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Patriotic Line · "Labor" Youth
Release time: May 05, 2020 17:23    Author:    点击:[]

  Labor can & quot; Zeng Zhi & Quot;。Labor is more practical,Exploring,Is the pursuit of truth,The knowledge harvested in labor is not found in books and classrooms。Below is some results of the brain labor of electrical students,Let's take a look together!

M88 games apk

Yellow River Qing

Notes Exchange Meeting

Energy Online Class

Self -learning Economic and Financial Course

Su Bohe

Power System Simulation Experiment

Yang Chunmo

  Labor: Special moment at the outbreak of the epidemic,Except for online learning at home,Surgery labor life is also particularly important。On Friday evening,I cook dinner for my parents,In the process, I realized the hard work of my parents' work。Although there is still a lot of room for improvement,But seeing the joy of the parent's flow of parents,The fatigue of labor is disappearing instantly,Instead of being full of sense of accomplishment and joy。
  Science and Technology Innovation Activities: Under the arrangement of the teacher's arrangement,I conducted related simulation experiments in the power experiment system built by the school。This is for me who has no practical experience,This is very novel and meaningful。

  After class today,Cleaning my room for a long time,I found that there are a lot of dust。But it must be because I have been lazy to clean it。Comparison of comparison,Living room and other positions are always smooth floor,Presumably, it is also attributed to the mother often clean up,Although during the class,Occasionally clean it to clean it。


Liang Laixin
  Surgery time,Is learning extra -curricular knowledge,Fully enrich your good opportunity。During the epidemic,In a quiet room,Let me calm down to learn to compile knowledge。
  Reading is also a way to relieve fatigue,Leisure,May wish to read and open up the field of vision。

Grade 19 freshmen exhibit style,Senior sisters are not willing to show weakness。

  During the epidemic period,The school hasn't started yet,As a college student,To fully carry forward the spirit of active learning,So,I participated in the software development scientific research project given by QT by the instructor,Strive for science and technology talents。
  I learned to use relative address programming in C ++ environment,The usage of this relative address is more absolutely address.,You can better allow users to specify the files under a specific path,It can be run under any path。also trying to solve the cycle problem。
  During the software development process,I have gained a lot of knowledge,Not only knowledge of programming,The application and learning method of strange software。Can't give up learning at home,Should even carry forward the spirit of active learning,to enrich yourself。
—— 17 -level undergraduates Wang Lining

  Famous scholar Tao Zhu said,& quot; Labor is the source of all knowledge & quot;。Any labor has its own value,The labor results of each person are worthy of respect。After reading these wonderful works,Are you eager to move? Let's move together,Complete your own work!

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