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Complex grid simulation and analysis platform helps online scientific research
Release time: May 23, 2020 16:13    Author: Zhang Hui    点击:[]

Our complicated power grid security prevention and control and intelligent recovery team in our hospital at the key laboratory of the Ministry of Education、With the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and National Key R & D Plan,Passingcontinuous construction for more than 6 years,Preliminary completion of complex grid simulation and analysis scientific research platform,During the new crown epidemic, it provides uninterrupted online simulation and analysis services for teachers and students,It has guaranteed the continuous development of teachers and students' scientific research and learning。

To meet the needs of complex power grid research, the platform has gradually expanded from7The hardware resource pool composed of high performance server,It can provide up to up to up to up to per second2trillion times22trillion times of dual precisionCPU and GPU composition。The platform has deployed professional grid simulation software,Including the team's self -developed open source software Steps,and PSASP、BPA、PSS/EPower FactoryPSCAD and other commercial software,and tensorFlow、Keras and other mainstream artificial intelligence modules。

Platform has been looking forward to providing online services as the goal at the beginning of construction,Meet the needs of remote access to teachers and students。During the new crown epidemic during this year,Platform administrator Li Changgang in time to maintain service accounts for teachers and students with demand、Upgrade professional software,It guarantees the normal operation of the platform。Powerful computing power and stable remote service capabilities of the platform,Scientific research and learning for teachers and students,Provided strong software and hardware support。

Instructions in response to the school's instructions on graduation and employment,The platform actively provides convenience to graduate students,Make sure that the writing of a dissertation does not delay due to the epidemic。Graduate doctoral student Sun Runjia:"During the epidemic, IHigh of the remote calling platformPerformanceCalculationResource developmentCalculation of example simulation, successfully completed the graduation thesisThe stability of the platform is also guaranteedReliable storage of important materials such as graduation thesis. 

The project research undertaken by the team is successfully carried out,The platform quickly expands the software function for the needs of related projects,Make sure that related research does not suspend due to the epidemic。Doctor Zhu Yuanzhen:"During the epidemic,The national key R & D plan project I participated in the requirements of the national key R & D plan is promoted as the original plan,But my personal computer lacks simulation software,Computing power is also significantly insufficient。With the help of the platform Steps multi -threaded parallel functionI timelyCompletedProjectData generationandModel Construction, BaocertificateThe smooth implementation of the National Heavy Project.

Online teaching for supporting the epidemic,The platform also provides necessary learning resources to all grades。Student Master's Destiny Expansion:"During the epidemic, I use a platform Steps at homeCompletedSimulation experiments of the dynamic analysis course of the power system, useplatformPSS/E implementationThe optimal trend calculation of the safety and economic operation course of the power systemReport, the platform makes meinHomeEnjoytoSchool's high -quality experiment conditions

With the support of the national key research and development plan,Platform overcomes the adverse impact of the epidemic,This yearMarch deployed a new generation of power grid regulation system prototype,from Li Changgang、Yan Jiongcheng、Zhu Yuanzhen、Li Huarui、Project software research and development team composed of teachers and students,Remote connect to this prototype system,Actively carry out the development of a large power grid security risk intelligent situation perception and early warning software,Stepping up to ensure the smooth implementation of the national heavy project。

During the epidemic,The team strictly implements the regulations on the control of the epidemic,Give full play to the remote service capabilities of the complex grid simulation and analysis platform,Provided high -quality software and hardware scientific research resources for teachers and students,Under the unfavorable conditions that teachers and students cannot return to school normally,Guaranteed the continuous development of scientific research and learning。The construction of the platform has also carried out active exploration for the construction and platform integration of the scientific research laboratory of our hospital,The platform will continue to expand the function according to the needs of the college,Promote the construction of high -level scientific research capabilities in the college。

Complex grid safety prevention and control and intelligent recovery team nearYearThe theoretical and practical results are abundant,The characteristic value calculation and stability analysis theoretical system of the large -scale stagnation power system established by Ye Hua is at the international leading level,Li Changgang's first five million -level power grid security defense project that Li Changgang has undertakes the implementation of the first five million power grid security defense project,TeamThe development momentum of "Top Sky" is becoming increasingly strong.



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