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The first phase of the first phase of the "Youth" graduate academic sharing exchange meeting
Release time: June 16, 2020 22:24    Author:    点击:[]

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Activity time 2019year6month18Day (Thursday) afternoon230

Tencent ConferenceIDNo.:209 399 323

Graduate guestsHu Yujia Liang Zhixiang Li Tairan Liu Wentao

Commented guests: Professor Ye Hua

Associate Professor Liu Hongshun

Master HostelAi Hongyu

The main lecture : Excellent graduates, brothers and sisters, will share their own scientific research history and academic achievements in combination,and combined with personal experience to teach job hunting、experience and feelings in the aspects of further studies and study abroad,Many aspects、Multi -angle open everyone’s vision,better help everyone to clarify your own position,Establish your own goals,Lay the foundation for seeking long -term development。


Introduction to graduates guests


Liang Zhixiang:Electric Power System Research Institute20Graduates,After graduation, I will work in the State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Schedule Control Center。

Graduate first -class scholarship,Excellent graduate students in Shandong University,Shandong University Graduate Excellent Student Special Special Specialty,Scholarship of Special High CPPC,Excellent student cadres of Shandong University、Excellent squad leader of Shandong University。Projects participating during graduate period: State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company's science and technology project "Research on the Development Plan and Safety Defense Technology of the Provincial Energy Internet of the Global Energy Internet"; Risk prevention and control and intelligent decision -making technology "。Bi set the title: Application research in deep learning in the warning of wind power climbing incident


Liu Wentao:New Energy and Smart Grid Research Institute20Graduates,After graduation, plan to go to the University of Olburg, Denmark to continue studying for a doctoral degree。

Published two districtsSCIJournal papers,eiConference paper,Construction of the laboratory hardware platform independently,Experience with software and hardware design。The title of Bi Set is: Analysis and control strategy of modular multi -level conversion flow to start and stop process。Analysis of the application characteristics and control process of the existing start -stop method,Point out that the overcurrent problem that may exist during the start of the communication side,and propose a constant power closed -loop start -stop control strategy based on the bridge arm current,Quick tracking through the bridge arm current to ensure the stability and safety of the stream of flowers in the charging process。To further simplify the design of the startup controller,Under the condition of retaining the current limited resistance, the sub -module topology is the research object,Put forward the sub -loop pre -charging strategy of the sub -module,Operation through regular submissions of submissions,Quickly complete the pre -charging control of the flow replacement。

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Hu Yujia:High Voltage and Insulation Technology Research Institute20Graduates,Planning to go to Xi'an Jiaotong University after graduation to continue to study for a doctoral degree。2019yearGet a national scholarship;Vice Chairman of the Graduate Association of the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University,Shandong University Outstanding Communist Youth League member,Excellent graduate students in Shandong University。Participate in the State Grid Corporation of the State Grid Corporation —— Research on Key Technology and Risk Prevention of Power Equipment Testing for Power Power Network ,National Natural Science Foundation of China -Theoretical research of atmospheric pressure and low temperature, low -temperature plasma interaction with cells。PublishedSCIThe paper: "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Membrane Properties Affectd by Plasma Ros Based on The Gromos Field.";"Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Permeration and Distribution of Plasma Ros in Aquaporin-1".Bi Tao Title is: Study on the micro mechanism of active particle selective apoptosis cancer cells in plasma。


Li Tairan:Electric Power System Research Institute20Graduates,After graduating, I work in Jinan Power Supply Company, State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company。

2019yearNational Scholarship; Excellent Graduate Cadre Scholarships of Shandong University; Second Education Scholarship at Shandong University Outstanding Master Student Student;2Class Branch,Reliable asExcellent graduate students in Shandong University. Once in a journalIEEE Transactions on Power SystemsPublished the paper "Time Integration-Based Igd Methods for Eigen-Analysis of Large Delayed Cyber-Physical Power System".

The title of the set is: Analysis of the stability system stagnation system based on the point -based point spectrum of the numerical points。The paper proposes a series of characteristic value analysis methods based on the discrete power system based on numerical points.。These methods inherit the calculation framework of the original spectrum separation method,At the same time, the stagnation system model is changed at the same time、Disposal matrix dimension reduction and eliminating redundant calculation links improved the existing methods for existing methods,The system aimed at improving the method of complaining method,Provide more efficient and more applicable time -stable power system feature value analysis methods。


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