,

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Electronics, 2023, in Press.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.967).

4. z. Zhang*, h. Li, s. Zhou, z. Li, "An Effective Adaptive-ObServer Based Wide Range Encoderless Control for PMSM Drives",

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2023, in Press.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

5. s. Zhou, z. Zhang*, h. Li, z. Li, Q. Xing, x. Liu, f. Wang, j. Rodriguez, "A Robust Encoderless Control for PMSM Drives: A Revised Hybrid Active Flux-Based Technique",

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Electronics, 2023.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.967).

6. x. Liu, z. Zhang*, m. Han, z. Li, y. Yin, Z. Do, j. Wang, "A SIMPLE and FAST Start-Up Strategy for Dual Active Bridge Converters with DC Bias Suppression",

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Electronics, 2023.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.967).

7. x. Yu, d. Ke, z. Zhang, f. Wang, j. Rodriguez, "Robust Exploration Based Finite Control Set Predictive Current Control for SPMSM DRIVES Under Influence",

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Energy Conversion, 2023.

(SCI Q1, if: 4.877).

8. l. Liu, z. Zhang*, y. Yin, y. Li, h. Xie, m. zhang, y. Zhao, r. Kennel, "A Robust High-Quality Current Control with Fast Convergence For Three-Level NPC Converters in Micro-Ericy Systems",

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2023.

(SCI Q1, if: 11.648).

9. o. Babayomi, z. Zhang*, "Model-FREE PREDICTIVE Control of Power Converters with Multifrequen EXTENDED State Observers",

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

10. C. Hu, z. Yin, t. RUI, z. Zhang, W. shen, W. Cao, d. Holmes, "A Nivel Double-Voltage-Vector Model-Free Predictive Current Control Method for Two-Level Voltage Source Inverters",

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

11. h. Kawai, z. Zhang, r. Kennel, s. Doki, "Direct Speed ​​Control Based on Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control with Voltage Smoother",

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

12. h. Chen, z. Zhang*, z. Li, P. Karamanakos, j. Rodriguez, Digital Twin Techniques for Power Electronics-Based Energy Conversion Systems: A Survey of Concepts, Application SCENARIOS, Future Challenges, And Trends,


(SCI Q1, if: 8.36).

13. Q. Xing, z. Zhang*, z. Li, x. Liu, y. Li, y. Zhang, t. DragiceVic, j. Rodriguez BIAS-free Predictive Control of Power Converters with LCL-Filter in Micro-EryStems,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

14. z. Zhang*, z. Li, M. Kazmierkowski, j. Rodriguez, r. Kennel, Robust Predictive Control of Three-Level NPC BACK-TO-BACK POWER Converter PMSG Wind Turbine Systems with Revision Predictions,

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Electronics, 2018.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.967).

15. j. Rodriguez, C. Garcia, A. Mora, f. F. Flores-Bahamonde, P. Acuna, m. Novak, y. Zhang, l. Tarisciotti, s. A. Davari, z. Zhang, f. Wang, m. Norambuena, t. DragiceVic, f. Blaabjerg, T. Geyer, r. Kennel, d. Arab khaburi, m. Abdelrahem, z. Zhang, n. Mijatovic, R. P. Aguilera, Latest Advances of Model Predictive Control in Electrical Drives-Part I: Basic Concepts and Advanced Strategies,

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Electronics, 2022.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.967, Highly Cited Paper: City Number Till Jun. 2023: 98 According to Google Scholar).

16. j. Rodriguez, C. Garcia, A. Mora, A. Davari, j. Rodas, d. Fernando Valencia Garcia, m. Fouad Elmorshedy, f. Wang, k. Zuo, l. Tarisciotti, f. F. Flores-Bahamonde, w. Xu, z. Zhang, y. Zhang, m. Norambuena, a. Emadi, T. Geyer, r. Kennel, t. DragiceVic, d. Arab khaburi, z. Zhang, m. Abdelrahem, n. Mijatovic, Latest Advances of Model Predictive Control in Electrical Drives-Part II: Applications and Benchmarking with Classical Control Methods,

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Electronics, 2022.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.967, Highly Cited Paper: City Number Till Jun. 2023: 78 According to Google Scholar).

17. z. Zhang*, o. Babayomi, t. DragiceVic, R. Heydari, C. Garcia, j. Rodriguez, r. Kennel, Advances and Opportunities in the Model Predictive Control of Microgrids: Part I Primary Layer,

International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2021.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.659).

18. z. Zhang*, h. Fang, F. Gao, j. Rodriguez, r. Kennel, Multiple Vector Model Predictive Power Control for Grid-Tied Wind Turbine System with Enhancedy Strol Performances,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

19. m. zhang, z. Zhang*, z. Li, h. Chen, d. Zhou A University Open-Circuit-Fault Diagnosis Method for Three-Level Neutral-POINT-CLAMPED Power Converters,

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Electronics, 2022.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.967).

20. o. Babayomi, z. Zhang*, Model-Free Predictive Control of Power Converters with Multi-Frequency Extended State Observers,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

21. o. Babayomi, z. Zhang*, t. DragiceVic, j. HU, j. Rodriguez Smart Grid Evolution: Predictive Control of Distributed Energy Resources-A Review,

International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.659).

22. o. Babayomi, y. Li, z. Zhang* DISTRIBUTED CONSENSUS-BASED Reactive Power Sharing in Microgrids: A Predictive Virtual CapaCitance Control Technique,

International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.659).

23. o. Babayomi, D.Dah, z. Zhang, Affordable Clean Energy Transition in Developing Countries: Pathway and Technology,

iScience, 2022.

(SCI Q2, if: 5.458).

24. o. Babayomi, j. Rodriguez, z. Zhang, SHANDONG University Delivers SIXTH IEEE PRECEDE As Cutting-Edge Hybrid Conference [Society News],

IEEE Power Electronics Magazine, 2022.

25. y. Li, h. HE, z. Li, z. Zhang*, Predictive Zero-Sequence Current Control of Multiple Paralleled Power Converters,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

26. j. Wang, l. Chen, z. Liu, z. Zhang*, x. Zhang, Optimized Parameter Design of the Dual-Loop Control for Grid-Forming VSCS with LC Filters,

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2022.

(SCI Q2, if: 3.654).

27. m. zhang, z. Zhang*, z. Li, j. Wang, y. Zhang, s. Liu A SIMPLE and Effective Open-Circuit-FAULT DIAGNOS METHOD FOR GRID-Tied Power ConvertersA New Technique Based on Tellegens theorem,

IEEE JOURNAL of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2022.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.462).

28. o. Babayomi, z. Zhang* Model-Free Predictive Control of Power Converters with Cascade-Parallel EXTENDED State Observers,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

29. o. Babayomi, z. Zhang*, t. DragiceVic, R. Heydari, C. Garcia, j. Rodriguez, r. Kennel, Advances and Opportunities in the Model Predictive Control of Microgrids: Part II Secondary and Tertering Layers

International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2021.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.659).

30. C. Garcia, m. Mohammadinodoushan, v. Yaramasu, m. Norambuena, s. A. Davari, z. Zhang, d. A. Khaburi, j. Rodriguez, FCS-MPC Based Pre-Filtering Stage for Computational Effect,

IEEE Access, 2021.

(SCI Q2, if: 3.367).

31. o. Babayomi, z. Zhang*, y. Li, r. Kennel, Adaptive Predictive Control with Neuro-Fuzzy Parameter Estimation for Microgrid Grid-Forming Converters,

Sustainability, 2021.

(SCI Q2, if: 3.251).

32. f. Grimm, p. Kolahian, z. Zhang, m. BAGHDADI, A Sphere Decoding Algorithm for Multistep Sequential Model Predictive Control,

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2021.

(SCI Q2, if: 3.654).

33. y. Li, z. Zhang*, t. DragiceVic, j. Rodriguez, A Unified Distributed Coopetive Control of DC Microgrids USINGRIDSUSUSUS Protocol,

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021.

(SCI Q1, if: 10.275)..

34. o. Babayomi, z. Li, z. Zhang*, Distributed Secondary Frequency and Voltage Controll-Connect VSCS in Microgrids: A Predictive VSG-Based Solution,

CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications, 2021.


35. c. Ma, h. Li, X. Yao, z. Zhang, f. De Belie, An Improved Model-Free Predictive Current Control with Advanced Gradient Updating MeChanismISM,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

36. Z. Do, z. Li, x. L. Li, C. K. TSE, z. Zhang, SINGLE-IDUCTOR MULTIPLE-Input Multiple-OUTPUT Converter with Common Ground, High Scalability and No Cross Regulation,

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Electronics, 2021.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.967).

37. y. Li, z. Zhang*, C. Hu, r. Kennel, j. Rodriguez, A Full State-Variable Direct Predictive Control for Islanded Microgrids with Parallel Converters,

IEEE JOURNAL of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2021.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.462).

38. y. Li, h. Guo, c. Ping, x. Wang, z. Zhang*, A Full-State Variable Predictive Torque Control of Current Source Converter Fed PerManent Synchronous Motor Drives,

Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2021.


39. y. Sun, z. Zhang*, y. Zhang, y. Li, z. Li, A Time-Domain Virtual-Flux Based Predictive Control of Modular Multilevelly Converters for Offshore Wind Energy Integration,

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Energy Conversion, 2021.

(SCI Q1, if: 4.877).

40. y. Sun, z. Zhang*, z. Li, j. Rodriguez, Robust Predictive Control of Grid-Tied Modular Multilevel Converters with Virtual-Flux Based,

IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2021.

(SCI Q1, if: 4.825).

41. h. Kawai, z. Zhang, r. Kennel, Finite Control Set Model-Predictive Speed ​​Control with a load Torque Compensation,

IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2020.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

42. C. Zheng, t. DragiceVic, z. Zhang, j. Rodriguez, f. Blaabjerg, Model Predictive Control of LC-FILTERED VOLTAGE SOURCE Inverters with Optimal Switching Sequence,

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Electronics, 2020.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.967).

43. j. Wang, y. Tang, y. QI, P. Lin, z. Zhang, A Unified Startup Strategy for Modular Multilevel Converters with DeadBeat Predictive Control,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

44. Z. Do, x. Li, c. TSE, z. Zhang, Derivation of Single-Input Dual-Output Converters with Simple Control and No Cross Regulation,

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Electronics, 2020.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.967).

45. y. Li, z. Zhang, k. Li, p. Zhang, F. Gao, Predictive Current Control for Voltage Source Inverters Considering Dead Time Effect,

CES TEMS, 2020.


46. c. Liu, d. Kong, z. Zhang, z. PEI, r. Kennel, SINGLE-Stage Control System of I-MMC-BASED Island MVDC Link Receiver with Multiple Modoms,

IEEE Access, 2020.

(SCI Q2, if: 3.367).

47. l. Yan, f. Wang, m. Dou, z. Zhang, Active Disturbance Reject-Based Speed ​​Control in Model Predictive Control for Induction Machines,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

48. x. Gao, m. Abdelrahem, C. Hackl, z. Zhang, r. Kennel, Direct Predictive Speed ​​Control with A SlIDING Manifold Ter PMSM Drives,

IEEE JOURNAL of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2019.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.462).

49. c. Liu, c. Liu, g. Cai, h. Ying, z. Zhang, An Isolated Modular Multilevel Converter (I-M2C) Topology Based on High-Frequency Link (HFL) Concept,

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Electronics, 2019.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.967).

50. y. SUN, Z. zhang, Hybrid Predictive Control with Simple Linear Control Based Circulating Curren,

CES TEMS, 2019.


51. f. Wang, z. Zhang*, r. Kennel, j. Rodriguez, Advanced Control Strategies of Electrical Drives: Field Oriented Control, Direct Torque Control and Model Predictive Control,

Energies, 2018.

(SCI, if: 3.004).

52. m. Norambuena, j. Rodriguez, z. Zhang, f. Wang, C. Garcia, r. Kennel, A very Simple Strategy for High Quality Performance of AC Machines Using Model Predictive Control,

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Electronics, 2018.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.967).

53. b. Kahia, a. Bouafia, a. Chaoui, z. Zhang, m. Abdelrahem, r. Kennel, A Direct Power Control Strategy for Three Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Rectifier UNDERARANCED GRID VOLTAGE,

Electric Power System Research, 2018.

(SCI, if: 3.414).

54. z. Zhang, f. Wang, j. Wang, j. Rodriguez, r. Kennel, Nonlinear Direct Control for Three-Level NPC Back-Back Converter PMSG Wind Turbine Systems: Experimental Assessment with FPGA,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2017.

(SCI Q1, if: 11.648).

55. z. Zhang*, j. Rodriguez, r. Kennel, ,

CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications, 2017.

(SCI, Invited Paper).

56. x. Cai, z. Zhang*, r. Kennel, Optimal Control Solutions for PMSM Drives: A Comparison Study with Experimental Assessment,

IEEE JOURNAL of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2017.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.462).

57. f. Wang, z. Zhang*, j. Wang, r. Kennel, j. Rodriguez, Sensorless Model-Based PCC for Induction Machine,

IET ELECTRIC POWER Applications, 2017.

(SCI Q3, if: 2.568).

58. x. Cai, h. Sun, z. Zhang, r. Kennel, An Optimal Fixed Gain Filter for Angular Motion,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

59. a. Mohamed, C. Hackl, z. Zhang, r. Kennel, j. Rodriguez, Robust Predictive Control for Direct-Drive Surface-Mounted PerManent-Magnet Synchronicals with MECHANSOLSORS,

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Energy Conversion, 2017.

(SCI Q1, if: 4.877).

60. z. Zhang*, C. Hackl, r. Kennel, Computationally Efficient DMPC for Three-Level NPC Back-Back Converters in Wind Turbine Systems with PMSG,

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Electronics, 2017.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.967).

61. z. Zhang*, f. Wang, t. Sun, j. Rodriguez, r. Kennel, FPGA BASED Experimental Investigation of a Quasi-Centralized Model Predrol for Back-Back Converters,

IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Electronics, 2017.

(SCI Q1, if: 5.967).

62. z. Zhang, t. Sun, f. Wang, j. Rodriguez, r. Kennel, A Computationally-Efficient Quasi-Centralized DMPC for Back-Back Converter PMSG WIND TURBINE SYSTEMS Without DC-Linking Error,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

63. x. Cai, z. Zhang*, r. Kennel, Improved Predictive Control of Three-level Neutral-Point-Clamped Power Converters with Decoupled Neutral-Point Voltage Balancing Control,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2016.

(SCI Q1, if: 11.648).

64. f. Hui, z. Zhang*, x. FENG, r. Kennel, 87122_87271,

IET Power Electronics, 2016.

(SCI Q3, if: 2.641).

65. j. Wang, f. Wang, z. Zhang, s. Li, r. Kennel, j. Rodriguez, 88120_88268,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2016.

(SCI Q1, if: 11.648).

66. z. Zhang, h. XU, m. xu, z. Chen, t. Sun, r. Kennel, C. Hackl, Predictive Control with Novel Virtual Flux Estimation for Back-to-Back Converters,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2015.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

67. f. Wang, z. Chen, z. Zhang, r. Kennel, j. Rodriguez, Finite Control Set Model Predictive Torque Control of Induction Machine with A Robust Adaptive Observer,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2015.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

68. z. Chen, f. Wang, g. Luo, z. Zhang*, r. Kennel, Secondary Salience Tracking-Based Sensorless Control for Concentrald Winding SPMSM,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2015.

(SCI Q1, if: 11.648).

69. f. Wang, z. Zhang*, A. Davari, R. Fotouhi, j. Rodriguez, r. Kennel, An Encoderless Predictive Torque Control for An Induction Machine with A Revision Model and EFOSMO,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162).

70. f. Wang, z. Zhang, A. Davari, r. Kennel, An Experimental Assessment of Finite-State Predictive Torque Control for Electrical Drives by Considering Different Online,

Control Engineering Practice, 2014.

(SCI Q2, if: 3.475).

71. f. Wang, z. Zhang, r. Kennel, j. Rodriguez, Model Predictive Torque Control with An Extended Predict Horizon for Electrical Drive Systems,

International Journal of Control, 2014.

(SCI Q3, if: 2.888).

72. z. Chen, j. Gao, f. Wang, z. Ma, z. Zhang, r. Kennel, Sensorless Control for SPMSM With Concentrald Windings USING Multi-Signal Injection Method,

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014.

(SCI Q1, if: 8.162), wait.

Main scientific research projects

1. "14th Five -Year Plan" National Key R & D Plan (Youth Scientist):

"The theory and control technology of high -power low -cost sea wind power high -efficiency energy transmission theory and control technology",23-27,Host。

2. The "High -level Overseas Talent" project of the Central Organization Department (priority funding):

"Prediction control of high -power new energy variables and electric drive systems",19-23,Host。

3. Jieqing in Shandong Province:

"Design and Control of Ocean Wind Power Energy Transformation System",23-26,Host。

4. National Natural Science Foundation (on the surface):

"Micro -Energy System High -quality Coordinated Prediction Control",23-26,Host。

5. National Natural Science Foundation (on the surface):

"Prediction control of high -power wind power transformer -level connection structure",20-23,Host。

6. Shandong University "Qilu Young Scholars" Construction Project: School Talent Plan,17-22,Host。

7. Major scientific and technological innovation project in Shandong Province:

"Ultimate Power Maritime Drives permanent magnet synchronous wind power variables and control key technologies",19-21,Host。

8. Shandong Natural Science Foundation:

"Study on the Study on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Wind Power Power Power Flow and its prediction control strategy",19-21,Host。

9. Jiangsu Province Natural Science Foundation:

"Four Reliable Model Forecast Control of the Four Elephant Driving System of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor",19-21,Host。

10. Shenzhen basic research special:

"Key theory and technology of reliable control of the connected micro -energy system interconnection variant",22-24,Host。

11. Fund on Shenzhen City:

"Key theory and Technology and Technology and Technology and Technology of New Energy -grid Converters and Intelligent Control",21-23,Host。

12. Shanda International Cooperation Fund:

"Smart Energy and high -power energy transformation" International Joint Center,20-24,Host。

13. Jinan University 20:

"10 MW -level offshore wind power system and its advanced control",22-24,Host。

Also host the State Grid Headquarters、More than ten items entrusted by enterprises such as China Emperor Shandong Wind Power and China Military Work Group。

Academic Type

Teaching and research type.

I am interested in studying my own research direction、Dr. Graduate students,Please contact the mail and attach itPersonal resume, marked ① key courses ② professional expertise andScientific research resume

Previous:Sun Kaiqi Next:Liang Yongliang


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